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Coefficient Optimization for Low Power Digital Filters
Studies on the Swedish Temporary Parental Leave Insurance
[abstract missing]
Spelfilmen som historisk källa - några teoretiska överväganden
Kartellbekämpningsutredningens delbetänkande (SOU 2001:74) ovilja att kriminalisera konkurrensrättsöverträdelser är kanske inte förvånande. Sverige tvekar att ta till med hårdhandskarna. Frågan är om försiktigheten är befogad – inte minst med tanke på att det ofta är svenska företag som ställs vid skampålen i de stora EG-tillslagen. I grunden innebär ju kartellsamverkan att företag begränsar info
Tools for Model Development and Simulation
Bel Canto at the Californian Frontier. The Adaptation of Puccini's Opera La fanciulla del West from Belasco's Play The Girl of the Golden West
Forskningsbiblioteken och forskarna : en möjlig bibliotekshistoria
Possible fields of library research are indicated through a survey of relations and conflict areas between librarians and researchers in a university library, with examples taken from the history of Lund University Library.
Sagans svenskar : Synen på vikingatiden och de isländska sagorna under 300 år
Detta är en historiografisk studie av hur några välkända svenska historiker har använt sig av de isländska sagorna när de presenterat perioden som vi idag kallas vikingatid. Vikingatiden har haft en viktig funktion i konstruktioner av kollektiva identiteter, och i sökandet efter relevanta förfäder, vilket passar bra ur ett historiekulturellt perspektiv.När medicinprofessorn Olof Rudbeck skrev sitt“The Swedes of the Sagas. A Historiographical Study of the Old Norse Sagas and the Construction of the Viking Age.” This thesis is related to the construction of collective identities, and the search for a common ancestry. There are different types of characteristics which have been associated with the Viking Age, and this is a historiographical study of how a few, well-known, Swedish historians
Sotarp, en vandrande medeltida landsby - om nyetablering av gårdar i mellanhalländsk bybildningstid
Kollektivtrafik i Kävlinge kommun - en utvärdering
Order to Chaos Properties of the Decay-out Gamma Rays from Superdeformed Bands
Based on GOE sparse matrices, a model for decay-out of superdeformed bands is formulated, with focus on the degree of chaoticity of the spectrum of normally deformed states, to which the superdeformed band couples at decay-out. By means of the effective dimensionality parameter, the spectrum may be varied between the two limiting situations of complete order and complete chaos. The model is applie
Genernas makt över individen, samhället, historien
Challenges in supporting the creation of data minable regulatory codes: a literature review
Abstract in UndeterminedAs standards and regulatory codes are issued by third party organizations and committees, the project organization can neither control the content of all standards that the projects should adhere to, nor negotiate or make changes to them that can make the project development easier. Moreover, large infrastructure projects require compliance with hundreds of standards of reg
Europa lockar, EU och EMU avskräcker
Staling Effects When Adding Low Amounts of Normal and Heat-Treated Barley Flour to a Wheat Bread
The properties of a white wheat bread could be changed by adding normal or heat-treated barley flour in small amounts (2 and 4%) to a white wheat bread recipe. Differences regarding gelatinisation as well as retrogradation properties were found when analysing the two flours in model systems. The heat-treated flour was fully gelatinised due to a prior time-, temperature- and pressure-treatment and
När blev Mahler och hans musik bekant i Sverige?
Dynamic Scheduling and Control-Quality Optimization of Self-Triggered Control Applications
Time-triggered periodic control implementations are over provisioned for many execution scenarios in which the states of the controlled plants are close to equilibrium. To address this inefficient use of computation resources, researchers have proposed self-triggered control approaches in which the control task computes its execution deadline at runtime based on the state and dynamical properties
Problems and Problem Attention in the Construction Sector – Understanding the Influence of Human Factors.
Problems concerning quality and productivity in the construction sector have been a recurrent issue for many years and seem to remain in spite of various initiatives for resolving them. This situation is a result of human action. From social sciences we know that psychological factors crucially influence action design. Knowledge of this influence seems however to be underestimated in the construct