

Din sökning på "*" gav 534164 sökträffar

Kan storleksvägledande AI-tjänster minska online-klädmarknadens returer?

Idag finns konsumtionsbeteenden och normer som uppmuntrar oss att köpa och returnera så mycket kläder vi vill. Både produktion- och konsumtion influeras av den så kallade fastfashion-modellen som leder till massproduktion och överkonsumtion av kläder. Idag har modebranschen den snabbast växande e-handelssektorn i världen. Baksidan av e-handelns framväxt är att returer av kläder har blivit alltmer Due to the growing e-commerce volumes, product returns have become an increasingly important issue within the fashion industry. About 70 % of all returns are caused by poor fit or size. Therefore, there is a need to improve fit and size information online to decrease the rate of returns. In recent years, there has been an increased interest for implementing AI solutions to improve consumer informa

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Project Management Efficiency

Förevarande uppsats undersöker och analyserar hur artificiell intelligens (AI) kan implementeras i projektledning genom en process i två steg. Inledningsvis utvecklas ett ramverk för att identifiera och prioritera områden inom projektledning där AI kan förbättra det dagliga arbetet. Detta ramverk skapades baserat på en omfattande litteraturstudie, där befintliga ramverk anpassades till de specifikThis thesis investigates and analyzes how to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) into project management, addressing the process through a two-step approach. Initially, a framework is developed to identify and prioritize project management areas where AI can enhance operations. This framework was constructed based on a comprehensive literature review, adapting existing frameworks to the specifi

Professional identity: The identification and self-perceptions of organisational social media workers

Social media workers have become an important communication profession within the organisational context. However, workers behind organisational social media accounts remain understudied. This study problematises the limited emphasis of existing research on the self-perceptions of communication practitioners and introduces the perspective of social media workers. The purpose of this study is to ex

Brand Identity Negotiation in Mediated B2B Relationships: The Co-Creative Role of Dealers. Comparative Case Study.

This study explores the dynamics of brand identity co-creation within business-to-business (B2B) contexts, focusing particularly on the role of dealers as intermediaries between suppliers and end customers. Drawing on the Communicative Constitution of Organizations (CCO) framework and Social Identity Theory (SIT), this research examines how dealers self-identify with the supplier’s brand identity,

“Am I being monitored?” A critical study of communication visibility on social collaboration tools in the modern workplace

Social collaboration tools, such as Slack and Microsoft Teams, are highly appreciated in the modern workplace due to their enabling of efficient communication and collaboration. Research highlight that the tools are making communication more visible, which is said to increase collaboration, productivity, and knowledge-sharing between organizational members. This thesis problematizes the lack of pr

Changing Lands: The Impact of Urbanization Processes on Agricultural Land Losses in Seminyak and Legian, Bali, Indonesia

Attracting tourists from all over the world throughout the year, the flourishing of mass tourism in Bali has been perpetual for the last few decades. As both domestic and international tourists increase over time, the demand for built-up areas increases accordingly, which has caused urban expansion exploiting vegetated areas, especially agricultural lands. Consequently, this tourism-led urbanizati


This thesis is a comparison analysis of two Nordic monastic sites -Naantali, located in Finland and Skriðuklaustur, located in Iceland- and three medieval herbals -Läkebok nr 4, Läkebok nr5 and AM 434a 12mo- from the same region. The objective is to examine the interlink between medicinal plants found in the different sources. To provide context to the analysis, the thesis first discussed medieval

Vård av unga med könsdysfori och unga med intersexvariationer - En komparativ WPR-analys

This paper aims to investigate the policies in two documents from the National Board of Social Affairs and Health regarding healthcare for transgender youth and people with intersex variations. Using Bacchis method of analysis ”What's the problem represented to be?” as well as Michel Foucault's theory of biopower and Judith Butler’s theory of the heterosexual matrix, we examined the assump

This is not citizenship. Analysing the claims of disability activists in Sweden

This dissertation aims to contribute to sociology, citizenship studies and disability studies by responding to T.H. Marshall’s ([1950]1992) invitation to examine the development of equal citizenship in a context of structural inequality, and Jenkins’ (1991) call to consider disability as a dimension of social stratification. Based on the analysis of blog posts and debate articles published in dail

Luxury Consumption

This is the definition of ‘Luxury Consumption’ in the book ‘Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior’. Modern commercial landscapes are characterized by rapidly evolving markets, and this authoritative Encyclopedia acts as an essential navigational guide to such changeable consumer environments.

