

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Validation strategies for the interpretation of microstructure imaging using diffusion MRI

Extracting microanatomical information beyond the image resolution of MRI would provide valuable tools for diagnostics and neuroscientific research. A number of mathematical models already suggest microstructural interpretations of diffusion MRI (dMRI) data. Examples of such microstructural features could be cell bodies and neurites, e.g. the axon's diameter or their orientational distribution for

The small people in the big picture : Children in Swedish working-class novels of the 1930s

When the story of Scandinavian literature is being told in an international context, the Swedish proletarian novels of the 1930s are frequently held up as the more important of the regional canon. 1 In these celebrated novels, childhood and children are at the center-so much so, that I would suggest that the child is one of the more prominent motifs of Swedish literature between the two World Wars

Societal cost of electrifying all danish road transport

Electric Road Systems (ERS) have emerged as an alternative to deal with the main drawbacks that battery electric vehicles present (i.e., higher cost, short driving range, long charging times, etc.). This paper analyses the societal cost of electrifying all road transport in Denmark under four different scenarios. The first scenario considered in this study is based on todays approach of having ele

Benefits of initial CT staging before sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with head and neck cutaneous melanoma

BACKGROUND: The value of CT at the time of diagnosis for patients with cutaneous head and neck melanoma clinically asymptomatic for metastatic disease is unclear. METHODS: A retrospective medical chart review was performed on 198 consecutive patients identified with primary T1b-T4b head and neck melanoma clinically asymptomatic for metastatic disease referred for sentinel lymph node biopsy proceduBACKGROUND: The value of CT at the time of diagnosis for patients with cutaneous head and neck melanoma clinically asymptomatic for metastatic disease is unclear.METHODS: A retrospective medical chart review was performed on 198 consecutive patients identified with primary T1b-T4b head and neck melanoma clinically asymptomatic for metastatic disease referred for sentinel lymph node biopsy procedur

Primärvårdens resurser, styrning och organisation : En jämförelse av villkor och förhållanden i Danmark, Norge, Nederländerna och Storbritannien

Myndigheten för vård- och omsorgsanalys (Vårdanalys) har vänt sig till professor Anders Anell vid Lunds universitet för att genomföra fallstudier av primärvården i fyra länder: Danmark, Norge, Nederländerna och Storbritannien. Denna promemoria är hans redovisning av arbetet och är ett underlag till Vårdanalys rapport En primär angelägenhet. Kunskapsunderlag för en stärkt primärvård med patienten i

GAD65 antigen therapy in recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus

BACKGROUND: The 65-kD isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) is a major autoantigen in type 1 diabetes. We hypothesized that alum-formulated GAD65 (GAD-alum) can preserve beta-cell function in patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. METHODS: We studied 334 patients, 10 to 20 years of age, with type 1 diabetes, fasting C-peptide levels of more than 0.3 ng per milliliter (0.1 nmol per li



A critical realist inquiry in conducting interdisciplinary research : An analysis of LUCID examples

The scale and complexity of contemporary sustainability challenges necessitates interdisciplinarity in research and pluralism in practice. In recent year, however, a strong natural science hegemony has predominantly framed our understanding of the dynamics of nature and society. This strong hegemonic conceptualization of global predicaments is troublesome given both the drivers of sustainability c

HAVOSS: A Maturity Model for Handling Vulnerabilities in Third Party OSS Components

Security has been recognized as a leading barrier for IoT adoption. The growing number of connected devices and reported software vulnerabilities increases the importance firmware updates. Maturity models for software security do include parts of this, but are lacking in several aspects. This paper presents and evaluates a maturity model (HAVOSS) for handling vulnerabilities in third party OSS and

Conceptualization and Schematization of Mesoscale Sustainable Drainage Systems: A Full-Scale Study

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) can be considered the joint product of water engineering and urban planning and design since these systems must comply with hydraulic, hydrologic, and social-ecological functions. To enhance this joint collaboration, a conceptual model of mesoscale SuDS is introduced based on the observed rainfall-runoff responses from two catchments with SuDS and a pipe-bound c