

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Estimating Median Visiting Times using Re-identification

Besökstider skulle kunna användas för smartare kassabemanning för att minimera kötider vilket leder till en mer positiv butiksupplevelse för kunden. Det har visat sig att för en mindre butik vara möjligt att uppskatta besökstider med god tillförlitlighet. Ytterligare användningsområden för besökstider är att jämföra hur länge personer vistas i olika områden. Besökstider är en möjlighet för butiksäUsing customer visiting times stores can analyse customer behaviour and gain insights to help improve the store experience. This thesis investigates the possibility of using person re-identification to create a system that can estimate the median visiting time. Neural networks were used to analyse images of persons from two different views. Images depicting the same person were matched together an

Makt, motstånd och missbruk : En kvalitativ undersökning om konstruktionen av klienten i LVM-domar

The aim of the study was to examine verdicts from the Swedish Administrative court regarding the Care of Abusers (Special Provisions) Act, LVM. The aim was to examine how the client and the client’s need of treatment is constructed in the verdicts, by the authorities and by the client itself. Sixteen convictions were analysed through qualitative text analysis. The study found that authorities; the

The Swedish Container Shipping Industry: An Analysis of Service Quality Perception and its Measurement

Title: The Swedish Container Shipping Industry: An Analysis of the Service Quality Perception and its Measurement Purpose of the paper: The aim of this research paper is to gain a greater understanding of the container shipping industry. This way the notion of service quality can be brought to the given industry and acknowledge the perceptions of various actors regarding the aspects of quality in

What Do The Best Strategic Thinkers Do? A Case Study of Cognitive Elements in Strategic Thinking Among Managers at E.ON

Strategic thinking is a popular topic in management journals, and many researchers have highlighted the importance of strategic thinking in managerial contexts. Still, there is a lack of consensus in the extant literature about what strategic thinking is, how it can be measured, and what are the cognitive elements that shape it. However, Prinsloo (2007) indicated that the Cognitive Process Profile

Good Enough eller Mission Impossible? Psykoterapeuters tankar om att bedriva psykodynamisk terapi inom ramen för vårdvalet i Region Skåne. En kvalitativ studie.

I psykodynamisk teori och traditionell praxis är en av grundteserna att tidpunkten för terapins slut ska vara en öppen fråga när terapin inleds och sedan beslutas om av terapeut och patient tillsammans. Denna tes står i konflikt med begränsningen till maximalt 25 terapisessioner för psykodynamisk psykoterapi inom Avtal för Psykoterapi i Hälsoval Skåne. Vilka konsekvenser detta får för de terapeuteOne of the basic premises in psychodynamic theory and traditional practice is that the point of closure is left open, and the therapist and patient together decide when the therapy is to end. This conflicts with the limit of 25 therapy sessions stipulated in the agreement between the health authority and psychotherapists, Avtal för Psykoterapi i Hälsoval Skåne. The consequences of this for the the

"When a face has been threatened, face-work must be done"

The emergence of social media opens up more places for interaction. The interaction enables individuals to produce how they want to be perceived by an audience, which can be referred to as image. Image is essential since people will act to fit this picture. However, image can be ravaged in a moment, which causes individuals to take actions to repair the audience's perception of image, if threa

Bostadsförsörjning för nyanlända

Under de senaste 10 åren har cirka en miljon människor sökt asyl i Sverige varav hela 163 000 enbart under 2015 när den stora flyktingvågen tog fart i världen. Detta satte stor press på Sveriges hantering av flyktingar och framförallt kommunernas bostadsförsörjningsansvar. Den 1 mars 2016 införde regeringen beslutet att kommunerna är skyldiga att ta emot ett visst antal nyanlända i syfte att ge deDuring the last 10 years approximately one million people have applied for asylum in Sweden and 163 000 only during the big stream of immigrants in 2015. This put a huge pressure on the Swedish management of immigrants and the housing for this group of people. The 1st of March 2016 the Swedish Government introduced a law where the Swedish municipalities are obligated to receive a certain number of

How Markets Value The Blockchain Technology: An Empirical Analysis

In this work company announcements of blockchain name changes are empirically analysed to obtain a sense of how markets value the blockchain technology. This “blockchain effect” is analysed using an event study in order to calculate cumulative abnormal returns for multiple event windows. The “blockchain effect” generates cumulative average abnormal return of 58 percent for the five days surroundin

Förebyggande trafiksäkerhetsarbete i kommuner - En fallstudie

Traditionally, work on road safety analysis is based on accident statistics, but usually not in a structured and systematic way. Accident statistics provide an indicator of which sites are prone to personal injuries but do not represent an adequate indicator for assessing the road safety situation of the sites. This master thesis has been developed in order to create an understanding that preventi

