

Din sökning på "*" gav 532859 sökträffar

Apyrase treatment of myocardial infarction according to a clinically applicable protocol fails to reduce myocardial injury in a porcine model

Background: Ectonucleotidase dependent adenosine generation has been implicated in preconditioning related cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury, and treatment with a soluble ectonucleotidase has been shown to reduce myocardial infarct size (IS) when applied prior to induction of ischemia. However, ectonucleotidase treatment according to a clinically applicable protocol, with admini

When is Thrombolysis for Acute Lower Limb Ischemia Worthwhile?

Objectives: To find variables associated with outcome following thrombolytic treatment for acute lower limb ischemia. Design: Re-analysis of a prospective multicentre study. Material and methods: One hundred and twenty-one patients with acute lower limb ischemia previously included in a randomised study comparing high- with low-dose thrombolysis were re-analysed ignoring the mode of lytic treatmen

Pay Differentials and Gender-Based Promotion Discrimination in a Dual Labour Market

Abstract Historical studies indicate that determinants of the gender wage gap have varied through history. This paper suggests that employment discrimination dominated over wage discrimination in clerical work in Sweden in the mid-1930s. Women were largely excluded from career paths in the offices. This is explained within an analytical framework, in which segmented labour market theory, notably c

Restricted mobility of specific functional groups reduces anti-cancer drug activity in healthy cells.

The most common cancer treatments currently available are radio- and chemo-therapy. These therapies have, however, drawbacks, such as, the reduction in quality of life and the low efficiency of radiotherapy in cases of multiple metastases. To lessen these effects, we have encapsulated an anti-cancer drug into a biocompatible matrix. In-vitro assays indicate that this bio-nanocomposite is able to i

Arabinosylated phenolics obtained from SO2-steam-pretreated sugarcane bagasse

A pentose-rich hydrolysate fraction obtained by extraction of steam-pretreated sugarcane bagasse was analysed with regard to dissolved phenolics. The liquid obtained after steam pretreatment (2% SO2 (w/w) at 190 ◦C for 5min)was divided into two parts: one containing dissolved compounds originating from hemicellulose (with xylose as the dominating compound), and the other containing predominantly d

Laser Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan den industriella revolutionen har världen konfronterats med många miljöproblem, t.ex. luftföroreningar, surt regn, global uppvärmning, farligt avfall, ozonhålsproblematik, ”smog” och vattenföroreningar. Det är viktigt att utveckla mätteknik för att objektivt kunna fastställa miljöförhållandena för att sedan kunna göra adekvata åtgärder. Miljön kan direkt karakteriThis thesis studies the techniques of laser remote sensing and their applications in environmental monitoring, as documented in several published papers. The environment where the human being live is degrading with an accelerating speed. Quantitative monitoring characterizes the quality of the environment and offers possibilities to solve environmental problems. Laser remote sensing actively prob

Empirically derived psychosocial states among adolescents diagnosed with cancer during the acute and extended phase of survival

Patients and methods: Participants completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and two subscales, Vitality and Mental Health, in the SF-36 4-8 weeks (T1) (n = 61), 6 (T2) (n = 57), 12 (T3) (n = 50), and 18 (T4) months (n = 48) after diagnosis. I-State as Object of Analysis was used to identify a finite set of states based on three dimensions. Cluster analysis was carried out using Ward's m

Side-effects of post-treatment biopsies in prostate cancer patients treated with endocrine therapy alone or combined with radical radiotherapy in the Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group-7 randomized trial

Objective. Post-treatment prostate biopsy side-effects were evaluated in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer on endocrine therapy alone or combined with radiotherapy in the Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group-7 randomized trial. Material and methods. One-hundred and twenty patients underwent transrectalultrasound-guided biopsy, and were requested to complete a questionnaire on side-effec

Polytraumatization in an adult national sample and its association with psychological distress and self-esteem

Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence of selfreported experiences of potential childhood traumas and polytraumatization, and to find cut-off values for different kinds of potential traumatic events in a national representative sample of adults in Sweden. In addition, to analyse the association between polytraumatization and both psychological distress and global self

Geographical Differences in Autoantibodies and Anti-infectious Agents Antibodies Among Healthy Adults

Much is known about the geoepidemiology of defined autoimmune diseases (AD); however, there is currently limited data regarding the prevalence of autoantibodies among healthy populations of different geographical areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate a large profile of autoantibodies in healthy adults from distinct global regions as well as the prevalence of anti-infectious agents antibodie

Low 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine levels and influence of genetic background in an Andean population exposed to high levels of arsenic.

BACKGROUND: Arsenic (As) causes oxidative stress through generation of reactive oxygen species. 8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), a sensitive marker of oxidative DNA damage, has been associated with As exposure in some studies, but not in others, possibly due to population-specific genetic factors. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the association between As and 8-oxodG in urine in a population

Breast feeding, but not use of oral contraceptives, is associated with a reduced risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Objective: To determine whether breast feeding or the use of oral contraceptives (OCs) affects the future risk of rheumatoid arthritis ( RA) in a community-based prospective cohort. Methods: A community-based health survey (18 326 women) was linked to regional and national registers, and incident cases of RA were identified. All women with a diagnosis of RA after inclusion in the health survey (n

Comparison of ultrasonography with Doppler and MRI for assessment of disease activity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a pilot study

Background: In juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), the trend towards early therapeutic intervention and the development of new highly effective treatments have increased the need for sensitive and specific imaging. Numerous studies have demonstrated the important role of MRI and US in adult rheumatology. However, investigations of imaging in JIA are rare, and no previous study has been comparing

Universal temperature and body-mass scaling of feeding rates

Knowledge of feeding rates is the basis to understand interaction strength and subsequently the stability of ecosystems and biodiversity. Feeding rates, as all biological rates, depend on consumer and resource body masses and environmental temperature. Despite five decades of research on functional responses as quantitative models of feeding rates, a unifying framework of how they scale with body

Dimensionerande körfältsbredder - Slutrapport

This report presents the results from a study of 90 km/h rural roads, where the effects of narrow vs. wide lanes on deterioration, safety, winter maintenance etc have been studied. Empirical studies have been performed of lateral positioning and speed on 16 road objects that vary with regards to lane width (3.25m respectively 3.75m) and presence of guardrail (with or without), other parameters hav