

Din sökning på "*" gav 527747 sökträffar

The effect of conditions in early life on health in adult life: A study of 19th century Scania

In this thesis the impact of conditions in early life on survival in adult life is studied. This is done for longitudinal level data from Scania for 1815 to 1910 and conditions in early life are measured by infant mortality rate. In the thesis a model that allows for both direct effect on the survival form the infant mortality rate and indirect effects mediated through socioeconomic status and mar

The use of accounts in the four major Swedish banks’ accounting narratives – an impression management tool used as a response to negative media attention?

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis has been to examine whether accounts have been given by the four major Swedish banks - Swedbank, Handelsbanken, Nordea and SEB - in their accounting narratives as a response to negative media attention in the time period 2009 to 2014, and whether those accounts could be seen as an impression management tool. Methodology: We have carried out a qualitative study

Relationen mellan krav, att söka socialt stad och ohälsa hos studenter.

Inom arbets- och organisationspsykologi har mycket forskning fokuserat stress i arbetslivet, men få studier har genomförts kring studenter. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om stress i form av kvantitativa krav är relaterat till ohälsa bland studenter. Ytterligare syfte var att studera om instrumentellt och emotionellt stöd som copingstrategier är kopplat till lägre grad av ohälsa samt om någon avMuch research which focuses on work related stress has been conducted in the field of organisational psychology, but few studies have examined students. The purpose of this study was to examine if stress as quantitative demands is related to poor health among students. Another purpose was to study if instrumental and emotional support as copingstrategies is related to lower levels of poor health a

State of Existence A Minor Field Study on Liminality and Enforcement of Existence in Jordan

This study comprises a three month fieldwork and 25 interviews conducted in Jordan on community based rehabilitation of persons with intellectual disability. The analytic procedure was conducted in an explicit and systematic manner much inspired by Grounded Theory. Interviewing social workers engaged in introducing community based rehabilitation in Jordan the study came to unveil their struggle wi

The Good Enough Approach and Lingering Effects of Error Correction in Antonymic Pairs: Evidence from Eye Movements

This study is concerned with how the reading process reacts to detection of errors in discourse, and how this differs from cases where an error is missed or if no error is present. It sets out to investigate these questions using eye-tracking methodology. In order to determine the influence of detection of errors during the reading process, native English speakers were asked to read short news ite

Utkontraktering och dess innebörd för en frivilligorganisation - exemplet Växjö rödakorskrets

Sweden is in a period of change in its establishment of a new welfare system. One of the main reasons is the political power shift from social democratic welfare regime to liberal welfare regime. This change involves, among others, a restructuring of the relationship regarding responsibility in the social welfare, between the public, private and non-government sectors. This is due to how different

Effekten av minimal akupunktur på kolikattacker hos spädbarn

Bakgrund: Spädbarnskolik är en diagnos som är övergående, men det är en påfrestande period för hela familjen så länge symtomen pågår. Av alla spädbarn drabbas 10-25 procent av kolik. Orsaken till kolik är oklar och ännu finns ingen effektiv och säker behandling. Nyligen har forskning visat positivt resultat gällande effekten av minimal akupunktur på mängden skrik vid spädbarnskolik men det finns e

Effects of Internet Usage on Tolerance - A Field Study in Niue

Open and tolerant societies have plenty of advantages over intolerant ones. This applies to everything from the population’s level of happiness to the society’s creativity and the economic growth. If employers discriminate against and hire people for other characteristics than strictly a person’s productivity, the company and the society will suffer from a productivity loss. Moreover, wage discrim

I skuggan av en alkoholmissbrukare

The aim of this essay is to find out how the people behind the alcohol abuser (relatives of alcoholics) are able to manage their living situation. We chose to interview six relatives to get answers to our questions. We also chose to interview a drug and alcohol therapist, to get a professional perspective. The questions we asked is were: “Can strategies based on the Coping Theory explain how the r

Ursäkta, men hur löd klimatfrågan?

Environmental concepts are nowdays used so often that their meanings can be questioned. It seems as if everyone claims to act in a sustainable way. But what does sustainability really mean? If actors do not share the same understanding of environmental concepts it will be impossible to address the problem in question. Theories exist stating that it is through policy that society defines a problem

Speed control of a peristaltic blood pump

Hemodialysis is today the main treatment used for patients with renal impairment, a serious medical condition. Hemodialysis treatment handles a very delicate system which is why it is of the utmost importance that the dialysis machine has got a reliable safety monitoring system that can detect severe complications during treatment. A new such system is currently under development at Gambro, Lund,

Compatibility between standards in societal security - A study of compatibility between standards developed by ISO/TC 223 – Societal Security and ISO/TC 262 – Risk Management

In this thesis, the compatibility between the standards developed in ISO/TC 223 – Societal Security and the standards developed in ISO/TC 262 – Risk Management, is examined. A joint qualitative method of analysis, consisting of document analysis and semi-structured interviews, is applied. With the help of an operational definition of compatibility, the study results in a coefficient of compatibili

Recognition of Speakers from Oral Non-Linguistic and Linguistic Sounds

Voice recognition plays an important role in human communication and there is increasing interest in so called ‘earwitness’ testimony in the courtroom. However, research on voice identification or earwitness identification by way of short linguistic as compared to non-linguistic sounds remains in its infancy. To address this issue, the present study set out to examine speaker recognition from shor

Generation On-the-Go : The Use of Cultural Analysis in a Youth Participation Process

The out-migration of adolescents and its ensuing consequences, such as rising costs in infrastructure, are a central concern for most rural municipalities in Germany today. This thesis is inspired by and based on the youth participation process titled “Jetzt rede ich!” (in English: “I am talking now!”), which aimed to answer the question of how a municipality in northern Germany can keep youth and

Europeanisation Through Culture : The Swedish cities of Lund’s and Umeå’s applications to become the European Capital of Culture 2014

This thesis compares the Swedish cities of Lund’s Meaningful Meetings and Umeå’s Curiosity and Passion - The Art of Co-Creation applications to be named European Capital of Culture (ECOC) 2014. The applications focus on two criteria of the EU, European Dimension and City and Citizens. The way the two bids worked with the criteria will reveal the process of Europeanisation – the process of creating

Mindfulnessbehandling i grupp för personer med ADHD

Syftet med denna pilotstudie är att undersöka förändringar avseende uppmärksamhet, impulsivitet och aktivitet hos personer med ADHD som genomgått en sjuveckors mindfulnessbaserad gruppbehandling med hjälp av en objektiv testmetod. Graden av mindfulness och självbilden har också undersökts. Metod: Förändringar undersöktes både genom subjektiva självskattningar med Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scale –The aim of his pilot study is to investigate changes regarding attention, impulsivity and activity in individuals with ADHD who have participated in a seven-weeks mindfulness based group therapy by using an objective test. The degree of mindfulness and self-concept has also been investigated. Method: Changes were investigated from the self-rating scales Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scale – self-repo