Din sökning på "*" gav 528090 sökträffar
Ekonomisk globalisering : en översiktsanalys av ekonomiska förändringar i vår tid
Miljöorganisationers inflytande i EU-politiken
Regionernas Europa : utopi eller verklighet?
Civilt samhälle i Indien : en studie av Indien under kolonialismen
The Quest for understanding some constructivist explanations to why Imperial China did not expand its political power overseas
Politics of Accomodation i Schweiz, Belgien och Kanada
Limits of Mutual Recognition in Criminal Matters
At Tampere in 1999, the principle of mutual recognition was declared the cornerstone of criminal law cooperation within the European Union. The idea was that a Member State shall recognise a judicial decision in criminal matters taken by a judicial authority in another Member State as if the decision had been taken by one of its own judicial authorities. The argument put forward was that mutual reÖmsesidigt erkännande utsågs till hörnstenen i det straffrättsliga samarbetet inom the europeiska unionen i Tammerfors (Tampere) 1999. Tanken är att en medlemsstat ska erkänna ett juridiskt beslut fattat av en behörig instans i en annan medlemsstat som om beslutet var fattat av en av statens egna behöriga instanser. Det huvudsakliga argumentet för ömsesidigt erkännande var att det skulle medföra e
Umgänge mellan barn och föräldrar - i överensstämmelse med barnets bästa och vilja?
En grundläggande utgångspunkt enligt svensk lag, är att barn har rätt till umgänge med den förälder som barnet inte bor tillsammans med – men hur värnas denna rätt? Barn är omyndiga och har ingen legal möjlighet att väcka talan vid domstol i dessa ärenden. Enligt domstolsverket avgjordes dock cirka 3000 fall år 2009 avseende vårdnad, boende och umgänge vid domstolarna i landet. Närmare en halv mChildrens right of access to the parent with whom they don’t reside is a fundmental point of view according to Swedish law – but how is this right maintained? Children are regarded as minors and they have no means to institute legal proceedings before the court, in these matters. However, according to the national courts administration, around 3000 cases regarding custody, residence and access we
Achieving Sustainable Development – With focus on Dams and the Role of Japan
Begreppet innefattar ett antal faktorer, men kännetecknas främst av en integrering av miljöskydd och utveckling, tillgodoseendet av rättigheter i förhållande till framtida generationer och mellan stater, och ett hållbart nyttjande av naturresurser. Konceptet fick internationellt stöd i början av 1990-talet, men har fortfarande en oklar rättsstatus på internationell nivå. Icke desto mindre har hållThe concept of “sustainable development” has been a part of international discussions regarding environment and development since the end of the 1980s. Although it comprises a number of elements, it is mainly characterized by the notions of integration of environmental protection with the development process, intra-generational equity, inter-generational equity, and sustainable use. The concept ga
The Politics of Electoral Reform in the United Kingdom - A Window of Opportunity?
The first-past-the-post electoral system employed in British general elections has remained virtually unchanged for over a century. It is therefore of historical relevance that a referendum on the Alternative Vote is planned for May 2011. This report sets out to explain why the Liberal Democrats were more successful in pushing for electoral reform after the UK general election 2010 than the Libera
Socialpolitik i gränslandet
Through the development of cross-border cooperation within the European Union, social policy has become an issue for regional policy development. While primarily being a part of national politics, today social policy is influenced by European institutions and regional actors. In this essay I examine how social policy is integrated in strategies for development in the Öresund region. Through the me
Den kommunala självstyrelsens resa - En principfråga möter konkret praktik
This thesis discusses the Swedish local self-government and how the meaning of it changes with time and within different contexts. Today we can see several situations when the matter of principle concerning the local slef-government meets the practical cases in society. As an example of this issue the reception of alone coming refugee children will illustrate one of these situations. This analyse
Framställs företagare könsstereotypt? En studie om framställningen av män och kvinnor i tidskriften Företagaren
Utgångspunkten är att kvinnor generellt sett har begränsade möjligheter till att driva egna företag. Det kan förklaras med hjälp av teorier om könsstrukturer och teorier om företagskultur. I uppsatsen undersöks i vilken utsträckning könsstereotyper verkar förstärkas i företagarnas medlemstidning. Framställningarna har klassificerats som: maskulin framställning, feminin framställning och könsneutra
Rwanda & Burundi: allt mer olika tvillingar
Det här är en komparativ studie som jämför de två väldigt lika länderna Rwanda och Burundi. De två grannländerna med nästan lika stor yta och befolkningsantal, delar samma typ av etniska majoritetsgrupper och med det samma typ av språk, kultur och historia. Med det även kolonialhistoria och konflikthistoria. Båda länderna har sedan kolonialstyrets tillbakadragande haft etniskt rotade konflikter so
Evaluation of the Fire Safety Level in High Speed Craft : Problems, Improvements and Future Developments
The study is an evaluation of the fire safety level of category B High Speed Craft built according to the High Speed Craft-Code. To verify the conclusions and results, four category B HSC have been selected and analysed. The fire safety evaluations of the craft are presented in separate reports. This report summarises the results from the evaluations with respect to the fire safety measures and th
CFD-modellering och fullskaleförsök av brandgasventilation
The purpose of this report is to compile educational material concerning Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) for the Swedish Rescue Services Agency’s Rosersberg Collage. By using CFD-modelling the smoke-spread is visualized in a pedagogic way and will hopefully lead to a better understanding concerning the issue. The fire scenarios chosen are equivalent to the type of conditions used when training
Smoke reservoirs - an evaluation of CFD-modeling as a design tool
This report evaluates the methods used to predict smoke movement in atriums and the limits of smoke reservoirs used today. CFD-modeling is a wide spread tool for these types of calculations. The results of this project shows that the most important issue is to know what the user put in to the model. Most important of all is to know if there is a temperature gradient over the height of the atrium a
Insatspersonalens initiala datainsamling i samband med olycksundersökning - enligt lag om skydd mot olyckor
This report intends to present a working method for the collection of data, which an incident commander can use at the scene of the accident during the rescue. This method contains both a general line of thought, as well as the use of different aids, with the purpose of facilitating the collecting of data. This should be well established with the person who performs the collection of data. Finally
Brandsäkerhetsanalys, en studie av kulvert och källarsystem
This report evaluates the fire safety of two adjoining facilities. These facilities have large basement systems and are connected under the ground by a long and narrow tunnel. Beneath the north-eastern facility’s basement system stretches a cable culvert trough the entire facility. This report evaluates the risk and identifies areas that need measures for a satisfying fire safety. Using literature