

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Early-life stress elicits peripheral and brain immune activation differently in wild type and 5xFAD mice in a sex-specific manner

BackgroundThe risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is modulated by genetic and environmental factors. Early-life stress (ELS) exposure during critical periods of brain development can impact later brain function and health, including increasing the risk of developing AD. Microglial dysfunction and neuroinflammation have been implicated as playing a role in AD pathology and may be modulated

Polyp Segmentation of Colonoscopy Images by Exploring the Uncertain Areas

Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Polyps are early symptoms of colorectal cancer and prone to malignant transformation. Polyp segmentation of colonoscopy images can help diagnosis. However, existing studies on polyp segmentation of colonoscopy images face two main difficulties: blurry polyp boundaries, close resemblances between polyps and surrounding tissues. The

Compositions for reprogramming cells into dendritic cells or antigen presenting cells, methods and uses thereof.

The present disclosure relates to compositions, nucleic acid constructs, methods and kits thereof for cell induction or reprogramming cells to the dendritic cell state or antigen presenting cell state, based, in part, on the surprisingly effect described herein of novel use and combinations of transcription factors that permit induction or reprogramming of differentiated or undifferentiated cells

The Kinetic Energy of PAH Dication and Trication Dissociation Determined by Recoil-Frame Covariance Map Imaging

We investigated the dissociation of dications and trications of three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), fluorene, phenanthrene, and pyrene. PAHs are a family of molecules ubiquitous in space and involved in much of the chemistry of the interstellar medium. In our experiments, ions are formed by interaction with 30.3 nm extreme ultraviolet (XUV) photons, and their velocity map images are rec

Swedish conditions? Characteristics of locations the Swedish Police label as vulnerable

Deprived neighborhoods in Sweden in which criminal networks have a negative impact on local residents are labeled as “vulnerable neighborhoods” by the police. The method used by the police to classify such neighborhoods is largely based on perceptions, which raises issues of subjectivity and potential biases. The present study explores the characteristics of such neighborhoods based on registry da

Vem bestämmer hur staden ska bli?

Kapitlet behandlar medskapandets process i stadsutveckling. Bidraget beskriver utifrån olika aktörers perspektiv - tjänstepersoner, chefer och politiker - hur medskapandeprocesser inte bara handlar om relationen till invånarna, utan mellan olika aktörer inom en kommun. Kapitlet argumenterar för att medskapande inte endast kan handla om vilka tekniker som används för att skapa relationer med invåna

An Output-Sensitive Algorithm for All-Pairs Shortest Paths in Directed Acyclic Graphs

First, we present a new algorithm for the single-source shortest paths problem (SSSP) in edge-weighted directed graphs, with n vertices, m edges, and both positive and negative real edge weights. Given a positive integer parameter t, in O(tm) time the algorithm finds for each vertex v a path distance from the source to v not exceeding that yielded by the shortest path from the source to v among th

Forskning om svensk forskarutbildning åren 2000–2020

I denna forskningsöversikt kartläggs svenskproducerad och kvalitetsgranskad forskning om svensk forskarutbildning i syfte att illustrera forskningsfältets fysiska och vetenskapliga formering 2000–2020. Databasen Swepub användes för att identifiera licentiatavhandlingar, doktorsavhandlingar och refereegranskade artiklar som sedan analyserades med deskriptiv statistik och tematisk analys. Fältets fyIn this scoping review we map Swedish research on Swedish doctoral education in order to illustrate the physical and scientific configuration of the field from 2000 to 2020. The database Swepub was used to identify licentiate theses, doctoral theses, and peer reviewed articles. Subsequently the material was analysed through descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. The physical configuration o

Radical plurality on universal grounds

This paper focuses on recent debates between the proponents of individualismand communitarianism. As the authors argue, the dichotomous character ofthese debates is inherently problematic, as no one functions just as an individualor member. Starting from the discussion around the Netflix series "Unorthodox"in the Swedish context, the authors engage with Sharon Todd’s radical conception of pluralit

Towards a Genealogy and Typology of Governance Through Contract Beyond Privity

Contracts are used to extend governance on supply chain and platform actors in ways that could not be envisaged when the foundations of current conceptualizations of contractual privity were laid down in the 19th century. This results in a stark contradiction. Firms use contracts to extend governance on actors beyond privity when it suits their interests, for example for reasons of supplychain-wid

Compositions for reprogramming cells into plasmacytoid dendritic cells or interferon producing cells, methods and uses thereof

The present disclosure relates to compositions, constructs and vectors for reprogramming cells into plasmacytoid dendritic cells or interferon type I-producing cells, methods and uses thereof. The present disclosure relates to the development of methods for making plasmacytoid dendritic cells or interferon type I-producing cells that promote antiviral and anti-tumoral immune responses from differe

Natural separation of two primordial planetary reservoirs in an expanding solar protoplanetary disk

Meteorites display an isotopic composition dichotomy between noncarbonaceous (NC) and carbonaceous (CC) groups, indicating that planetesimal formation in the solar protoplanetary disk occurred in two distinct reservoirs. The prevailing view is that a rapidly formed Jupiter acted as a barrier between these reservoirs. We show a fundamental inconsistency in this model: If Jupiter is an efficient blo