Din sökning på "*" gav 533534 sökträffar
Virus-host interactions in HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections
Heraldisk efterbildning och förväxlingsrisk i det rättsliga skyddet för statsvapen och statsemblem
In international law, according to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, a coat of arms of a state and other state emblems are protected against use in trademarks. Included in the protection is also ”any imitation from a heraldic point of view” of the protected emblem. This phrase has been further defined in EU law. The Court of Justice of the European Union held in the ”
Turning Students into Stock-Market Investors : The Role of Civil Society and Public Schools in Swedish Financialization, c. 1985-2010
This article brings agency to discussions on financialization and financial education in Sweden by zooming in on two barely examined actors and arenas: civil society and public schools, respectively. The civil society organization Aktiespararna (Swedish Shareholders’ Association, founded in 1966) attempted to access and impact school education starting with its launch of youthefforts in the 1980s.
Clean air in Europe for all : A call for more ambitious action
Sialidases and fucosidases of Akkermansia muciniphila are crucial for growth on mucin and nutrient sharing with mucus-associated gut bacteria
The mucolytic human gut microbiota specialist Akkermansia muciniphila is proposed to boost mucin-secretion by the host, thereby being a key player in mucus turnover. Mucin glycan utilization requires the removal of protective caps, notably fucose and sialic acid, but the enzymatic details of this process remain largely unknown. Here, we describe the specificities of ten A. muciniphila glycoside hy
ExCAPE-DB : An integrated large scale dataset facilitating Big Data analysis in chemogenomics
Chemogenomics data generally refers to the activity data of chemical compounds on an array of protein targets and represents an important source of information for building in silico target prediction models. The increasing volume of chemogenomics data offers exciting opportunities to build models based on Big Data. Preparing a high quality data set is a vital step in realizing this goal and this
DIEP flap and expander prosthesis in breast reconstruction
Gambling Disorder – Suicidality, Mortality and Comorbidity
Background: Gambling disorder (GD) is a behavioural addiction in which a person faces negative consequences due to uncontrolled gambling, such as financial, personal, or relational difficulties. GD more often affects men but both men and women face severe consequences of GD. Psychiatric comorbidity is the rule rather than the exception and suicidality is abundant. Health issues such as obesity and
DN Debatt. ”Låt gräsklipparen stå – för naturens skull”
Prydlig, proper och välskött - så tycks den perfekta trädgården se ut. Men när den kortklippta gräsmattan växte fram som ideal bland Europas välbärgade var övriga naturen vildare. I en tid av artutrotning och klimatförändringar finns det större behov än någonsin av otjämjda trädgårdar, skrive råtta forskare och landskapsarkitekter.In an era of species extinction and climate change, we should abandon the well-trimmed lawn and let gardens grow wilder, writes Anna Persson and other researchers and landscape architects on DN Debatt.
Automation of High-accuracy Marking Tasks at MAX IV using the Quadrupedal Robot Spot
When installing new research equipment at the synchrotron research laboratory MAX IV, a final positional accuracy of tens of microns is usually needed. To obtain that accuracy, initial reference points must be placed within 2 mm from the nominal target points in CAD, in a process referred to as bluelining. It is currently a manual process where points from a virtual environment are transferred to
Anatomical and histopathological approaches to asthma phenotyping
Asthma is typically characterized by variable respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation. Along with the pathophysiology and symptoms are immunological and inflammatory processes. The last decades research has revealed that the immunology of asthma is highly heterogeneous. This has clinical consequences and identification of immunological phenotypes is currently used to guide biological treatment
Striving towards normality in an unpredictable situation. A qualitative interview study of how persons newly diagnosed with incurable oesophageal and gastric cancer manage everyday life
Purpose: Getting an incurable oesophageal or gastric cancer diagnosis is a major stressful life event associated with severe physical, psychosocial and existential challenges. To provide timely and efficient support, based on patients' experiences, the aim of the study was to explore how patients newly diagnosed with incurable oesophageal and gastric cancer manage everyday life. Method: Semi-struc
Why high-condition males might be bad news for females and populations
Direct decomposition of three-way arrays using a non-negative approximation
Non-negative matrix approximation (NNMA) has been used in diverse scientific fields, but it still has some major limitations. In the present study a novel trilinear decomposition method, termed three-way NNMA (TWNNMA), was developed. The method decomposes three-way arrays directly without unfolding and overcomes the restriction of locking zero elements in the deduced multiplicative update rules by
The inflammatory mediator leukotriene D4 triggers a rapid reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton in human intestinal epithelial cells
Epithelial cells play an important role in maintaining the intestinal mucosa barrier, a barrier that is impaired in several inflammatory conditions. The mechanisms behind this impairment are not known, but it can be presumed that structural alterations of the epithelial cells are involved. In support of this notion, we here show the inflammatory mediator leukotriene D4 (LTD4) triggered first a rap
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies : Re-Envisioning Immigrant Integration: Toward Multidirectional Conceptual Flows
Bättre tillsammans
Att social isolering och ofrivillig ensamhet har negativa effekter på den psykiska och fysiska hälsan är ingen nyhet. Ensamhet är en folksjukdom. Och undersökningar visar att den ofrivilliga ensamheten har starka kopplingar till boendet och det egna hemmet. Tiden under Covid-19-pandemin har präglats hårt av uppmaningen om ”social distansiering”. Ännu mer tid har spenderats i eller i närheten av h
The Swedish Version of the eHealth Literacy Questionnaire: Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Validation Study
Background: With the increasing digitalization in health care, an effective instrument is necessary to assess health care consumers' digital competencies-their "eHealth literacy." The 7-scale eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ), based on the theoretically robust eHealth Literacy Framework, has shown strong psychometric properties in Denmark and Australia.Objective: The aim of this study was to t
Shape string : A new feature for prediction of DNA-binding residues
Protein-DNA interactions are involved in many biological processes essential for gene expression and regulation. To understand the molecular mechanisms of protein-DNA recognition, it is crucial to analyze and identify DNA-binding residues of protein-DNA complexes. Here, we proposed a novel descriptor shape string and another two related features shape string PSSM and shape string pair composition