

Din sökning på "*" gav 531896 sökträffar

Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis as a common cause of tick-associated fever in Southeast Sweden: Report from a prospective clinical study

Between May and December 1998, tick-associated febrile illness was prospectively studied in Southeast Sweden in order to assess the occurrence of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE). Inclusion criteria were fever (greater than or equal to 38.0degreesC), with or without headache, myalgia or arthralgia in patients with an observed tick bite or tick exposure within 1 month prior to onset of symptom

High-pt direct photon-hadron correlations using the PHENIX detector

Direct photons are a powerful probe to study the property of quark–gluon plasma (QGP) in high energy heavy-ion collisions. In non-central collisions, the anisotropy of the collision region produces the different pressure gradients and particle density that results in different anisotropy of particle emission, depending on the production processes of photons. Therefore, an azimuthal anisotropy para

Snabb behandling vid septisk chock räddar liv - Även om »early goal-directed therapy«-protokoll inte ger effekt i nya studier. : Fast treatment of septic shock saves lives. Although "early goal-directed therapy"-protocol does not show any effect in new studies

Three recent randomised trials have shown a lack of effect of EGDT for the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock. Notably, control group care was excellent in all trials, including early recognition, early and aggressive fluid resuscitation and prompt administration of antibiotics, and was reflected in a lower than expected mortality.The discussion emphasizes the need for continued vigilanceThree recent randomised trials have shown a lack of effect of EGDT for the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock. Notably, control group care was excellent in all trials, including early recognition, early and aggressive fluid resuscitation and prompt administration of antibiotics, and was reflected in a lower than expected mortality.The discussion emphasizes the need for continued vigilance

Long-term follow-up of patients with severe ANCA-associated vasculitis comparing plasma exchange to intravenous methylprednisolone treatment is unclear

Patients with antineutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis (AAV) requiring dialysis at diagnosis are at risk for developing end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or dying. Shortterm results of a trial comparing plasma exchange (PLEX) to intravenous methylprednisolone (IV MeP) suggested PLEX improved renal recovery. Here we conducted long-term follow-up to see if this trend persisted. A total o

Gradient Methods for Large-Scale and Distributed Linear Quadratic Control

Popular Abstract in Undetermined I den här populärvetenskapliga sammanfattningen berörs avhandlingen Gradient Methods for Large-Scale and Distributed Linear Quadratic Control. Hur kan jetflygplan hålla sig i luften? Hur kan en Segway balansera en människa? Dessa frågor och många fler kan besvaras med hjälp av reglerteknik. Reglerteknik är ett område som behandlar hur man automatiskt styr system oThis thesis considers methods for synthesis of linear quadratic controllers for large-scale, interconnected systems. Conventional methods that solve the linear quadratic control problem are only applicable to systems with moderate size, due to the rapid increase in both computational time and memory requirements as the system size increases. The methods presented in this thesis show a much slower

Decreased Neutrophil Apoptosis in Quiescent ANCA-Associated Systemic Vasculitis.

BACKGROUND: ANCA-Associated Systemic Vasculitis (AASV) is characterized by leukocytoclasis, accumulation of unscavenged apoptotic and necrotic neutrophils in perivascular tissues. Dysregulation of neutrophil cell death may contribute directly to the pathogenesis of AASV. METHODS: Neutrophils from Healthy Blood Donors (HBD), patients with AASV most in complete remission, Polycythemia Vera (PV), Sy

Suzuki reaction catalysed by a PCsp3P pincer Pd(II) complex: Evidence for a mechanism involving molecular species

{Cis-1,3-bis[(di-tert-butylphosphino)methyl]cyclohexyl}palladium(II)trif luoroacetate (1) acts as a precatalyst for the Suzuki reaction of aryl halides with phenylboronic acid in the absence or presence of mercury to give the product in modest to reasonably good yields. The reaction was monitored by P-31- and H-1 NMR spectroscopy in a stepwise fashion, concluding that complex 1 reacts with activat

Blodplasma används som läkemedel. : Men nationella, evidensbaserade behandlingsriktlinjer saknas

There are great regional variations in the use of plasma products. Evidence-based guidelines for plasma treatment are lacking. The Swedish market offers a non-commercial plasma product, produced by the hospital-based transfusion departments. There is also the commercial, virus-inactivated “SD plasma”. This is more expensive than the non-commercial plasma, yet it has not been shown to reduce the ri

In-situ Measurement of Sodium and Potassium Release during Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Lignite using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Effects of O-2 and CO2 Concentration

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was used in this study to measure quantitatively the sodium (Na) and potassium (K) release from burning coal particles under oxy-fuel combustion environments. A specially designed laminar premixed burner was employed to provide a postflame environment with different O-2 and CO2 concentrations, in which the effects of O-2 and CO2 on the release of Na and


Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer uppstår via genetiska förändringar som leder till ohämmad reglering av celltillväxt. Tumörer i mjukdelar utgör en grupp av solida tumörer, med över 100 histologiska typer. Mjukdelstumörer uppstår från mesenkymal vävnad, som inkluderar fett, bindväv, muskulatur, och det perifera nervsystemet. Mjukdelstumörer är en extremt heterogen grupp, både vad gäller morfologiThe focus of this thesis was to study cytogenetic and molecular genetic aberrations in lipomas. For this purpose, chromosome banding analysis, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), as well as high resolution single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)–arrays were used to identify recurrent chromosomal aberrations in lipomas. The possible molecular targets for these aberrations were further studied t

Adaptive Rate-Maximizing Channel-Shortening for ISI Channels

We consider detection over intersymbol interference channels that are unknown at the receiver. For such a kind of systems, we consider an alternative approach to the design of a reduced-complexity receiver based on channel shortening without the explicit estimation of the channel impulse response. The proposed solution allows a simplification of the receiver architecture and a faster convergence f

Persistently Altered Brain Mitochondrial Bioenergetics After Apparently Successful Resuscitation From Cardiac Arrest.

Although advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation have improved survival from cardiac arrest (CA), neurologic injury persists and impaired mitochondrial bioenergetics may be critical for targeted neuroresuscitation. The authors sought to determine if excellent cardiopulmonary resuscitation and postresuscitation care and good traditional survival rates result in persistently disordered cerebral mi

Visualization of regulations to support design and quality control - a long-term study

The aim of the study was to visualize design regulations of furniture by means of interactive technology based on earlier studies and practical examples. The usage of the visualized regulations was evaluated on two occasions: at the start when the first set of regulations was presented, and after six years of usage of all regulations. The visualized regulations were the result of a design process

Non-Invasive Measures of Heart Failure

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtsvikt är en sjukdom som beror på att hjärtat inte kan pumpa ut tillräckligt med blod till kroppens vävnader. I Sverige drabbas årligen 30000 personer av hjärtsvikt, och prognosen är jämförbar med de vanligaste cancerformerna. Trots att det är så vanligt och allvarligt, saknas i dagsläget objektiva mått på hjärtsvikt – det finns alltså ingen ”linjal” för att mäta huHeart failure is a clinical syndrome characterized by an inability of the heart to meet the metabolic demands of the body. Approximately 1-2% of the population in the western society has the diagnosis, and the 5-year mortality rate is comparable with the common cancer diagnoses. The lack of reliable objective measures of heart failure motivates research in this direction. Blood flow is an essentia