Din sökning på "*" gav 534692 sökträffar
Stoichiometry regulates rice straw-induced priming effect : The microbial life strategies
Straw and nutrients retained in soil are crucial for priming effect (PE) and consequently for soil organic matter (SOM) turnover. However, the mechanisms by which carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) and their stoichiometric ratios impact microbial communities and regulate the PE intensity remain controversial, particularly in the flooded rice soils. In this work, the PE dynamics and micro
"Visa att Sverige är värt sitt goda rykte i miljöfrågor och kan agera pådrivare."
Implementation of the European Health Data Space in Sweden
Efficient Integration of Mobile Health Applications into Healthcare Services
Uterine Transplantations in Sweden
Regulation of biological processes by ubiquitin ligases: a focus on the Pagano Lab's contribution
Protein homeostasis depends on many fundamental processes including mRNA synthesis, translation, post-translational modifications, and proteolysis. In the late 70s and early 80s the discovery that the small 76 amino acid protein ubiquitin could be attached to target proteins via a multi-stage process involving ubiquitin-activating enzymes, ubiquitin conjugating enzymes, and ubiquitin ligases, reve
Moralisk stress: En undersökning av moralisk stress hos personal som arbetar på Statens institutionsstyrelse
Studien undersökte förekomsten av moralisk stress bland SiS-personal och dess relation till coping, psykologisk flexibilitet, stress och empati. Moralisk stress uppkommer i situationer där personer, i sin professionella yrkesroll, upplever att de inte kan agera efter vad de upplever är etiskt eller moraliskt korrekt på grund av institutionella begränsningar. Tidigare studier utförd på hälso-och sjThis study investigated the frequency of moral distress among staff in the Swedish organization SiS. Moral distress arises in situations where people, in their professional role, experience that they cannot act in accordance with what they deem to be morally correct because of institutional limits. Earlier studies among healthcare staff have shown that moral distress have negative consequences for
A New Age for a New Burma: Decolonial Discourse and National Aspirations in post-WWII Burma
Swedish Title: En Ny Era för Ett Nytt Burma: Avkoloniseringens Diskurs och Nationens Strävan i Burma efter Andra Världskriget This study explores the nature of the nationalist discourse in Burma (Myanmar) in the short period of time following World War II but preceding Burma’s declaration of independence on the 4th of January, 1948. Burma, then a British colony in Southeast Asia, had been promised
Coherent Backscattering from Free-Flying Insects : Implications for Remote Species Identification
Måste fånga fler: En riktig Pokédex för att identifiera insekterFöreställ dig ett verktyg som kan identifiera levande insekter direkt i fält, precis somen Pokédex i verkligheten. Ny teknologi kan göra denna dröm till verklighet, ochbörjar med att förstå de utmaningar vi står inför.Konventionella metoder för att studera insekter kan vara tidskrävande, svåra attskala upp och ger sällan realtidsinforThe alarming decline in global insect populations and diversity calls for improvedmonitoring methods with species specificity. Conventional trapping techniques arelabor-intensive and fail to provide real-time in situ data on species composition. Inresponse, novel remote and automated monitoring methods have emerged, offeringthe potential for high-resolution and efficient data collection. However,
Acqui-hiring and deep-tech ventures : evidence from Sweden
Recently, acqui-hiring, which refers to the acquisitions driven by gaining access to target human capital, has emerged as a proliferating phenomenon in acquisitions of small technology firms. However, we still know little about this phenomenon, particularly outside the community of Silicon Valley. This study sheds new light on the nature of acqui-hiring by focusing on what drives acqui-hiring. Usi
A Local-Level Agricultural Transformation in the Making? : The Case of the Cassava Industry in the Ashanti and Volta Regions of Ghana
In sub-Saharan Africa, Ghana is recognized as one of the countries undergoing rapid economic transformation. Drawing on an agricultural transformation framework, this study sheds light on the current farm and nonfarm developments in the cassava subsector in five communities across four districts in Ghana. Using a qualitative exploratory research design based on field-work surveys, the study identi
Slaggrus – styvhet, krav & användning; En teknisk undersökning av slaggrus för vägöverbyggnad
Bergkross är det främsta materialet för uppbyggnad av vägar idag. Det är ett jungfruligt material som bara ökar i produktion för användning i anläggningssektorn. För att minska användningen och i förlängningen också produktionen av jungfruliga material undersöks mer sekundära ballastmaterial som exempelvis slaggrus för att nå ett cirkulärt flöde. Slaggrus har undersökts utifrån olika aspekter meCrushed stone is the main material for building roads today. It is a virgin material that is only increasing in production for use in the construction sector. To reduce the use of virgin materials, and with it the production, more secondary aggregate materials such as Municipal solid waste incinerated (MSWI) bottom ash are being investigated to achieve a circular flow. MSWI bottom ash has been in
Chinese Immigrants in Sweden: Crisis and Compromise in Patriarchy
This study explores how Chinese immigrant families with patriarchal structures adapt after relocating to Sweden. Before immigration, these families followed a system I conceptualize as "soft patriarchal ruling," where wives internalized patriarchal norms and men maintained control through subtle power-sharing. However, upon moving to Sweden, this system faces significant challenges, lead
Elevated carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) is associated with incident heart failure and mortality in acute coronary syndrome
AIMS: Carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125), a mucin produced by serosal cells in response to mechanical and inflammatory stimuli, has emerged as an important biomarker to guide risk stratification in heart failure (HF). The prognostic value of CA125 in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients is less explored.METHODS: In a cohort of 524 ACS patients (73% males, mean age 67 ± 12 years), we assessed the a
Environmental sustainability in telecommunications: Exploring direct impacts of EU-headquartered telecom operators
The relevance of the ICT sector and telecom operators is predicted to grow rapidly within the next decade, mainly around their direct environmental impacts because of the ongoing expansion of mobile and fixed networks and increasing data traffic. Therefore, it is necessary to explore telecom operators' direct environmental impacts, considering the currently available information in sustainabil
Reduktionen som erfarenhet : Kris och hoppfullhet i 1680-talets aristokratiska hushåll
A large body of scholarly work has been dedicated to the Swedish reduction in the early 1680s, when fiefs granted to the nobility were revoked as the crown strengthened its position. However, this research has focused on political and economic developments with an elite perspective. Insufficient attention has been paid to the actions and lived reality of other groups, not least the servants of the
Viscous-dependent fingering dynamics of gas invading into multi-fluids
To realize the transition of our society to a low-carbon future with innovative subsurface energy solutions, understanding the dynamic behavior of gas invading multi-fluid systems in underground pore space is critical. In this work, a joint approach of flow imaging and digital image processing is employed to investigate the fingering dynamics of gas invading multi-fluids in porous media. We examin
Anomalous negative magnetoresistance in quantum dot Josephson junctions with Kondo correlations
The interplay between superconductivity and the Kondo effect has stimulated significant interest in condensed matter physics. They compete when their critical temperatures are close and can give rise to a quantum phase transition that can mimic Majorana zero modes. Here, we have fabricated and measured Al-InSb nanowire quantum dot-Al devices. In the Kondo regime, a supercurrent-induced zero-bias c
Inter domain linker region affects properties of CBM6 in GH5_34 arabinoxylanases and alters oligosaccharide product profile
Understanding the relation between enzyme domain structure and catalytic activity is crucial for optimal engineering of novel enzymes for lignocellulose bioconversion. Xylanases with varying specificities are commonly used to valorise the hemicellulose arabinoxylan (AX), yet characterization of specific arabinoxylanases remain limited. Two homologous GH5_34 arabinoxylanases, HhXyn5A and CtXyn5A, i