

Din sökning på "*" gav 533085 sökträffar

Smoking impacts endogenous estradiol and testosterone levels in young healthy women

Introduction: The purpose of the study was to elucidate the association between smoking and estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) levels in young healthy women from highrisk families. Cigarette smoke contains multiple carcinogens and is considered a risk factor for breast cancer. However, tobacco also contains aromatase inhibiting substances, but the impact on hormonal levels in young women at the a

Stability of Sulphur Dimers (S2) in Cometary Ices

S2 has been observed for decades in comets, including comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Despite the fact that this molecule appears ubiquitous in these bodies, the nature of its source remains unknown. In this study, we assume that S2 is formed by irradiation (photolysis and/or radiolysis) of S-bearing molecules embedded in the icy grain precursors of comets and that the cosmic ray flux simultaneou

Urban sanitation and the decline of mortality

This paper introduces a special issue of The History of the Family on sanitation and urban mortality. The special issue contains papers which focus on the impact of sanitary reforms on mortality change in Australia, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, and England and Wales. The current paper outlines the main features of the debate over the causes of mortality change and the role played by sanitary refo

The beta cell glucokinase promoter variant is an unlikely risk factor for diabetes mellitus

Glucokinase plays an important role in the regulation of insulin secretion and is therefore an attractive candidate gene for both insulin dependent (IDDM) and non-insulin-dependent (NIDDM) diabetes mellitus. A single G-A nucleotide polymorphism at the -30 position of the beta-cell specific promoter region of the glucokinase gene was previously associated with reduced beta-cell function. In the pre

A comparison of three statistical models for IDDM associations with HLA

The association between HLA-DQ haplotypes and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) was studied in 48 children from 44 families ascertained from the high incidence area around Umea, Sweden. Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain associations between HLA and IDDM, but comparisons of statistical models based on these hypotheses have not been attempted. The aim of the present study wa

Influence of furniture on the modal properties of wooden floors

Structure-borne vibration and low-frequency re-radiated noise from internal and external sources cause annoyance for inhabitants in dwellings. A key parameter in the prediction of vibration and noise levels is the modal parameters of the floors in a building, since vibration and sound levels increase when natural frequencies of the floor coincide with the excitation frequencies of a source, e.g. m

Utvärdering av röjningsinsatser på fågelskär inom projektet LIFE Vänern. : En utvärdering utförd på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen i Värmlands och Västra Götalands län som en del av projektet LIFE Vänern, med ekonomiskt bidrag från EU:s finansiella fond LIFE.

Under åren 2014-2018 röjdes över 200 fågelskär inom Natura2000-områden i Vänern. Röjningarna genomfördes inom projektet LIFE Vänern. Syftet med röjningarna var att förhindra igenväxning av skär som är attraktiva häckningsplatser för fåglar i Vänern. Denna rapport utvärderar korttidsutvecklingen av antalet häckande fåglar på de röjda skären i jämförelse med skär som ej röjdes inom LIFE-projektet oc

T-matrix method for closely adjacent obstacles

This paper presents a novel method to calculate the T-matrix for two non-spherical obstacles positioned close to each other, where the individual circumscribed spheres intersect. This is achieved by translating the obstacles coordinate systems, using translation matrices for spherical vector waves. The new circumscribing spheres enables the obstacles to be positioned close to each other. A new tot

Apolipoprotein M could inhibit growth and metastasis of SMMC7721 cells via vitamin D receptor signaling

Objective: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignant tumors with high mortality-to-incidence ratios. Apolipoprotein M (ApoM), a member of the apolipoprotein family, is mainly synthesized in the liver, whereas its role in HCC has not been elucidated. Here, we examined the effect of ApoM on the biological behavior of HCC cells and the possible mechanisms. Methods: We used CR

Progress update from the hippocampal subfields group

INTRODUCTION: Heterogeneity of segmentation protocols for medial temporal lobe regions and hippocampal subfields on in vivo magnetic resonance imaging hinders the ability to integrate findings across studies. We aim to develop a harmonized protocol based on expert consensus and histological evidence.METHODS: Our international working group, funded by the EU Joint Programme-Neurodegenerative Diseas

Process Region Characteristics During Fast Crack Growth

The fracture process of a laminate is analysed. The laminate is a material used for packaging.It consists of a thin aluminium foil with a polymer coating. In both materials, the fractureprocesses are supposed to be dominantly localized plastic deformation. A Barenblatt regionis supposed to spread ahead of the crack tip. This region is analysed in its cross planeinvoking plane deformation conditionThe conditions for crack arrest at speeds down to below 0.1 of the Rayleigh-wave speed are examined. The elastic energy release rate is assumed to be balanced by the deformation work in a viscoplastic continua and the energy release rate in a fracture process region. Fractographic show that a small fraction of the surface is created through ductile rupture. Even though the fraction represents only