

Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar

Förbättringsmöjligheter för socioekonomiskt utsatta bostadsområden i Sverige

Med inflytande av egen erfarenhet av en uppväxt i ett socioekonomiskt utsatt område, väcktes mitt intresse att undersöka anledningarna till att miljonprograms kvarter ofta utvecklade höga nivåer av brottslighet, skadegörelse, hög beroendegrad av förmåner och andra sociala och ekonomiska problem. Men framför allt ville jag ta reda på hur detta kunde förändras. Denna rapport syftar till att via erfaInfluenced by my own experience growing up in a socioeconomically deprived area, my interest was sparked to investigate the reasons why million-program neighborhoods often developed high levels of crime, vandalism, a high dependency on benefits, and other social and economic issues. More importantly, I wanted to find out how this could be changed. This report aims to answer how a socioeconomically

The Inverted Wish : Towards Walter Benjamin’s Notion of Time

Walter Benjamin’s complex notion of time, permeating much of his historical, political, and cultural-critical thought, has been the subject of considerable discussion. In particular, the interaction between the two opposing categories of historical time and messianic time poses a great difficulty: how do messianic moments of cessation act within the homogeneous continuum of history? To propose one

Sustainable Dye Separation from Recycled Textile Wastewater - Environmental and economic analysis of applicable methods

The textile industry represents a major economic sector with millions employed. With over 200 trillion litres of water consumed each year, it is responsible for a tenth of global emissions, dwarfing aviation and maritime shipping, combined. The wastewater generated is predominantly non-biodegradable, constituting a complex matrix of various contaminants that have long-lasting effects on aquatic an

Green gentrification in European and North American cities

Although urban greening is universally recognized as an essential part of sustainable and climate-responsive cities, a growing literature on green gentrification argues that new green infrastructure, and greenspace in particular, can contribute to gentrification, thus creating social and racial inequalities in access to the benefits of greenspace and further environmental and climate injustice. In

Imagining the everyday life of Jewish and Christian "neighbors" in Late Antique Capernaum : Beyond church and synagogue -and back again

Adapting several insights from the work of social theorists Michel de Certeau and Pierre Mayol on the concepts of “everyday life” and the “neighborhood,” as well as Cynthia Baker’s work on the architecture of gender in Late Antique Galilee, Cirafesi explores how the neighborhood architecture of the ancient Galilean village of Capernaum contributes to the way in which we imagine Jews and Christians

Hur bra är bedömningar i kommunala risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser och handlingsplaner?

In order to manage risks at the municipal level, in Sweden, there is legal requirements to create a risk and vulnerability analysis and an action plan. The question that started this work is what is the quality of judgments made in these reports, eventually land on focusing on probability assignments, and if there is anything that can make them better. To answer this, it was necessary to collect r

Vi äro musikanter: Relationen mellan musikalitet och personlighetsdragen öppenhet och neuroticism

Syftet med studien var att undersöka relationen mellan musikalitet och personlighetsdragen neuroticism och öppenhet. Hypoteserna för studien var (I) att hög öppenhet korrelerar med hög musikalitet och (II) att hög neuroticism korrelerar med högre värden på den musikaliska delskalan som rör emotioner. I studien utforskades även en explorativ frågeställning angående eventuella könsskillnader bland pThe aim of this study was to explore the relationship between musicality and the personality traits neuroticism and openness. The hypotheses for this study were that (I) high openness correlates with high musicality and that (II) high neuroticism correlates with higher values on the musical subscale emotions. The study also examined an exploratory research question about possible gender difference

PRL2 Phosphatase Promotes Oncogenic KIT Signaling in Leukemia Cells through Modulating CBL Phosphorylation

Receptor tyrosine kinase KIT is frequently activated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). While high PRL2 (PTP4A2) expression is correlated with activation of SCF/KIT signaling in AML, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We discovered that inhibition of PRL2 significantly reduces the burden of oncogenic KIT-driven leukemia and extends leukemic mice survival. PRL2 enhances oncogenic KIT

Comparative Analysis of Differential Cellular Transcriptome and Proteome Regulation by HIV-1 and HIV-2 Pseudovirions in the Early Phase of Infection

In spite of the similar structural and genomic organization of human immunodeficiency viruses type 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2), striking differences exist between them in terms of replication dynamics and clinical manifestation of infection. Although the pathomechanism of HIV-1 infection is well characterized, relatively few data are available regarding HIV-2 viral replication and its interaction wi

Samhällsekonomiska effekter av att elektrifiera lastbilstransporter

Transportsektorn är en central och nödvändig del av det moderna samhället samtidigt som den också ger upphov till flera negativa samhällseffekter. Sådana effekter är till exempel emissioner av växthusgaser, partiklar och andra föroreningar som har en negativ påverkan på människors hälsa och miljön. Andra effekter är till exempel buller och olyckor som har en negativ effekt på människors hälsa. Syf

"We fight to the end": On the violence against social leaders and territorial defenders during the post-peace agreement period and its political ecological implications in the Putumayo, Colombia

Just over seven years into the implementation of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP in October 2016, the armed conflict has reconfigured and reactivated in several parts of the country. In the Putumayo department, tensions between the state, various armed groups, and rural communities over territory and crops for illicit use persisted, and even accentuated in the

Fire-Induced Radiological Integrated Assessment : Fire properties of selected materials and products

Characterization of emissions from fires in a laboratory-controlled environment are presented in this report. The project is initiated by the CERN HSE Unit and is called FIRIA, Fire-Induced Radiological Integrated Assessment. The objective of FIRIA is to enhance the knowledge of aerosols emitted from fires in order to develop dispersion models of radiologically-activated material in case of fire.

Changes in the rat urinary bladder after the relief of outflow obstruction – tracing targets for treatment of persistent symptoms in patients

Studies on patients with bladder outflow obstruction who have undergone surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia, successfully relieving the obstruction, have revealed a persistence of storage symptoms associated with detrusor overactivity (DO) in 20% to 40% of patients. To study the underlying mechanisms, we have used a common rat model of obstruction/de-obstruction, assuming that non-voiding con


The European Spallation Source (ESS), presently under construction in Lund, Sweden, is a multidisciplinary international laboratory that will operate the world’s most powerful pulsed neutron source. Supported by a 3M Euro Research and Innovation Action within the EU Horizon 2020 program, a design study (HighNESS) is now underway to develop a second neutron source below the spallation target. Compa