

Din sökning på "*" gav 535093 sökträffar

Joint Calibration of Inertial Sensors and Magnetometers using von Mises-Fisher Filtering and Expectation Maximization

Microelectromechanical-systems-based inertial sensors and magnetometers are low-cost, off-the-shelf sensors that are widely used in both consumer and industrial applications. However, these sensors suffer from biases and effects such as axis misalignment or scale errors, which require careful system design and periodic sensor calibration. In this paper, we propose a fast calibration method for joi

Global reach, regional strength : Spatial patterns of a big science facility

The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), a leading facility in synchrotron science, plays a crucial role in supporting both the local and the international scientific community by providing advanced instrumentation for their research. However, our understanding of the actual reach of the facility and its spatial dynamics remains limited. Thus, a methodology is proposed where author affi

Skolsköterskor erfarenheter av att arbeta med barn mellan 13 och 18 år som har övervikt eller fetma inom skolhälsovården. En systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Övervikt och fetma är ett globalt problem som har ökat sedan 1975. Syfte: att undersöka skolsköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med barn mellan 13 och 18 år som har övervikt eller fetma inom skolhälsovården. Metod: Systematisk litteraturöversikt av kvalitativ metod. Endast artiklar av kvalitativ metod är valda från två databaser, CINAHL Plus samt MEDLINES Pubmed. De valda 15 artiklarn

Gendered stereotype content for people with a nonbinary gender identity : [version 1; 1 peer review: 1 approved with reservations]

BackgroundGender stereotypes about women and men have a complementary structure, where women and men are seen as high/low in feminine characteristics and low/high in masculine characteristics. These stereotypes are related to representation within social roles, where beliefs about social role occupation influences which characteristics are associated with women or men. It is not known how people w

From Monte Carlo PET Simulations to Reconstructed Images : Modelling and Optimisation for 68Ga Theragnostics

In nuclear medicine, radiopharmaceuticals can be administered for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in theragnostics, a strategy that combines both diagnosis and therapy. This can be achieved by using similar radiopharmaceuticals for imaging and radionuclide therapy, which enables highly personalised disease management. One theragnosti

Conclusions and futures : Are Gen Z the sustainable consumers of the future?

The chapter identifies several themes that are potentially significant in future research on Gen Z and sustainable tourism consumption. The need for cross-generational and cross-cultural research is identified, especially in a longitudinal context. It is also noted that the majority of research is undertaken in the developed world and the authors highlight the need for research in less developed c

The 2009 British MPs’ expenses scandal: Origins, evolution and consequences

This chapter introduces the British MPs’ expenses scandal: its origins, evolution and consequences. We argue that despite some early predictions, the scandal was limited in its impact: the purported ‘revolution’ never occurred. We briefly review the comparative literature on the political impact of scandal, which illustrates why the effects of scandals are usually limited and reasons why voters ma

Reviewing value creation in agriculture—A conceptual analysis and a new framework

Creation of business value is a major objective of any enterprise, but the way in whichvalue is created and its consequences call for re-evaluation in response to current sustainability goals. The agricultural sector serves basic human needs, but its systems and methods for production, processing, and consumption often pose challenges to sustainable development. To address these challenges, this s

Perspectives on agroecological transition: the case of Guachetá municipality, Colombia

Specialization of agriculture in the Colombian Andes has increased smallholder vulnerability to climate change and global price fluctuations and has also affected the socio-economic and environmental conditions. Promoting sustainable agriculture in the region requires a holistic understanding of complex agroecosystems. This study identifies and analyzes the main challenges for agriculture and poss

Antinutrienter och Bacillus cereus i vegetarisk mat: Hur hanteras riskerna i den kommunala livsmedelskontrollen?

Under de senaste åren har utbudet och konsumtionen av växtbaserad mat ökat världen över. Många växtbaserade produkter är så pass nya att konsumtionen av dessa i stor skala ännu är dåligt undersökt. Vegetariska produkter är gjorda av baljväxter och spannmål med andra mikrobiologiska förutsättningar och utmaningar än animaliska och kan därför behöva hanteras annorlunda. Det är allmänt känt att växtbDuring recent years, there has been an increase in supply and consumption of plantbased products worldwide. As many such products are new, the consumption of these has not been thoroughly investigated. Vegetarian products are made from legumes and cereals with different microbiological conditions and challenges than animal products, and thus they may need to be handled differently. It is commonly

Prenatal Metals Exposure and pre-adolescents’ Emotional and Behavioral Problems

Emotional and behavioral problems during childhood raise the risk of subsequent developmental of mental disorders. Our aim was to study the association between maternal metal and trace element concentrations during gestation and these problems in 9 year-old children. The study sample comprised Spanish mother-child pairs in the INMA project (n = 1003). Metals and trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mo,

Toward Detecting and Addressing Corner Cases in Deep Learning Based Medical Image Segmentation

Translating machine learning research into clinical practice has several challenges. In this paper, we identify some critical issues in translating research to clinical practice in the context of medical image segmentation and propose strategies to systematically address these challenges. Specifically, we focus on cases where the model yields erroneous segmentation, which we define as corner cases

Grain legume-cereal intercropping enhances the use of soil-derived and biologically fixed nitrogen in temperate agroecosystems. A meta-analysis

Grain legumes are known for their benefits to deliver ecosystem services on provisioning of protein-rich food and feed, reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the symbiotic nitrogen fixation function and diversification of cropping systems. Intercropping is an agroecological practice in which two or more crop species are grown simultaneously in the same field, thereby maximizing the use of reso

We do it our way – small scale farms in business model transformation for sustainability

Value creation is at the core of business model (BM) research, but the link between BM and value creation remains unclear. In this work, empirical data on BM transformation towards sustainable value creation in the agri-food sector, were obtained through case studies. Factors in BM transformation were identified, transformations in different BM segments were analysed and sustainable value created

Amyloid formation as a protein phase transition

The formation of amyloid fibrils is a general class of protein self-assembly behaviour, which is associated with both functional biology and the development of a number of disorders, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. In this Review, we discuss how general physical concepts from the study of phase transitions can be used to illuminate the fundamental mechanisms of amyloid self-assembly. We

Continuous-Discrete von Mises-Fisher Filtering on S2 for Reference Vector Tracking

This paper is concerned with tracking of reference vectors in the continuous-discrete-time setting. For this end, an Itô stochastic differential equation, using the gyroscope as input, is formulated that explicitly accounts for the geometry of the problem. The filtering problem is solved by restricting the prediction and filtering distributions to the von Mises-Fisher class, resulting in ordinary

Reglering av AI: för lite för sent, eller för mycket för tidigt? : En rapport om generativ AI och den europeiska AI-förordningen

Vi befinner oss i en formativ period gällande AI-reglering där de beslut som tas kommer att ha stor påverkan för en väsentlig tid framåt, globalt, i Europa såväl som i Sverige. Syftet med den här rapporten är att analysera processen med framtagandet av den europeiska AI-förordningen, dvs. placera in AI-regleringsaspekter i ett bredare perspektiv. Det görs genom att belysa rättsliga utmaningar kopp

Iterated Extended Kalman Smoother-Based Variable Splitting for L1-Regularized State Estimation

In this paper, we propose a new framework for solving state estimation problems with an additional sparsity-promoting $L-1$-regularizer term. We first formulate such problems as minimization of the sum of linear or nonlinear quadratic error terms and an extra regularizer, and then present novel algorithms which solve the linear and nonlinear cases. The methods are based on a combination of the ite