

Din sökning på "*" gav 536923 sökträffar

2D & 3D phase retrieval for propagation-based X-ray phase-contrast tomography

Röntgen, vägen genom människokroppen I en tid dominerad av pandemin och global uppvärmning är pressen större än någonsin för att förstå och hitta smarta lösningar på de underliggande problemen. För att lyckas med detta behövs tekniker som kan avbilda de mindre byggnadsblocken som i många fall ligger som grund till de större problemen. Röntgenstrålning är en del av det elektromagnetiska spektrumePropagation-based X-ray phase-contrast tomography is a 3d imaging technique that utilizes two-dimensional projections from different angular views $\theta =[0,\pi]$ to reconstruct the 3D object information. The phase-contrast allows for higher feature contrast than conventional transmission tomography, as the phase interference gives rise to a sharp edge contrast. These phase fringes can then be u

Let’s Talk About Sleep

By conducting interviews in order to understand what seems to be the most problematic aspect that leaves people sleepless at night I realized 6 things. 1. Seeing what time it is stresses people. 2. A lot of people wake up in the middle of the night. 3. They want an indication of time. 4. When they can’t sleep bad thoughts enter, preventing them from sleeping. 5. Many use the phone as a distraction

The balance of redeployment: A case study of dental employees’ orientation to temporary downward redeployment and its implications

Abstract Title: The balance of redeployment: A case study of dental employees’ orientation to temporary downward redeployment and its implications Authors: Julia Carldén & Alice Idéhn Supervisor: Tony Huzzard Submission Date: 21st of May, 2021 Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to qualitatively examine the phenomenon of temporary downward redeployment, thus gaining a deeper understan

The call of the condor: Community-based initiatives as ecosystem conservation in Colombia's páramos

The Colombian government aims to minimize the impacts of human activities in páramos. This requires finding balance between the conservation of the natural resources and maintaining the livelihoods of people living in these areas. Biodiversity loss in páramos compromises their ecological functionality and puts at risk the provisioning of drinking water to millions of Colombians. In this thesis I s

Alopecia areata, psykologiska aspekter - Framtida studier

Alopecia areata (AA) anses vara en autoimmun hudsjukdom och är en av de vanligaste formerna som orsakar håravfall. AA har en oklar och diffus etiologi. Kliniskt och vetenskapligt vet man att AA ofta genererar psykologisk och socialt lidande. Inom dermatologin stöter man ofta på flera av dessa psykologiska och sociala problemställningar som sjukdomen anses generera. Detta fenomen förminskas eller fAlopecia areata (AA) is considering as an autoimmune skin disease and is one of the most common forms that cause hair loss. AA has a diffuse and unknown etiology. Clinically and scientifically, it is known that AA generates psychological and social suffering. In dermatology, one often encounters several of these psychological and social problems that the disease is considered to generate. This phe

A para(t)oxic relationship between conservatives and climate. Analyzing climate denial in the frames of the Estonian Conservative People's Party EKRE and their embeddedness in toxic masculinity

The nexus between the far-right ideologies, toxic masculinity, and climate denial urgently calls for more research. Drawing on intersectional feminist theory and framing theory, a qualitative frame analysis based on the Estonian Far-Right Populist Party’s (EKRE) conservative news platform was conducted to scrutinize the role of toxic masculinity in legitimizing climate denial. As research reveals,

Interaktionen i digitala samtal - En kvalitativ studie om hur kuratorer upplever och beskriver digitala samtal under pandemin

Due to the restrictions of the corona pandemic the counsellors at the Swedish Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services had to suddenly transition to online counselling. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine how social workers, i.e. psychiatry counsellors, describe and experience online counselling and the impact it has on the interaction. The method chosen in this study was qualitati

Drivers of Backshoring: An exploration of the applicability of theory. A qualitative case study analysis of six Swedish companies.

Backshoring has been the focus of a growing body of research in recent years, with several different determinants having been postulated through theoretical perspectives in the previous research. This study aims to determine how applicable these perspectives and their reasoning are to cases of backshoring of six Swedish companies. In this context backshoring is defined as the relocation of product

Att avbryta en familjehemsplacering - "en ständig process" En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av hemtagningsbegäran

The study aimed to investigate social workers in the department of children in foster care experiences of their discretion in relation to parents requesting that their children move back home from foster care, a request called “hemtagningsbegäran” in Swedish. The study also aimed to research the social workers views of “Lex Lilla hjärtat”. The study was based on seven semi-structured qualitative i

Makrotillsynsåtgärder och hushållens skulder - Kan restriktionerna minska en ohållbar skuldutveckling?

