

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Nation branding and the social imaginary of participation : An exploratory study of the Swedish Number campaign

The Swedish Number is a 2016 marketing campaign by an independent tourist association that relies heavily on a developing heritage of Swedish nation branding initiatives. It uses media technologies to encourage citizen participation in promoting Swedish values, partly for the purpose of showing the country’s authentic side and partly for generating publicity. This article conducts a case study of

Cross-sectional comparative study of risky sexual behaviours among HIV-infected persons initiated and waiting to start antiretroviral therapy in rural Rakai, Uganda

Objectives To compare risky sexual behaviours between HIV-positive persons initiated on antiretroviral therapy (ART) (ART-experienced) and persons waiting to start on ART (ART-naive) and assess predictors of risky sexual behaviours among HIV-infected patients in rural Rakai district, Uganda. Study design This is a cross-sectional study that used data from the Rakai Community Cohort Study (RCCS) da

ONSHORE WINDMILL FOUNDATIONS - Evaluation of new proposals

Windmill structures must withstand very high horizontal loading giving an extremely large overturning moment on the foundation. These structures have very low stability loads in comparison to the overturning loads. The traditional way to solve the construction problem uses a shallow foundation with a massive concrete volume or a piled foundation to resist the extreme overturning moment. This work

Decolonizing the Atmosphere: The Climate Justice Movement on Climate Debt

A central concept raised by the climate justice movement is climate debt. Here, the claims and warrants of the movement support for climate debt is identified through an argumentation analysis of their central manifestos. It is found that the climate debt claim is understood as primarily restorative, in the sense that the environmental space of the developing countries must be returned, “decolonizA central concept raised by the climate justice movement is climate debt. Here, the claims and warrants of the movement support for climate debt is identified through an argumentation analysis of their central manifestos. It is found that the climate debt claim is understood as primarily restorative, in the sense that the environmental space of the developing countries must be returned, “decoloniz

The ins and outs of SMIM1 and its relationship to the expression of Vel blood group antigen

Background: Vel blood group expression is dependent on Small Integral Membrane Protein 1 (SMIM1), a recently discovered erythroid protein. SMIM1 consists of 78 amino acids (aa) and shows only limited homology to other human proteins but is evolutionarily conserved, indicating its importance. The protein has a predicted transmembrane domain but the direction of insertion into the red blood cell (RB

Water and related electrical energy use in urban households—Influence of individual attributes in Beijing, China

Water and energy are intricately connected in households. The connections mainly appear in three types of residential behavior: bathing, cooking, and cleaning. This study investigated the features of water and related energy consumption in groups with different individual attributes and identified the key groups and types of behavior that correlate with water and energy conservation. A face-to-fac

Phthalate esters on urban airborne particles : Levels in PM10 and PM2.5 from Mexico City and theoretical assessment of lung exposure

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from the environment are associated with reproductive abnormalities (i.e. decreased sperm concentration; increased endometriosis) and alterations of the cardiovascular system (i.e. increased blood pressure and risk of coronary disease). Some phthalates esters have been identified as EDCs, for which inhalation is considered as one of the routes of exposure. How

Foresight Revisited : Visions of 21st Century Diplomacy

In 1999, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) board sanctioned an internal report into how the organisation should look in 2010. It was conducted by the successor generation of faststream diplomats and was eventually completed in 2000. The Foresight Report was never released into the public domain, and indeed its existence was not openly acknowledged for a further 3 years. In particular, a

Dimension Reduction and Signal Decomposition for Genotype–Phenotype Relations

Over the last few decades, DNA sequencing has developed from costing billions of dollars to get the complete sequence of the human genome, to being a routine procedure performed in labs all around the world. This has transformed the field of experimental biology since measurements can be done at a level of detail that was not possible before. Still, the relationship between genotype and low-level

Micro- and macroevolutionary aspects of body size diversification and thermal adaptation in insects

För varje typ av djur finns en optimal storlek, men större är ofta bättre. För 300 miljoner år sedan var jättelika drakeflugor de största insekterna någonsin. Högre atmosfäriska syrekoncentrationer tros ha tillåtit dem att både flyga och utvecklas till jättar. Men idag är de största sländorna inte större än en mänsklig hand och tar decennier att utvecklas till vuxna. Men varför blir kråkmått ellerBody size and body temperature are the two most important traits in biology. In this thesis I show how these twovariables have shaped the evolution of insects over the last 300 million years. These variables are so important infact that three rules have been developed to summarize their effects: (1) bigger is better, (2) hotter makes yousmaller, and (3) hotter is better.Using primarily dragonflies

Induction of precocious intestinal maturation in T-cell deficient athymic neonatal rats

Aim: To investigate whether gut maturation could be induced precociously in an athymic T-cell deficient neonatal rat model. Methods: Fourteen day-old athymic (nude) rats (NIH-Foxn 1rnu) were gavaged with either phytohaemagglutinin - a lectin from red kidney beans (PHA); trypsin - a protease (Prot); or water - vehicle (control) as a single dose on one day or once a day for 3-day. The nude rats were

Cross-correlation detection improves spatial delineation and enables high resolution tracking of temporal events in magnetomotive ultrasound imaging

Magnetomotive ultrasound (MM US) imaging is a method whereby superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO NP) are used as a contrast agent. By applying an external magnetic field the particles are set in motion together with their surroundings. The induced movement is detected with ultrasound, and for the case of harmonic excitation of the magnetic source, quadrature detection (lock-in plus ph