

Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar

Packaging Swedish Health Care

Att paketera svensk hälso- och sjukvård. Ömsesidighet, kapital, identitet och kultur i ett introduktionsprogram för utlandsutbildade läkare Utlandsutbildade läkare ( foreign-trained doctors, FTD) har blivit en allt viktigare tillgång inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård och bidrar till att minska läkarbristen. För att underlätta för FTD att komma in i hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet erbjuder Västra GötaWith a shortage of medical doctors, the functioning of the Swedish health care depends increasingly on recruitment of foreign-trained doctors (FTD). In order to facilitate the induction of FTD into the health care system, the Västra Götaland Region (VGR) in western Sweden offers a one-year induction programme, PLUS. The present research aims at examining dynamics in PLUS as an arena of meeting 

Sökmotoroptimering - mer än synlighet online: En kvalitativ studie om svenska universitets strategiska arbete med sökmotoroptimering ur ett varumärkesperspektiv

Denna studie ämnar öka förståelsen för hur svenska universitet använder sökmotoroptimering i sitt arbete för att synliggöra information på webben. Studien ämnar även öka förståelsen för hur verksamma inom universitetsbranschen motiverar användningen av och målet med verktyget. Ett varumärkesperspektiv är allomfattande studien och härrör från en utveckling inom universitetsbranschen som genererat eThis study intends to increase the understanding of how Swedish universities use search engine optimization to create web visibility. The study also intends to increase the understanding of how employees in the university sector justify the use and aim of the tool. The research was conducted from a brand perspective, which has derived from the universities need of brand building. The data collecti

Development of a container for temperature-sentitive liquids

A company is developing a new product for transporting temperature-sensitive liquids long distances. The new device will have an active cooling unit with very precise temperature regulation. This will increase the transportation time compared to conventional methods. This report will only concern the structural parts of the product, since development of the temperature control system has been done

A Difference: Exploring Perspectives on Corporate Environmental Performance and Disclosure

The Thesis provides an explorative insight into the topics of corporate sustainability, corporate environmental performance and corporate environmental disclosure. Broadly supported by literature review and literature references it contributes to theoretical understanding about how trust, culture, power and governance act as driving forces of corporate environmental performance, and as factors enc

Unintended Obstacles to Intra-EU Migration - The Case of Munich, Germany

One of the fundamental rights in the European Union is the Freedom of Movement of Persons. This right, that allows citizens of EU Member States to move and reside freely anywhere within the Union is not only a key factor for the European integration project, but is also of substantial economic importance. However, the actual experience of migrants moving within the European Union is not always as

Attracting and banning Ankari: Musical and Climate Change in the Kallawaya Region in Northern Bolivia

In the Kallawaya region in the Northern Bolivian Andes musical practices are closely related to the social, natural and spiritual environment: This is evident during the process of constructing and tuning instruments, but also during activities in the agrarian cycle, collective ritual and healing practices, as means of communication with the ancestors and, based on a Kallawaya perspective, during

Patentable Inventions in Entrepreneurial Contracts

Uppsatsen inriktar sig på att klarlägga möjligheter till överlåtelse av rättigheterna till patenterbara uppfinningar inom byggsektorn. Immaterial-, avtals- och arbetsrättens påverkan på området redogörs för. Den första aspekten som avhandlas är hur rätten till uppfinningen är behandlad inom ramen för anställningen. Gällande lagar, anställnings- och kollektivavtal tas upp i syfte att se vad de tillThis thesis focuses on the clarification of how to transfer rights to patentable inventions within the building sector. The influence Intellectual Property-, contract- and labour law have on the matter is to be accounted for. The first issue to be addressed is how the rights of patenting are to be handled within the frames of employment. Laws in the area, employment agreements and collective agre

From consensus to confrontation - Studying strategies for states to negotiate with challenging partners in multilateral negotiations

The purpose of this thesis is to explicate different strategies that states can, and do, use to negotiate with challenging partners in conflict situations. A challenging partner, as defined in this thesis, refers to a key player in minority position who is blocking negotiations from reaching consensus agreements. A theoretical model containing five different strategies is developed using theories

Burn the Wicked Waste! A look into Hungarian waste incineration policy

EU targets set by the Waste Framework Directive regarding waste management are soon to be complied and Hungary is still lagging behind. Nearly half of the waste is sent for landfill and the need to move up the waste hierarchy is more pressing than ever. The question is whether the government is willing to go beyond energy recovery, i.e. waste incineration. To answer the question a policy analysis

Exploring (Self-)Perceptions and Assessments Among Actors Within the Sustainable Consumption Scene

The major objective of this thesis is to explore (self-)perceptions and assessments of manufacturers and employees within the realms of sustainable consumption. In order to investigate what people themselves believe to know and perceive to be sustainable, a field research was carried out among participants within the German sustainability platform Heldenmarkt by making use of participant observati

Image Segmentation with Joint Regularization and Histogram Separation

In this thesis optimization methods for image segmentation are studied. The common theme of all the methods is that we have a histogram model for appearance terms that we optimize jointly with smoothness. Recently it has been shown that if one assumes a histogram model for appearance, it is possible to optimize an approximation of the energy using only one graph cut, by ignoring the non-submodular

Functionality of trust: A case study of students’ generalized trust in Tbilisi, Georgia

This paper explores social science students’ generalized trust (trust towards most people in a particular nation). The analyses are based on the survey data collected at nine universities in Tbilisi, Georgia. This study presents evidence that trust towards the people that the students meet for the first time is the strongest plausible factor behind their generalized trust level, followed by trust

The Exalted Women of Rwanda

In 1994 Rwanda was consumed by one of the bloodiest genocides in modern times, culminating in 800,000 dead after twelve weeks. As the country has taken significant strides towards uniting the country across ethnic lines, Rwanda has seen a clear increase in women’s representation in decision-making positions. This has been hallmarked by the inclusion of women in the post-genocide reconciliation pro

Grenzkataster - En studie av det koordinatbaserade fastighetssystemet i Österrike

Idag har samhället en ständig teknisk utveckling och användandet av positionering växer hela tiden. Vår position kan enkelt visas med hjälp av koordinater, i t.ex. mobiltelefonen, och används till allt från att räkna ut och ange din joggingrunda till att visa hur trafiken ser ut. Lantmäteriet håller nu på med en utredning gällande ifall ett fastighetssystem med koordinatbestämda fastighetsgränser Today there is a constant technical development in the society, and the use of GPS devices and various positioning applications is growing. Lantmäteriet, the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority, is now about to initiate a pilot project on how a coordinate based cadastral system could work in Sweden. The overall purpose of introducing this type of system in Sweden is to creat

Livscykelanalys av skötbord – samt metodutveckling för bedömning av biologisk mångfald i livscykelanalys

This master’s dissertation comprises a life cycle assessment (LCA) of a changing table, which mainly constitutes of FSC certified wood. Results per functional unit showed global warming potential of 12,5 kg CO2 eq, creation of ground level ozone 2,17 g C2H4 eq, emitting of acidifying substances 39,4 g SO2 eq and energy consumption 93,5 MJ during the estimated product life length of 12,5 years. The

Development and Characterization of Resistance Models in Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Biomarkör för Ara-C resistans i Mantelcellsmymfomceller kan i framtiden förbättra behandling Ara-C är ett läkemedel som drastiskt har ökat överlevnaden hos patienter med Mantelscellslymfom. Det är dock fortfarande en cancersjukdom med hög återfallsrisk och är i de flesta fall obotlig. Mantelcellslymfom är en sjukdom som drabbar B-cellerna, en typ av vita blodkroppar som är väldigt viktiga för imm