Snabbt växande skulder ökar risken för en finansiell kris. En bankkris utlöses oftast av en negativ chock i hushålls eller företags högt belånade tillgångar. Under 2000-talet har ekonomiskt avancerade länder ökat användningen av makrotillsynsåtgärder, restriktioner och krav på finansiella institutioner och hushåll med syfte att minska systematisk risk. Målen med åtgärderna är att öka bankers likviA high growth rate in debt increases the risk of a financial crisis. A bank crisis most commonly occurs as a result of a negative chock to highly leveraged assets own by companies or households. Advanced economies have during the last twenty years increased their use of macroprudential policies, restrictions and requirements aimed at financial institutions and households with the purpose of decrea

Med uppdrag att betvinga tiden : en studie av Kungliga bibliotekets och Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks arbete med specialsamlingar

The aim of this master’s thesis is to increase knowledge about how Swedish research libraries work with special collections, in aspects of preservation and user availability. Currently there is no general regulation in Swedish law regarding special collections, which may cause inconsistency in the management of collections. In order to illustrate this problem, and investigate what commission resea

Alternativa övningsmetoder för musiker: En studie i övning utan huvudinstrument för enskilda musiker och små ensembler - del 2

Alternativa övningsmetoder för musiker – del 2 utforskar hur mentalisering och mimning fungerar i musikalisk övning, enskilt och som duo, i arbetet mot en konsertfärdig produkt. Här redogörs även för hur medvetandezonerna zon 1 och zon 2, som upptäcktes i Alternativa övningsmetoder för musiker – del 1, kan fungera i musikalisk övning genom mentalisering. Utöver dessa två frågor undersöks också hurAlternative methods of practising music – part 2 explores different ways in which imagery and miming work when practising music, both individually and as a duo, in the process towards a product that is ready for concert. Also presented is how the zones of awareness zone 1 and zone 2, that were discovered in Alternative methods of practising music – part 1, can work for musical practice through ima

Dude, is this my car? - Hur det episodiska minnet påverkas av rädslobetingning

När man befinner sig i en potentiellt farlig situation är det adaptivt att kunna bedöma faran på ett korrekt sätt genom att känna igen tidiga signaler för fara och diskriminera situationen från tidigare minnen. Det har visats att minnen som konsolideras under hot är mer benägna att sakna specificitet och att generaliseras i framtida situationer. Vår studie ämnade undersöka hur episodiska minnen påWhen coming across a potentially dangerous situation it is adaptable to be able to assess the danger in an accurate way by recognizing cues for danger or discriminating the situation from previous memories. It has been shown that memories that are consolidated under threat are more likely to lack specificity and may be generalized onto future experiences. Our study aimed to investigate how episodi

Put the bike on top! - Improving the cycling system in Lund using the Dutch city of Leiden as an example

Being born and raised in the Netherlands gives me a unique perspective on cycling, which I take with me wherever I go. This combined with being an urban designer means I have many thoughts and ideas when cycling through a city. Living in Lund for the past three years has cemented the idea that cycling could be improved here through a shift in priority of the municipality. This thesis project is t

Att avstå eller bita ihop - psykologiska skäl att avstå från gynekologisk cellprovtagning

Bakgrund: cervixcancer är den fjärde vanligaste cancerformen hos kvinnor. Genom screening för HPV och cellförändringar minskar incidensen avsevärt. Trots detta avstår en femtedel från cellprovtagning i Sverige. Syftet med studien var att belysa vilka psykologiska faktorer som påverkar valet att avstå från gynekologisk cellprovtagning samt om och hur hälso-och sjukvården kan påverka deltagandet i c

Active stabilisation of a micro-sized fibre cavity using tilt locking to enable quantum operations on single ions

In this thesis, the tilt locking scheme is applied to create an error signal that monitors length changes in a fibre-based microcavity. To find a robust and precise locking technique is an essential step towards quantum operations on single rare-earth ions doped in microcrystals. Quantum computing and information is a frontier of modern physics. Many scholars believe that Quantum technology will

The Art of Abandoning Ship

This study seeks to understand why and how Swedish MNE:s in the banking and telecommunication sectors decide to de-internationalize from foreign markets. Specifically, this question is addressed by examination of the driving motives behind the decisions, and the relevance of escalation theory to the decision making process. Through a qualitative and exploratory research design, this study examines

All you need is growth? Exploring the narratives on economic growth and sustainability in Chilean presidential speeches

Despite being increasingly identified as main drivers of the global environmental emergency and existing inequalities, growth-driven economies have managed to perpetuate. Discursive practices are central to this perpetuation, strengthening the growth paradigm and its evolution towards ‘greener’ approaches, such as ‘green growth’. This work uses content analysis on presidential speeches to assess h