

Din sökning på "*" gav 530289 sökträffar

Reduced kinetics of NH3/n-heptane : Model analysis and a new small mechanism for engine applications

A compact reduced mechanism covering a wide range of conditions is developed for use in simulations of NH3/n-heptane combustion in engines. Reduction targets were selected after reviewing available experimental studies of NH3 combustion in engines. Ignition, flames and oxidation of NH3/n-heptane mixtures were targeted. Particularly, mixtures with very low molar percentage of n-heptane which are im

Performing Numbers : An Ethnography of Numbers in Everyday Organisational Life

This thesis presents a study of the interplay between what numbers do and what people do with numbers in everyday organisational life. Couched in an ethnographic perspective, the study draws on rich empirical material crafted from participant observations conducted at a Scandinavian hospital. The study focuses on how numbers work in everyday social interactions between doctors, nurses, patients, a

Robust Coordination of Linear Threshold Dynamics on Directed Weighted Networks

We study dynamics in a network of interacting agents updating their binary states according to a time-varying threshold rule. Specifically, agents revise their state asynchronously by comparing the weighted average of the current states of their neighbors in the interaction network with possibly heterogeneous time-varying threshold values. Such thresholds are determined by an exogenous signal repr

Bismuth-oxide nanoparticles: study in a beam and as deposited

Bi2O3 is a promising material for solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC) due to the high ionic conductivity of some phases. The largest value is reached for its δ-phase, but it is normally stable at temperatures too high for SOFC operation, while nanostructured oxide is believed to have more suitable stabilization temperature. However, to manufacture such a material with a controlled chemical composition i

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Bei Migration geht es um die Ein- und Auswanderung von Menschen. Sie ist ein Dauerphänomen der Menschheitsgeschichte. Gegenwärtig wird Migration aber als Krise gedeutet. Die Migrationsethik steht im Spannungsfeld kommunitaristischer und kosmopolitischer Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen. Die Frage nach der Geltung von Rechten, die unter Bezug auf vielfältige Fluchtursachen ausgehandelt wird, ist für die

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Abstract in GermanSecularization: An Analysis at Three Levels lässt sich als Synthese von Karel Dobbelaeres Arbeiten lesen. Er definiert Säkularisierung darin als einen Prozess, durch den Religion in Gesellschaften der Moderne mehr und mehr an Bedeutung verliert. Der Grundgedanke Dobbelaeres lautet dabei, dass Säkularisierung nach makro-, meso- und mikrosoziologischer Ebene zu differenzieren ist.

Performative Practice : Ernst Troeltsch's Concept(s) of Christianity

What is Christianity? Ernst Troeltsch combines theological and sociological accounts of Christianity’s history in order to identify Christianity. But his interdisciplinary conceptualization(s) of Christianity continue to cause frustration and fascination alike, because he draws no clear-cut distinction between what is Christian and what is non-Christian. Countering the assumption that such a disti

Longitudes, Syzygies, and Instruments in Regiomontanus' Calender for 1475-1531

Instruments and tables in Regiomontanus’ calendar published in 1474 are analysed and explained. It is shown that Regiomontanus used the Alfonsine Tables corrected for the longitude time difference between Toledo and Nuremberg. It is also shown that for the syzygy and eclipse times he used apparent solar times. The syzygy tables of George Peurbach may have been used to correct from mean to true syz

Skewness and kurtosis of mean transverse momentum fluctuations at the LHC energies

The first measurements of skewness and kurtosis of mean transverse momentum (〈pT〉) fluctuations are reported in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV, Xe–Xe collisions at sNN = 5.44 TeV and pp collisions at s=5.02 TeV using the ALICE detector. The measurements are carried out as a function of system size 〈dNch/dη〉|η|

Monitoring the Intracellular Fate of Molecular Beacons : The Challenge of False Positive Signals

Molecular beacons (MBs) have been used on surfaces for detecting oligonucleotides. Attempts to use them intracellularly for monitoring mRNA content have been made, however, without any clear conclusion regarding the reliability of the method, mainly due to false positive signals. To reach an understanding of the intracellular fate of MBs, a critical question remains: how long after MB delivery and

True-Time Delay Cancellers for Full-Duplex

The concept of simultaneously receiving and transmitting at the same frequency is known as Full-Duplex (FD). Such a wireless system is a novel technique which could effectively half the required channel Bandwidth (BW) for the same data rate. In FD systems, the leakage of the Transmitter (Tx), called Self-Interference (SI) signal, leaks into the Receiver (Rx) which is a major hardware-related obsta

The Impact of ESG on Financial Performance

In recent years, the focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors has grown substantially from investors and the society overall. This successive switch to more sustainable practices has created a new interesting conversation regarding the impact of ESG on companies’ financial performances. This study will deep dive into this new problem statement, investigating the role of ESG both

Phase field crystal modeling of grain boundary structures in diamond cubic systems

Phase field crystal (PFC) modeling has proved to be a versatile numerical tool in the analysis of crystalline microstructures. Most often, however, the focus is put on bulk crystal behavior, while crystal defects such as grain boundaries (GBs) are less explored. This is, in particular, the case for crystal structures beyond fcc and bcc. In this work, the possibilities and challenges in adopting PF

ECoG activity distribution patterns detects global cortical responses following weak tactile inputs

Many studies have suggested that the neocortex operates as a global network of functionally interconnected neurons, indicating that any sensory input could shift activity distributions across the whole brain. A tool assessing the activity distribution across cortical regions with high temporal resolution could then potentially detect subtle changes that may pass unnoticed in regionalized analyses.

Co-occurring PTSD in intensive OCD treatment : Impact on treatment trajectory vs. response

Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with more severe and chronic OCD. However, findings regarding treatment effectiveness of cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) with exposure and response prevention (ERP) with this comorbidity are mixed. Research aimed at understanding the precise barriers to OCD treatment effectivene

Thermophilic β-mannanases from bacteria : production, resources, structural features and bioengineering strategies

β-mannanases are pivotal enzymes that cleave the mannan backbone to release short chain mannooligosaccharides, which have tremendous biotechnological applications including food/feed, prebiotics and biofuel production. Due to the high temperature conditions in many industrial applications, thermophilic mannanases seem to have great potential to overcome the thermal impediments. Thus, structural an

Recent strides toward transforming lignin into plastics and aqueous electrolytes for flow batteries

Lignin is an abundant polyaromatic polymer with a wide range of potential future uses. However, the conversion of lignin into valuable products comes at a cost, and medium- to high-value applications are thus appropriate. Two examples of these are polymers (e.g., as fibers, plasticizers, or additives) and flow batteries (e.g., as redox species). Both of these areas would benefit from lignin-derive