

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Women’s Participation in the Burmese Ethnic and Student Oppositional Movement

The official notion of women in Burma is that they are equal to men but happy with their non- political domestic role in society. This notion undermines the work and struggle done by women in the oppositional movement. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to add to the understanding of how women participate in the Burmese ethnic and student oppositional movement. The study used feminist

Working far away from home: exploring factors behind Tajik external labour migration

International labour migration is claimed to be the dominant type of international movement of people in the modern world which is characterized by the process of globalization. Tajikistan is one of the countries for which external labour emigration is of crucial importance. Hence, this qualitative study focuses on identifying how labour migration from this country is shaped. It highlights the fac

Something is rotten in development’s garden: Neglectings, barriers and opportunities for engaging with difference in the co-creation of strategies for change

Acknowledging that development initiatives often fail to bring about the long-lasting changes envisioned, the concept of ‘participation’ has been promoted to support principles such as ownership and sustainability. Unfortunately, participatory approaches largely fail to engage in and incorporate people’s different understandings of the world. Appreciating that when engaging in these differences, d

Medbestämmandeavtal inom kommunal sektor i ljuset av intentionerna med 32 § MBL - Arbetstagarinflytande genom partssammansatta organ och samverkansgrupper

År 1976 kom medbestämmandelagen (MBL) som innebar ökad förhandlingsrätt angående frågor som gällde förhållandet mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. Inom kommunal sektor ersatte MBL flera lagar och avtalsförbud som tidigare gällt för kommunala tjänstemän upphävdes. För att skydda den politiska demokratin så kan kollektivavtal än idag inte tecknas om myndigheters verksamhet avseende dess mål, inri

Behind the mask

By using Tajikistan as a case, this study adopted a qualitative approach to understand the different dimensions which make households of migrants with tuberculosis vulnerable to food insecurity. A vulnerability framework was used to identify the risks that tuberculosis poses on households’ availability, accessibility and utilization of food. Then, these risks were analysed in relation to the copin

Witchcraft, Shame and Intellectual disability - Help-seeking for children with intellectual disabilities in Kampala, Uganda: a mixed methods study

This study aims to explore the influence that stigma and beliefs have on the disability-related help-seeking for children with intellectual disabilities in Kampala, Uganda. These children are regarded as one of the most neglected groups in developing countries, where access to rehabilitation services frequently is restricted starkly, and beliefs and stigma are believed to interfere in the process

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." A case study analyzing the role of collaboration in development projects in Malawi.

This study questions the linear and top-down planning and implementation methods of mainstream development projects, as they do not seem to: achieve its expected outcomes; respond to the complex development context; or allow development beneficiaries to be a part of deciding their own development, despite promotions of inclusive approaches. The purpose was to explore if collaboration could serve a

”We need security, then freedom” - En fallstudie av kvinnors säkerhet under en konflikt

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss and analyze women’s security during a conflict situation, this by using a case study as a method. The case chosen is the invasion and occupation of the US-led coalition of Iraq. The period of time chosen is the years 2003-2005. By using three different approaches in feminist theory; standpoint feminism, liberal feminism and postcolonial feminism, this thesi

Living in Transition Societal transitions from a youth perspective in Bhutan

The purpose of this thesis was to contribute to a more holistic understanding of youth experiences under the phenomenon of societal transitions caused by processes of modernization. Bhutan has been subjected to major changes in terms of economic development, political and societal transitions. The group mostly associated with this modernization and globalization process is the youth living in the

Statusövervakning av plattvärmeväxlare - med hjälp av modellsimulering i Simscape

The steel company SSAB in Borlänge has five plate heat exchangers that they use to cool the process water. The water is used to cool the steel after hot rolling. The exchangers need to be cleaned sometimes because of fouling, that reduces the cooling efficiency. This results in higher energy use and higher costs in the end. The goal of this paper is to create a model of a plate heat exchanger to m


Vikten av ett rikt föreningsliv är stor och kanske avgörande för många ungdomars positiva utveckling. För att undvika kriminella gäng, droger och annan brottslig aktivitet bör vi i vuxenvärlden utan att tvinga ungdomarna erbjuda alternativ till dessa avvikande beteenden. I intervjuer med föreningar och organisationer knuta till idrottande ungdomar framkommer det att ungdomsidrotten tappar medlemma

Autentisk kommunikation: En kvalitativ studie om fem modeföretags strategiska varumärkesarbete

Autentisk kommunikation- en kvalitativ studie om fem modeföretags strategiska varumärkesarbete Forskningsfältet strategisk kommunikation och digitala medier har legat till grund för denna studie. Studien ämnar öka förståelsen för hur nystartade företag i modebranschen arbetar strategiskt med kommunikation för att stärka sitt varumärke. Studien är utförd genom ett sändarperspektiv för att undersökaAuthentic communication- a qualitative study about the strategic brand communication work of five fashion companies The combined research fields; strategic communication and digital media combined make up the foundation for this study. This study intends to increase understanding of how newly established companies within the fashion industry are working with strategic communication to build and fu

Ecological Modernization or Green Radicalism?

This study has through the methodology of a content analysis examined how three non-governmental organizations; Friends of the Earth, World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace, describe the subjects economy and consumption. The material of the study is based on publications written by the organizations during the time period 2005 to 2015. The publications have been taken from two different national conte

Akut omvårdnad av patient med misstänkt eller konstaterad smitta

Sjuksköterskan på akutmottagningen ställs ofta inför omvårdnads situationer med begränsad information om patienten, vilket kan vara problematiskt för att snabbt identifiera och vidta åtgärder vid omvårdnad av smittsamma patienter. Sjuksköterskans svåra uppgift är att finna strategier för god omvårdnad till smittsamma patienter. En strategi kan vara att använda Orlandos reflekterande frågeställning

Arbetsplats ovan molnen − Forum och lagval vid anställningstvister för arbetstagare ombord på flygplan

I den här uppsatsen utreds vilka bestämmelser som gäller och vilka faktorer som spelar roll när forum och lagval avgörs för tvister mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare ombord på flygplan. Eftersom flygbranschen är en internationell företeelse som spänner över många nationsgränser finns flera aspekter att beakta, bl.a. ett flygplans registreringsland. Dessutom möjliggör EU/EES:s inre marknad för fThis essay investigates which regulations and factors that are considered when forum and applicable law is decided for civil suits between employers and employees on board aircraft. Since the airline industry is an international phenomenon that spreads over many nation borders, there are several aspects to consider, e.g. the state of registration of an aircraft. Moreover, the internal market of th

Den man eller kvinna som är skickligare med ord än andra kallas också Bragr

En genusbaserad undersökning som undersöker vilka karaktärsdrag som ses som positiva eller negativa för män eller kvinnor i ett urval av de isländska sagorna. Undersökningen använder Joan Scotts poststrukutralistiska teori och Laqueures enköns modell för att se vilka karaktärsdrag som utmärker män och kvinnor i Erik Rödes saga, Gisli Súrassons saga, Laxdalingarnas saga, den poetiska eddan och den