

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Efficacy of hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in colorectal cancer : A phase I and III open label randomized controlled registry-based clinical trial protocol

Standard treatment for patient with peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer is cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). In recent years, the efficacy of oxaliplatin-based HIPEC has been challenged. An intensified HIPEC (oxaliplatin+irinotecan) in combination with early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (EPIC) has shown increased recurrence-fr

Exploring alternative surfactants to replace PEG within lipid nanoparticles

Lipid nanopartiklar, förkortat LNP, används bland annat vid cancerbehandling och vaccinutveckling. Deras funktion är att transportera och skydda verksamma ämnen såsom antikroppar, proteiner och peptider. Ett välkänt exempel är coronavaccinet, där LNP transporterar mRNA och skyddar det från att brytas ner i kroppen. Lipid nanopartiklar består av olika lipider: positivt laddade, fosfolipider, kolestOver the past decade an increasing amount of studies has demonstrated that PEGylation not only precipitates reductions in drug delivery efficiency but also triggers the immune system to produce antibodies, specifically anti-PEG antibodies. The objective of my thesis is to explore alternative surfactants that could viably replace PEG within lipid nanoparticles. Specifically, Polysorbate 80 (P80), a

Cost of Illness of Head and Neck Cancer in Sweden

OBJECTIVES: Head and neck cancer (HNC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide. The condition and its treatment often lead to marked morbidities and, for some patients, premature death. Inferentially, HNC imposes a significant economic burden on society. This study aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed estimation of the cost of illness of HNC for Sweden in 2019.METHODS: This is a prevalen

Genetic correlations and causal relationships between cardio-metabolic traits and sepsis

Cardio-metabolic traits have been reported to be associated with the development of sepsis. It is, however, unclear whether these co-morbidities reflect causal associations, shared genetic heritability, or are confounded by environmental factors. We performed three analyses to explore the relationships between cardio-metabolic traits and sepsis. Mendelian randomization (MR) study to evaluate the c

Clinical Course, Laboratory Findings, and Prognosis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Infants up to 90 Days of Age: A Single-Center Experience and a Proposal for a Management Pathway

Aim: To provide a comprehensive description of the clinical features, biochemical characteristics, and outcomes of infants up to 90 days old with COVID-19. Moreover, to assess the severity of the disease and propose an effective management pathway. Methods: Retrospective single-center study spanning three years. Patient data includes age, sex, symptoms, comorbidities, blood and urine test results,

Biodiversity Management in the Wind Power Industry - Examining Regulations, Incentives, and Corporate Practices Influencing Swedish Wind Power Companies

The world is transitioning towards a renewable energy system to combat climate change and the wind power industry plays a key role in this shift. However, with the expansion of wind power concerns about its impact on local biodiversity have been raised. This thesis investigates the incentives, regulations, and challenges that are influencing biodiversity management in the wind power industry. Thro

The Potential to Target Smaller Sized Baltic Herring to Decrease the Dietary Exposure - an Assessment Based on Dioxin Samples from the Southern Baltic

PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs, or more commonly referred to as dioxin and dioxin like substances are compounds present in our surrounding environment. As some congeners of these have been shown to be toxic, they are regulated under the Stockholm Convention. As dioxins are persistent in biota and have lipophilic properties they are seen accumulating in lipid rich fish in the Baltic, one of the affected speci

Automated covariate modeling using efficient simulation of pharmacokinetics

Pharmacometric modeling plays an important role in drug development and personalized medicine. Pharmacometric covariate models can be used to describe the relationships between patient characteristics (such as age and weight) and pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters. Traditionally, the functional structure of these relationships are obtained manually. This is a time-consuming task, and consequently lim

Elbussar ur ett stadsplaneringsperspektiv

När man talar om elbussar framhålls ofta deras påverkan på stadsmiljöer, exempelvis vad gäller urbana kvaliteter som luftkvalitet och buller, eller hur etableringen av laddinfrastruktur ska anpassas till både den urbana kontexten och till kollektivtrafikens förutsättningar. Sedan de första elbussarna introducerades i svenska städer för ca 10 år sedan har det funnits förväntningar på att elektrifie

The Swedish Environmental Classification and Information System for Pharmaceuticals - An empirical investigation of the motivations, intentions and expectations underlying its development and implementation

In 2005 the Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (LIF) initiated a national environmental classification and information system for pharmaceuticals. This investigation reports the results from a survey, conducted among the persons involved in the start-up process. The aim of this study is to generate knowledge contributing to the clarification of the motivations, expectations, and in

CCA Security with Short AEAD Tags

The size of the authentication tag represents a significant overhead for applications that are limited by bandwidth or memory. Hence, some authenticated encryption designs have a smaller tag than the required privacy level, which was also suggested by the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In the ToSC 2022, two papers have raised questions about the IND-CCA security of AEAD sch

Can Blue-Green Infrastructure enhance resilience in urban drainage systems during failure conditions?

The need to enhance the resilience of urban drainage systems (UDSs) in view of emerging global climate change and urbanisation threats is well recognised. Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) provides a suitable strategy for building the resilience of existing UDSs. However, there are limited quantitative studies that provide evidence of their effectiveness for increased uptake in cities. In this resea

Material- och utformningsval för minskad klimatpåverkan : Klimatförbättringsalternativ vid byggproduktion av ett äldreboende

Att människan påverkar klimatet och att utsläpp av växthusgaser värmer planeten är ingen nyhet. Byggsektorn stod 2015 för 18 % av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser och 2018 lanserade Bygg- och anläggningssektorn en färdplan för att nå en klimatneutral värdekedja tills år 2045. Tidigare studier har pekat på att majoriteten av klimatpåverkan ifrån flerbostadshus kommer från driftskedet, men seThe emissions of greenhouse gases caused by the construction sector represented 2015 18 % of Sweden’s total greenhouse emissions and the sector had by 2018 published a plan on how to reach a climate neutral value chain by 2045. Studies have shown that the construction phase has become a larger part of the climate impact from new-built multi-family residential buildings than before, in, in relation

Bordering Principles and Integration in Urban Context

In this paper we reflect on how bordering emerge in urban integration processes in relation to two geopolitical belongings. The paper emanates from a performative dialogic event, labelled Lund Irbid Parallel Walk connecting two geopolitical regions: one in Europe through the city of Lund in the South of Sweden, and one in the Middle East that is Irbid located in the North of Jordan. Here, we refle

Small cells – big issues : biological implications and preclinical advancements in small cell lung cancer

Current treatment guidelines refer to small cell lung cancer (SCLC), one of the deadliest human malignancies, as a homogeneous disease. Accordingly, SCLC therapy comprises chemoradiation with or without immunotherapy. Meanwhile, recent studies have made significant advances in subclassifying SCLC based on the elevated expression of the transcription factors ASCL1, NEUROD1, and POU2F3, as well as o