

Din sökning på "*" gav 534703 sökträffar

Magnetic contrast layers with functional SiO2 coatings for soft-matter studies with polarized neutron reflectometry

This study introduces silicon substrates with a switchable magnetic contrast layer (MCL) for polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) experiments at the solid–liquid interface to study soft-matter surface layers. During standard neutron reflectometry (NR) experiments on soft-matter samples, structural and compositional information is obtained by collecting experimental data with different isotopic co

Hydrogen and Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Techno-economic modelling of Ancillary Services and Additional Income flows

Stora förändringar och varierad elproduktion har lett till många osäkerheter i elsystemets marknader. Balanseringsverktygen har därmed hamnat i rampljuset med stor inkomstpotential idag och möjligen även långt framöver. Denna rapport visar att det finns stora möjligheter för vätgassystem och batterier att medverka på dessa marknader. En förväntad fördubbling av elproduktion under de kommande 20 årIn order to move away from fossil fuels many governments and industries are focusing their new investments in electricity and alternative fuels such as green hydrogen from electrolyzers using renewable electricity. High investment costs and electricity costs are a hindrance for the future development of a hydrogen economy which can utilize an increasing intermittent power generation. The aim of th

Eckart streaming with nonlinear high-order harmonics : An example at gigahertz

Acoustic streaming shows great potential in applications such as bubble dynamics, cell aggregation, and nanosized particle isolation in the biomedical and drug industries. As the acoustic shock distance decreases with the increase of incident frequency, the nonlinear propagation effect will play a role in acoustic streaming, e.g., Eckart (bulk) streaming at a few gigahertz. However, the theory of

Acceptable performance of blood biomarker tests of amyloid pathology — recommendations from the Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease

Anti-amyloid treatments for early symptomatic Alzheimer disease have recently become clinically available in some countries, which has greatly increased the need for biomarker confirmation of amyloid pathology. Blood biomarker (BBM) tests for amyloid pathology are more acceptable, accessible and scalable than amyloid PET or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tests, but have highly variable levels of perfor

Between Policy-oriented Criticism and Structural Opposition – Civil Society Advocacy in the Age of Populism

With the wave of right-wing populist parties coming to power and gaining influence in recent years, civil society has been hit by increased ideological resistance from outside. The paper explores how key civil society actors react to policy changes by national governments influenced by right-wing populist parties. The aim is to understand how the rise to power of right-wing populist parties affect

Directly-excited laser-induced thermal grating spectroscopy and thermometry with carbon dioxide vibrational transition

Laser-induced thermal grating spectroscopy (LITGS) has been proved for accurate thermometry and measurement of energy transfer processes in molecules. While electronic transitions are often used for excitation in previous LITGS works, here we report laser-induced thermal gratings formed by direct excitation of CO2 with an infrared (IR) laser at wavelength near 2 μm, with which high signal-to-noise

Machine-learned tuning of artificial Kitaev chains from tunneling spectroscopy measurements

We demonstrate reliable machine-learned tuning of quantum-dot-based artificial Kitaev chains to Majorana sweet spots, using the covariance matrix adaptation algorithm. We show that a loss function based on local tunneling spectroscopy features of a chain with two additional sensor dots added at its ends provides a reliable metric to navigate parameter space and find points where crossed Andreev re

Circular Industrial Transition. : Can the Green Industrial Policy Revival Support Circular Industrial Transition in Sweden?

The major driver of the climate and biodiversity crisis is our unsustainable production and consumption patterns, but the need to transition to a circular and resource- efficient economy has not been sufficiently addressed by policymakers. Policies supporting circular industrial transition are still rare, not the least in contrast with the recent momentum gained by green industrial policy in EU an

Spectator Matter in Collisions of Relativistic Deformed Nuclei

Abstract: The Abrasion–Ablation Monte Carlo for Colliders (AAMCC) model is used to study the characteristics of spectator matter in central collisions of relativistic 238U nuclei, which are sensitive to the mutual orientation and the degree of deformation of the colliding nuclei. It is shown that the multiplicity of spectator neutrons and their forward-backward asymmetry substantially depend on th

The Association Between Artificial Intelligence Anxiety and Organisation-Based Self-Esteem in Norwegian and Swedish ​​Accountants, Auditors and Payroll Clerks: A Cross-Sectional Study

Artificial intelligence (AI) applications change the labour market for human workers. To establish if the applications are determined positive or not, they must be researched in a specified field. One field that is affected by AI applications is the field of economics. In this study, the anxiety towards AI and organisation-based self-esteem (OBSE) in (N = 79) accountants, auditors, and payroll cle

Identifying mutants that prevent S. pombe with compromised wee1 and mik1 function from growing

Cancer överkommer kroppens immunförsvar och andra tumör-bekämpande system, bland annat genom att öka eller minska uttrycket av vissa gener. Gener som är viktiga för cell-cykelprogressionen är ofta påverkade. Till exempel är genen wee1 ofta överuttryckt i cancer. wee1s funktion är att koda för ett protein som förhindrar att cellen fortsätter i cellcykeln om den har trasigt DNA. Ett förslag på canceIn this study the yeast S. pombe is used to try to find genes which can (potentially in the future) be targeted in cancer cells to stop the cells from growing. WEE1 is a kinase important for proper cell-cycle progression, as it inhibits cyclin-dependent kinases activity. It is overexpressed in many cancers and many studies are being done researching how WEE1 inhibitors can be used as a cancer trea

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Translated PhD dissertation into Spanish.From the editors: ¿Es el arrepentimiento una forma de memoria?, ¿una manera de narrarnos a nosotros mismos?, ¿un acto de imaginación? Alejandro Cesarco ha desarrollado una práctica artística heterodoxa a partir de recursos como la repetición, la narratividad, la lectura o la traducción. Con este libro, en el que cuestiona un devenir del arte regido por el p

HAMLET, a human milk protein-lipid complex, modulates amoxicillin induced changes in an ex vivo biofilm model of the oral microbiome.

Challenges from infections caused by biofilms and antimicrobial resistance highlight the need for novel antimicrobials that work in conjunction with antibiotics and minimize resistance risk. In this study we investigated the composite effect of HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells), a human milk protein-lipid complex and amoxicillin on microbial ecology using an ex vivo oral

Circulating Interleukin 17A and Other Inflammatory Proteins May Predict Cardiovascular Disease in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

Objective. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of 92 inflammatory proteins on the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods. This study included consecutive patients with early RA recruited between 1995 and 2002. Stored plasma samples were analyzed for 92 inflammatory proteins. CVD diagnoses were retrieved from national in-

buen diseño para la industria

This publication charts the history of the groundbreaking textile design portfolio created by the Argentine collective Buen Diseño para la Industria—formed by geometric abstract artists José Antonio Fernández-Muro, Sarah Grilo, Alfredo Hlito, and Miguel Ocampo—and locates it at the utopic intersection of modernist visual practice and industrial design.The book’s centerpiece is a stunning set of re

Arabidopsis transcription factor ANAC102 predominantly expresses a nuclear protein and acts as a negative regulator of methyl viologen-induced oxidative stress responses

Plants, being sessile organisms, constantly need to respond to environmental stresses, often leading to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). While ROS can be harmful, they also act as second messengers guiding plant growth and stress responses. Because chloroplasts are sensitive to environmental changes and are both a source and a target of ROS during stress conditions, they are impo