Finns det rum för lek? Psykoterapeuter om den psykodynamiska ramen i psykiatrins (meta)ram

Studien utforskade frågeställningen: Vad sker i mötet mellan den psykodynamiska ramen och psykiatrins metaram såsom psykoterapeuter upplever det? Syftet var att bidra till forskningsfältet och använda slutsatser för att utveckla den egna kliniska praxisen. Studien realiserades som en aktionsforskningsstrategi. Det empiriska materialet bestod av sex psykoanalytiskt orienterade, kvalitativa forsknin

Kvinnors upplevda sexuella hälsa under och efter bröstcancerbehandling. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen hos kvinnor och kan ha en direkt påverkan på den sexuella hälsan och därmed livskvaliteten. En av sjuksköterskans kärnkompetenser är att verka för en personcentrerad vård där patientens önskemål står i fokus. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa den upplevda sexuella hälsan hos kvinnor i samband med behandling av bröstcancer och ti

Bevarande och tillgängliggörande av stötande material

The digital and technical developments within the archive community during the last decades reflect how changes has been made in the conditions of preservation and curation of archive material.This has also raised questions concerning the approach to digital and web based documents within the archival community. The digital and technical developments had a significant impact on the social platform

VAT Grouping and the Cost-Sharing Exemption: Similarities, Differences, and their Interaction

The present thesis deals with two different provisions in the VAT Directive, the VAT grouping, provided in Article 11 of the VAT Directive, and the cost-sharing exemption, provided in Article 132(1)(f) of the VAT Directive. Both provisions are utilised by businesses in order to alleviate the undesirable consequences of the irrecoverable input VAT. The former establishes the VAT group whose intra-g

Att fabulera genom research : hur fantastikförfattare söker information i sitt skönlitterära skrivande för barn och unga

The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine how fiction authors seek information in their writing, which still is a vastly under-researched subject within Library and Information Science. Why then are there so few of us in this discipline who ask themselves which information behaviour and information needs that exist among the ones writing the literature filling our libraries? This study was car

”The research Jigsaw” En teoriutvecklande och testande studie i jakten på nyckelvariabler för fredsbyggande.

The peacebuilding phenomenon has come to dominate the peace and security research spectra. Questions concerning what defines a successful peacebuilding mission and how to get there, is consequently widely debated. In this study a new theoretical framework is therefore developed, with the aim to try to outline some key concepts that are important to incorporate in peacebuilding missions. With outse

EU:s identitet : en konstruktivistisk analys av Europaparlamentets debatter avseende EU:s restriktiva åtgärder mot Ryssland

Denna studie undersöker Europaparlamentets debatter gällande EU:s restriktiva åtgärder mot Ryssland med anledning av krisen i Ukraina. De restriktiva åtgärderna utvärderas inte i sig självt, utan studien tar avstamp resonemangen kring sanktioner för att undersöka hur EU skapar sin internationella identitet. Resonemangen i sanktionsdebatten analyseras med ett konstruktivistiskt perspektiv om identiThis study examines the European Parliaments debates concerning the EU’s restrictive measures against Russia following the crisis in Ukraine. The restrictive measures are not evaluated in themselves, but rather how they function in the EU’s process of creating an international identity. I examine the argumentation of the sanctions debate through a constructivist perspective on identity formation,

Avvägningen mellan föreningsfrihet och förbud mot rasistiska organisationer : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys över hur Sverige respektive Tyskland förhåller sig till rasistiska organisationer

Den internationella konventionen om avskaffande av alla former av rasdiskriminering (ICERD) innehåller artikel 4(b) som formulerar att alla konventionsstater ska anpassa sin nationella lagstiftning för att ett förbud mot rasistiska organisationer ska gälla. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur Sverige i jämförelse med Tyskland gör avvägningen mellan den grundläggande mänskliga rättigheten förenin

“Spain’s lost generation” Institutional study of employment training for unemployed youth

This study contributes to the understanding of supply-side Training for Employment (TE) for the unemployed youth. The rates of youth unemployment in the European Unions have been matter of concern in the political agenda in the latest years, thus the European Employment Strategy has placed a particular emphasis in addressing this issue. As a result of the 2008 economic recession, the rates of yout

Det långa klivet till arkivet? En undersökning av arkivpedagogikens möjligheter som läranderesurs i skolan

This thesis aims to examine whether archive pedagogy is a useful learning resource in school today, and if so, how this cooperation works in reality. We want to find out how the archive's educational resources are perceived by teachers and students, and where the possible obstacles may lay. By examining how teachers and students perceive the archive education, our study can contribute to bette