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Nya rekord och gamla vanor - det extrema och det normala
Fyra nyanser av grått: Integration, mainstreaming, likabehandling och riktade åtgärder i EU, Sverige och sju andra länder
This report gives a short overview of integration policies in Sweden, four EU countries (France, Germany, Portugal and the UK) and three transoceanic countries (Australia, Canada and the US) with a focus on mainstreaming, equal treatment and targeted measures. Firstly, the key concepts are introduced. Secondly, national models and immigrant populations in these countries are considered. Thirdly, r
CFD Investigation of Heat Transfer in a Diesel Engine with Diesel and PPC Combustion Modes
In this study, an investigation was made on a heavy duty diesel engine using both conventional diesel combustion mode and a partially premixed combustion (PPC) mode. A segment mesh was built up and modeled using the commercial CFD code AVL FIRE, where only the closed volume cycle, between IVC and EVO, was modeled. Both combustion modes were validated using experimental data, before a number of hea
De överlappande pusslen. Om partikularistiska och multietniska konglomeratstater i det tidigmoderna Europa
Challenging the ‘Holocaust-reflex’: Imre Kertész’s Fatelessness: A Novel
Konkurrerande former för bolagsstyrning
Annales Suecici
Förvandlingar : i femton böcker av Publius Ovidius Naso. I fullständig svensk tolkning av Harry Armini. Ursprungligen utgiven på uppdrag av Svenska Akademien, under redaktion av Tönnes Kleberg och med ett mytologiskt register av Bror Olsson. Här med en nyskriven inledning av Daniel Möller
Den romerske poeten Publius Ovidius Naso föddes år 43 f.Kr. och dog 17 eller 18 e.Kr. Hans Metamorfoser från ca 8 e.Kr. är en världshistoria i mytens form som sträcker sig från kosmos skapelse till Julius Caesars död och apoteos. I en gigantisk samling med mer och mindre välbekanta sagor från den grekisk-romerska mytologin skildrar Ovidius naturens, människornas och gudarnas ständiga förvandlingar
Styrning av butiksarbete - En undersökning om livsmedelsbutiken, bensinstationen och elektronikbutiken
Ett välsignat tillstånd?
Glycerol-based Isobutanol
In the search for renewable vehicle fuels several different gasoline additives have been discussed and reviewed. Today bioethanol is the most commonly used option, but isobutanol is being proposed as a better alternative by many stakeholders, due to its superior fuel characteristics, e.g. energy density, oxygen content and vapor pressure. The research project “Glycerol-based isobutanol” has invest
Minnesteckning över Gunnar Källén
Fatigue behaviour of a nickel based superalloy
Popular Abstract in Swedish Då en struktur utsätts för varierande belastning kan brott uppstå vid väsentligt lägre last än vad som hade orsakat brott vid konstant lastnivå. Fenomenet kallas utmattning och berör många traditionella ämnen. För att kunna göra relevanta bedömningar av livslängden vid utmattningsbelastning krävs kunskap om materialets egenskaper, både mikroskopiskt och makroskopiskt, tThis thesis deals with different aspects of fatigue crack propagation in IN718. The ultimate objective of the work is to gain understanding of the fatigue process, from the macroscopic stress-strain relations to microscopic fatigue crack growth mechanisms. First, the stress-strain relations, which are fundamental in order to understand what the material encounter, are dealt with. The high temperat
Counting System and Classifier/Non-classifier Languages
The Brontës in Context
Interdisciplinarity, research policies and practices. Two case studies in Sweden
Improved Models for DC-DC Converters
To obtain high performance control of a dc-dc converter, a good model of the converter is needed. It is suitable to consider the load to be included in the converter model since it usually affects the dynamics. The load is often the most variable part of this system. If the load current and the output voltage are measured there are good possibilities to obtain a good model of the load on-line. Ada
”’Den kungliga skölden’ – Per Albin Hansson, Gustaf V och medierna 1940”
The chapter compares the media roles of the Swedish monarchy with that of the country's Labor Movement. In focus are the ways in which these two institutions used and were used in the visual culture of Sweden during World War Two. It is predominantly the official roles of king Gustaf V and prime minister Per-Albin Hansson that are under scrutiny, not least the common media platforms of these two i