

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Traffic updating mechanisms for stochastic lattice-free dynamics

We introduce a novel lattice-free stochastic process which models vehicular traffic at the microscopic level. Vehicles are allowed to advance freely within their lane or change lanes without the limitation of lattice cells. Vehicles move under the influence of modified yet classical stochastic spin-flip and spin-exchange Arrhenius dynamic potentials. A modification of the well-known kinetic Monte

Large-area homogeneous quasifree standing epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001): Electronic and structural characterization

The growth of epitaxial graphene on SiC has been identified as one of the most promising techniques to produce graphene for electronic applications. In this paper, we present a systematic study of the electronic and structural properties of large-area quasifree standing epitaxial monolayer graphene grown on top of the SiC(0001) surface. For this purpose, we combine the thermal treatment of SiC in

Plant foods, plasma enterolactone and breast cancer - with a focus on estrogen receptor status and genetic variation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje år insjuknar ca 7000 kvinnor i Sverige i bröstcancer och antalet ökar för varje år. Fortfarande är kunskapen om orsakerna till bröstcancer relativt okända, men många av de kända riskfaktorerna är kopplade till en hög halt av könshormoner i blodet. Faktorer i kosten som kan motverka effekten av könshormonerna är därför av stort intresse. Under 1990-talet inbjöds Diets high in fibre have previously been associated with decreased risk of breast cancer in the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort. Several potent compounds may exist in high-fibre diets that might protect against breast cancer, for example lignans. Plant lignans are converted to enterolactone by the gut microflora and are similar in structure to estrogens. Enterolactone may interact with the estrogen r

Comparison of wavefront sensor models for simulation of adaptive optics

The new generation of extremely large telescopes will have adaptive optics. Due to the complexity and cost of such systems, it is important to simulate their performance before construction. Most systems planned will have Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors. Different mathematical models are available for simulation of such wavefront sensors. The choice of wavefront sensor model strongly influences c

Stimulus-Section Coupling in Endocrine Cell Models

Detailed understanding of biological systems governing specific mechanisms and pathways is essential in the development of novel disease therapies. Stimulus-secretion coupling in hormone secreting cells is a complex system of pathways that link activation of cellular processes by i.e. nutrients to the release of hormone. Stimulus-secretion coupling in the insulin secreting beta-cell is intensely r

PEGylated Cationic Liposome - DNA Complexation in Brine is Pathway-Dependent.

Cationic liposome-DNA (CL-DNA) complexes, are regarded as promising materials for safe and efficient delivery of genes for therapeutical applications. In order to be used in vivo, these complexes may be coated with a hydrophilic polymer (e.g. polyethylene-glycol, PEG) that provides steric stabilization towards adhesion of proteins and removal by the immune system. In this work we study the influen

Maf and Mitf transcription factors regulate pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation and function

Popular Abstract in Swedish Patienter med diabetes kan inte kontrollera blodsockernivåerna på grund av att de saknar insulinproducerande celler eller har icke fungerande insulinproducerande celler. Det finns olika typer av diabetes där typ 1 diabetes och typ 2 diabetes är de vanligaste formerna. Den mest framgångsrika behandling mot typ 1 diabetes är transplantation av insulinproducerande celler, Diabetes - the imbalance in glucose homeostasis is partially caused by loss or dysfunction of pancreatic insulin producing β cells or development of insulin resistance. In Type 1 diabetes β cells are destroyed in the process of an autoimmune attack, whereas in Type 2 diabetes, islets produce insufficient amounts of insulin or the insulin cannot be used adequately. So far, the most promising therap

The Measures of Criminal Attitudes and Associates (MCAA): Further testing of structural and criterion-related validity

The validity of a Swedish translation of the Measures of Criminal Attitudes and Associates (MCAA) was evaluated. All four subscales showed acceptable reliability, but the Entitlement scale can be improved by replacing items with low loadings. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a model with one common criminal attitude factor and three subfactors (corresponding to subscales of the test). The An

Transcriptional Down-Regulation of Thromboxane A(2) Receptor Expression via Activation of MAPK ERK1/2, p38/NF-kappa B Pathways

Background: We have developed an in vitro model by organ culture of rat mesenteric arteries to imitate vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) receptor changes in cardiovascular disease. By using this model, alteration of VSMC thromboxane A(2) (TP) receptors was studied. Methods and Results: After organ culture of the arteries, VSMC TP receptors were studied by using myography, real-time PCR and immuno

Public attitude towards the implementation of management actions aimed at reducing human fear of brown bears and wolves

Previous research on human fear of large carnivores has mainly been based on self-reports in which individual survey items and the objects of fear are measured, so whether a person fears attacks on humans or livestock and pets has not been identified. The objectives of this study were to differentiate between the objects of fear as well as capturing attitudes towards implementation of management a

Coexistence of the long-range and short-range magnetic order components in SrEr2O4

Single-crystal neutron diffraction reveals two distinct components to the magnetic ordering in geometrically frustrated SrEr2O4. One component is a long-range ordered k = 0 structure which appears below T-N = 0.75 K. Another component is a short-range incommensurate structure which manifests itself by the presence of a strong diffuse scattering signal. On cooling from higher temperatures down to 0

The C-type lectin of the aggrecan g3 domain activates complement.

Excessive complement activation contributes to joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis during which cartilage proteins are fragmented and released into the synovial fluid. Some of these proteins and fragments activate complement, which may sustain inflammation. The G3 domain of large cartilage proteoglycan aggrecan interacts with other extracellular matrix proteins, fibulins

Type 1 diabetes in children - risk factors and prediction.

Susceptibility genes and environmental factors are important for development of Type 1 diabetes (T1D). Increased birth weight (BW), increased linear growth and gestational infections are among the reported risk factors. T1D is predictable by analysis of HLA genotypes and islet cell autoantibodies. In this thesis risk factors and prediction of T1D were studied as part of the Diabetes Prediction in

Algal MIPs, high diversity and conserved motifs

Background: Major intrinsic proteins (MIPs) also named aquaporins form channels facilitating the passive transport of water and other small polar molecules across membranes. MIPs are particularly abundant and diverse in terrestrial plants but little is known about their evolutionary history. In an attempt to investigate the origin of the plant MIP subfamilies, genomes of chlorophyte algae, the sis

Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Induces a Decrease in the Levels of S-100b in the Rat Brain

Using an experimental model of non-alcoholic (alimentary-induced) steatohepatitis in rats, we found that this pathological condition created by consumption of a special diet for 16 weeks results in a drop in the brain mass (by 22%, on average) and also in decreases in the size and morphological modifications of astrocytes and the level of a calcium-binding protein, S-100b. The latter shifts were g

Model-Based Optimization of Economical Grade Changes for the Borealis Borstar Polyethylene Plant

Economical grade changes are considered for a Borealis Borstar polyethylene plant model, incorporating two slurry-phase reactors, one gas-phase reactor and a recycle area with three distillation columns. The model is constructed in the Modelica language and the JModelica.org platform is used for opti- mization. The cost function expresses the economical profit during a grade change and is formulat

Analytical Estimation of Map Readability

Readability is a major issue with all maps. In this study, we evaluated whether we can predict map readability using analytical measures, both single measures and composites of measures. A user test was conducted regarding the perceived readability of a number of test map samples. Evaluations were then performed to determine how well single measures and composites of measures could describe the ma