Din sökning på "*" gav 527405 sökträffar
Time travel using 3D-methodologies : visualizing the medieval context of a batismal font
Time travel is often associated with popular mediation. This article demonstrates how time travel using digital visualization may also be a useful tool doing research. The case study is the medieval cathedral and monastery of Dalby in Sweden with a 12th century crypt and font. The crypt may have functioned as a baptismal chapel in the Middle Ages. Digital 3 D techniques including terrestrial laser
This text presents the background and overall aims of the project Experi- mental Archaeology – Between Enlightenment and Experience, the contents of this book in general and also the preceding regional workshops held in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The concluding vision is that the project will contribute to the initiation of a true and unlimited experi- mental archaeology that is given a possibili
Polarization transfer solid-state NMR for studying soft matter: From surfactants to the stratum corneum
Popular Abstract in English The word “motion” usually brings to mind movement from point A to point B. In the world of chemistry, this kind of motion is typically referred to as translational motion. Its consequences are experienced by us every time we smell a scent in the air or watch a dye spread in water. The fragrance is nothing else than molecules that fly in the air. Colour is molecules swimThe work presented in this thesis is dedicated to theoretical development, experimental testing and application of polarization transfer solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (PT ssNMR). PT ssNMR is an analytical tool which provides detailed information about molecular mobility in model or simple soft matter systems at the low water content regime, enabling the creation of phase diagrams. Soft ma
A Sustainability Assessment of the Urban Rehabilitation Project of the Medina of Fez, Morocco
The old city of Fez, Morocco, classified as Heritage of Humankind by the UNESCO, is subject to an integrated rehabilitation plan running over 15 years. The plan aims at restoring and preserving the economy, cultural value, and social heritage of the old city. The study follows a system dynamics approach to describe and analyze the rehabilitation plan in order to identify the strengths and defects
Political economy and pensions in ageing societies – a note on how an "impossible" reform was implemented in Sweden
Resistance in divided Jerusalem: contesting urban planning policy
En helhetlig innovationspolitik - varför, vad och hur?
Divining History : Prophetism, Messianism and the Development of the Spirit
Throughout history, messianic ideas of impending redemption have inspired people to turn against unjust and oppressive orders. Yet the very same ideas have been accused of paving the way for the utopian and sometimes violent ideologies of modernity. This book explores the double-edged legacy of Jewish and Christian theologies of history. What is the impact of this legacy on modern philosophies of
Rationales for public policy intervention in the innovation process: a systems of innovation approach
Visualizing design problems and solutions of workstations on ships
Ett bra vindläge – Industrialisering och nyliberal kommersialisering av blåsiga platser
För att befrämja en omställning av energisystemet har den svenska riksdagen fastställt ett mål för produktion av vindkraftsel som innebär en kraftig utbyggnad av vindkraftskapaciteten. Denna utbyggnad ger upphov till lika många lovord och förväntningar som den väcker kritik och farhågor. Syftet med denna text är emellertid inte att lista dessa och än mindre att lösa de olika kontroverser som uppst
En samfunnsorientert teori for samspillet mellom menneskene og omgivelsene
A New Approach to Steady-State Analysis of Power Distribution Networks
Bengt Lidner och barockpoesin
User related energies : analysis of two years of hourly measurements in 1500 apartments in Sweden
LSS - Särskild personligt stöd. Betänkande av LSS- och hjälpmedelsutredningen.
In vitro meat and the promises of future co-production processes
Industrialised meat production has since long remade animal bodies (Boyd, 2001; Watts, 2000), together with labour processes and spaces of production (Cronon, 1991; Pachirat, 2011). Current attempts to bypass animals by growing meat in petri dishes and on scaffoldings here offers no exception. In vitro meat promises to remake human bodies, the properties of meat, and food production landscapes tog
Bonnard Goes Bondage
A catalogue essay about the Swedish-Danish painter Alba S. Enström.