

Din sökning på "*" gav 535925 sökträffar

Attitudes of Swedish Learners of Japanese towards Japanese Dialects: A Quantitative Study

The present thesis is a quantitative study investigating the attitudes of Swedish learners of Japanese towards Japanese dialects. Current or previous Swedish students of Japanese completed a survey in which they listened to recordings of five different dialects of Japanese, and evaluated these dialects in terms of various personality traits. Furthermore, their ability to identify the dialects was

Kartläggning av gymnasieungdomars aktivitetsmönster, upplevda hälsa och stress

Bakgrund: Den psykiska ohälsan hos ungdomar har ökat de senaste åren. Studier har visat att en individs aktivitetsmönster kan påverka hälsan antingen positivt eller negativt. Skolan är en viktig arena där arbetsterapeuter kan bidra med sin unika kunskap kring individ, aktivitet och miljö. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga gymnasieelevers aktivitetsmönster, upplevda hälsa och stress samt

Drivers and Barriers to Circular Economy Strategies in the Telecommunication Industry

The telecommunication industry contributes to environmental impacts through energy usage and material resource use. The incorporation of Circular Economy strategies has the potential to restructure and re-engineer systems like those in the telecommunication industry to capture more value for the business while decreasing environmental impacts of business. The objective of the research in this pape

User Interface for Event Configuration

Many companies today have a security system containing of devices such as cameras and other devices with some trigger functionality built in. It’s essential to be able to control all existing triggers in a security system for it to work flawlessly. As the number of triggers increases, the security system in question becomes more complicated to configure. Therefore, making configuration from an eas

Evaluation of flexible SPA based LPDC decoder using hardware friendly approximation methods

Due to computation-intensive nature of LDPC decoders, a lot of research is going towards efficient implementation of their original algorithm (SPA). As "Min-Sum" approximation is basically an overestimation of SPA, this thesis investigates more accurate, yet area efficient, approximations of SPA, to select an optimum one. In a general comparison between main approximation methods (e.g. LUT,

Från bok till cyberbok?

Ämnet för denna uppsats är högstadieelevers läs- och medievanor och hur deras minskade intresse för skönlitterär läsning kan belysas ur två perspektiv: hur barns literacyutveckling ligger till grund för deras medieanvändning och hur den avgör om de upplever ett medium som omedelbart eller hypermedierat. Syftet är att försöka ta reda på om det finns möjligheter att förena de digitala världar som ba

Can the Clean Development Mechanism bring Community Co-benefits? A case study of the Kachung Forest Project, Uganda

Global warming is one of the greatest challenges of our time. To globally reduce green house gas emissions, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was created under the Kyoto Protocol. The mechanism allows industrialized nations in the Global North to meet their emission reduction targets under the Kyoto protocol, by purchasing carbon credits generated from CDM projects implemented in developing co

Politisk integrering av rebellgrupper: En komparativ analys av rebellgrupper IRA och ANC

I den här uppsatsen gör vi en komparativ studie av politisk integrering av rebellgrupperna IRA på Nordirland och ANC i Sydafrika. Genom att se på tre faktorer eller nivåer: inom partiet, partiets följare samt stödet från internationella aktörer kan det räknas ut hur effektiv en integrering bör vara. I fallet IRA hjälpte den starka interna strukturen och folkligt stöd för kampen att genomföra skift

Copper abundances of F and G dwarf stars in the Milky Way

Metalliciteten hos en stjärna är den del av materien som inte består av helium eller väte. Detta innebär att när en astronom talar om metallicitet, inkluderar hon även icke-metalliska grundämne, såsom kol, syre eller något av de tyngre grundämnena. Genom att studera metalliciteten hos en stjärna kan vi lära oss en del om dem, till exempel dess ålder och ursprunget för var våra grundämnen kommer ifAn investigation has been done in order increase the understanding of the origin and chemical evolution of copper in the Milky Way stellar disks. This is interesting to know as it plays a part of the Galaxy puzzle, so we become more able to map how and why galaxies look like they do. The atmosphere of a star keeps information about how elemental abundant the Universe was at the time and place of

