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Simulation model for anisotropic fibrous materials
Determination of Heavy Metals and Fluorine in Airborne Particulate Matter in an Indoor Environment by Simultaneous Use of PIXE and γ-Ray Detection
The current rapid development within work-environment research has created a considerable demand among industrial hygienists for suitable analytical methods. PIXE (particle-induced X-ray emission analysis), which was introduced in Lund in 1970, has been shown to be a feasible method for use in studying the elemental composition of aerosols. However, in some work environments, fluorine, an element
A charge sampling mixer with embedded filter function for wireless applications
A charge sampling mixer with embedded and programmable filter function is described, which is not based on the conventional sub-sampling but the proposed bandpass charge sampling (BPCS) principle. A BPCS circuit samples a radio signal by integrating the weighted current of the clocked radio signal in n clock cycles. The large sampling capacitor used in the circuit results in low noise and low char
Pengar efter konkursen
Den dialog som här återges handlar om hur man pratar om olika typer av pengar i samband med konkurser. Vi skall se hur gränsdragningen mellan olika pengar ”används”. Den blir en resurs för att uttrycka företagarmoral och respektabilitet. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av intervjuer med företagare som haft företag som försatts i konkurs. 22 företagare intervjuades 1995. De företagare som citeras i
"Neolithization," ethnogenesis, and material culture: A view from Amazonia
The Use of Reported Talk in Ethnic Discourse.
Dependence of the mean SNR on the interaction between multiuser diversity, multipath diversity, and feedback delay
We examine wireless systems employing Rake receivers and fast scheduling over multiple users. The interactions between multipath diversity, multiuser diversity, and the feedback delay are investigated in terms of the mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). It is assumed that all users experience the same propagation characteristics, i.e., the same number of taps and power-delay profile (PDP). The result
Internationell politik (2. uppl.)
Abstract is not available
Framgång i säljande - om värdeskapande i säljar- och köparinteraktionen på industriella marknader
Popular Abstract in Swedish Forskningsfokus i den här avhandlingen har varit framgång i säljande skapad i säljare och köparinteraktioner på och mellan makro-, meso- och mikronivå. Framgång har studerats som ett värde med konsekvenser för utbytesprocessen eftersom framgång påverkar aktörernas agerande i säljar- och köparinteraktionen på olika nivåer i företagen. Studien är avgränsad till framgång iThe research focus in this dissertation has been on success in selling as created in the seller and buyer interaction on and between macro-, meso- and micro levels. Success seen as a value has consequences for the exchange process, since it affects the actor's action in the seller and buyer interaction on different levels in companies. The study of value is limited to success in selling as a value
Abstract is not available
Hänsynstagandets paradoxer : Om äldre, närstående och biståndshandläggare vid flytt till särskilt boende
Many older people express strong preferences to remain in their own housing as long as possible. Due to declining health they may, however, become dependent on others for their daily care, eventually reaching a point where they consider relocation to a residential home. The overall aim of the dissertation is to reveal the process preceding older people’s potential relocation from ordinary housing
Nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO): A novel class of messenger molecules regulating insulin and glucagon secretion
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kväveoxid (NO) och framför allt kolmonoxid (CO) tillhör de giftigaste gaserna man känner till. Vem har inte läst i kriminalromaner om hur människor stängts in i garage och gasats ihjäl med kolmonoxid från arbetande bilmotorers avgasutsläpp. Under det senaste årtiondet har man kunnat visa att dessa gaser i själva verket bildas i vår egen kropp och att de utgör signalmoleDuring the last decade it has been shown that nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) are produced in our own body, and that they constitute a novel class of messenger molecules. In 1992 a constitutive NO-producing NO-synthase (cNOS) was found in the islets of Langerhans, and in 1997 we could show for the first time that the islets also contained a CO-producing constitutive heme oxygenase (HO-2