Celebrating Three Consciousness Trailblazers : Jeanne Achterberg, Ruth-Inge Heinze, and Stanley Krippner

Following the previous homage to Charles T. Tart and considering that StanKrippner has celebrated more than 90 birthdays, this issue celebrates Stan alongwith two consciousness trailblazers who collaborated with him while they were alive:Jeanne Achterberg and Ruth-Inge Heinze. Jeanne was a very influential pioneer inmind/body medicine, particularly imagery in healing. Ruth-Inge Heinze had a deepco

En jämförelse mellan två prototypdon med avseende på spridningsbild och tryckfall

I rådande klimat och omvärldsläge har energianvändning fått ett allt större fokus än vad det hade för en 5 – 10 år sedan. Företag och regioner har blivit alltmer medvetna om energikostnaderna där en av de största punkterna är uppvärmning och nedkylning av lokaler. Ett sätt att minska energianvändningen är att kyla ner visa zoner i stället för hela lokalen. Detta lämpar sig i lokaler med höga krav In current times due to climate change and the geopolitical environment, more emphasis has been placed on energy usage compared to 5 – 10 years ago. Companies and Counties have become more aware of the energy costs, where one of the biggest posts are heating and cooling indoor spaces. One way of lowering the energy usage of buildings is that instead of cooling the whole indoor space only certain z

Dynamic Feature Grouping in Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection is important in many different areas, among them web security. When performing anomaly detection in web security there can be hundreds of features in the collected web traffic data to consider, even though all of them might not be necessary. This thesis aims to develop a strategy to dynamically create significant parameter groups from web traffic data containing over 100 features

A compassionate way forward?

Ätstörning är en allvarlig sjukdom som medför stort lidande för de drabbade och deras nätverk. Prognosen beskrivs som generellt gynnsam, men en betydande andel utvecklar svåra och långdragna förlopp. Med utgångspunkt i att ätstörningsproblematik kan vara svårbehandlad, behöver nya behandlingsmetoder utvecklas för att fler patienter ska kunna nå en bestående gynnsam förändring. Personer som lider aEating disorder is a serious illness that causes great suffering for those affected and their network of friends and family. The prognosis is described as generally positive, but a significant percentage develop severe illness with difficulties to recover. Knowing that eating disorders can be difficult to treat, new treatment methods need to be developed so that more patients can achieve a lasting

Lånoteket i Kirseberg

Ska vi bevara eller riva befintlig bebyggelse som inte längre används? I denna kurs har uppgiften varit att transformera en befintlig byggnad till något nytt, att hitta en ny funktion i ett befintligt skal. Transformation som begrepp och förhållningssätt är relativt nytt, då det historiskt varit vanligare att i många fall riva och sanera äldre bebyggelse som inte längre "behövs". Bevaran

“Det var så skönt när en kollega bekräftade att det jag upplevde var på riktigt” En mixed methods studie om hbtq-personers erfarenheter av arbetsplatsrelationer

Både positiva och negativa aspekter av arbetet bidrar till hur en trivs på arbetet generellt. Arbetsplatsen beskrivs både som en friskfaktor och som en plats där homosexuella, bisexuella, transpersoner och queera (hbtq-personer) kan få utstå trakasserier såsom mikroaggressioner och ohövlighet. Syftet med denna mixed methods studie var att undersöka relationer på arbetsplatsen ur två perspektiv. DeBoth positive and negative aspects in the workplace contribute to job satisfaction. The workplace is described both as a health factor as well as a place where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) individuals may face harassment such as microaggressions and incivility. The aim of this mixed methods study was to explore relationships in the workplace from two perspectives. First, q

From “What's wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?” Exploring the experiences of School Personnel implementing Trauma Informed Care.

Trauma i barndomen har en betydande inverkan på livslång fysisk och mental hälsa samt utveckling. Tidiga interventioner stärker barnets motståndskraft och mildrar traumans långsiktiga effekter på välbefinnandet. En sådan intervention går ut på att utbilda viktiga vuxna i barnets omgivning för att skapa en gynnsam miljö. Traumamedveten omsorg (TMO) är en intervention som erbjuds som ett utbildningsChildhood trauma significantly impacts lifelong physical and mental health and development. Early interventions enhance child resilience and mitigate trauma's long-term effects on wellbeing. One such intervention is educating adults significant in the child’s life to create a nurturing environment. Trauma-informed Care (TIC, in Swedish “Traumamedveten Omsorg”, TMO) is an intervention offered a