Coenhaven - Waterfront Experience

The main purpose of this thesis is to explore how to deal with an industrial heritage in both urban and more detailed, architectural scale. The project location indicates another significant key issue - waterfront identity, which is essential for the city of Amsterdam. This thesis proposes a complex masterplan for the area, which provides diverse housing options, varied public spaces of different

Introduction and Proof of the Goodstein Sequence and Hydra Game

This thesis will introduce and prove the theorem of the Hydra Game as well as the theorem surrounding the Goodstein sequence. The two problems which are clearly intertwined will be introduced and solved with the assumption that the reader has no previous knowledge of them and little to no knowledge of ordinal numbers. All results have previusly been reached and presented, most notably by Kirby and

Äldre brottsoffer : Hur de framställs i svensk press

The aim of this study was to investigate how older people are described as victims in the morning and evening press in Sweden. The aim was further to make a brief comparison of how it looked at 25-year intervals during the periods 1991-1992 and 2016-2017 to see if and how the victim discourse has changed. The three issues I assumed were: how older people exposed to crime are presented in Swedish p


inSIGHT began as an exploration of the future relationsip between virtual world and physical archiecture. It ended up being a proposal of an augmented reality platfrom for digital manipulation of physical transparency. Augmented reality (AR) is a fairly recent development in technology and not everyone is very well aquainted with it. Therefore research of the evolution of parralel realities as we

Knock on (Engineered) Wood: Pathways to Increased Deployment of Cross-Laminated Timber

Significant negative environmental impacts are attributed to the building sector. To complement operational building efficiency, mitigation strategies could further decrease these environmental impacts. One mitigation strategy is increased use of low-carbon and bio based building materials. The objective of this research is to support such sustainable transitions within the complex building sector

Vilnius full of space

Today, one of the main economic engines is construction field. A few periods of history showed that in Lithuania, the main goal for the companies were to build fast, cheap dwellings on the empty lots. The capital of Lithuania, Vilnius city is not an exception. City is built ineffectively. Functions, neighbourhoods are far apart from each other and the transportation ineffectiveness leads to the lo

Re-identification with Recurrent Neural Networks

Today re-identification of persons in disjoint camera views demand large human effort and resources. There is a need of autonomous re-identification systems. This thesis has been focused on the development of autonomous re-identification systems based on recurrent neural networks able to analyze sequences of images of persons, enabling the possibility to filter out outliers within sequences and m

The role of galectin-3 in regulating microglia inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease

Brain Inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease Nowadays, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the main cause of dementia worldwide but still is not well understood how is the disease developed. However, there are few known factors that are important in the progression of the disease. In the last decade, the role of the inflammatory cells has been clearly link to the pathology. Hence, the aim of our project is

Vänner, fantasi, tärningar, penna och papper - Den pedagogiska utvecklingen i två svenska rollspelsseerier

Detta arbete är en hermeneutisk undersökning av sex olika svenska rollspel från fyra årtionden för att upptäcka eventuella trender och utvecklingar i hur dessa introducerar nya spelare till konceptet rollspel. Spelen är tre utgåvor av rollspelet Mutant, rollspelet Neotech och två utgåvor av rollspelet Eon. De olika spelen visade sig ha en väldigt varierande mängd hjälpmedel för nya spelare och utv

När jag kom tillbaka hade jag glömt mitt språk – En kritisk undersökning av kulturellt folkmord i internationell rätt

Denna uppsats undersöker kulturellt folkmord i internationell rätt och analyserar definitionen av folkmord i folkmordskonventionen. Kulturellt folkmord har ansetts vara något annat än folkmord även om båda kan bestå av att med våld överföra barn mellan grupper. Därför fokuserar uppsatsen på klassificeringen av förflyttningar av urfolksbarn som kulturellt folkmord och tillämpligheten av artikel 2(eThis essay seeks to examine cultural genocide in international law and analyze the definition of genocide in the Genocide Convention. Cultural genocide has been considered something other than genocide although both can consist of forcible transfer of children. The essay will therefore focus on the classification of forcible transfer of Indigenous children as cultural genocide and the applicabilit