

Din sökning på "*" gav 532987 sökträffar

Förstudie: Kulturarv, mångfald och marknadsföringspraktiker

Denna förstudie syftar till att initiera en diskussion om kulturarv som en turism- och marknadsföringsprodukt. Ambitionen är att undersöka olika platser som marknadsförs med hjälp av ”kulturarv” och som också utgör en del av olika destinationsutvecklingsprojekt och turistsatsningar. Vi avser att väcka frågan hur kulturarv väljs ut, produceras och representeras på olika sätt, och vilka slags produk

Preference Utilitarianism by Way of Preference Change?

This paper revisits Richard Hare's classical and much discussed argument for preference utilitarianism (Moral Thinking, 1981), which relies on the conception of moral deliberation as a process of thought experimentation, with concomitant preference change. The paper focuses on an apparent gap in Hare's reasoning, the so-called No-Conflict Problem. A solution to this difficulty which was proposed i

Analysis of the Ionization Equilibrium in the Post-Flame Zone

A combined experimental and theoretical effort has been made to identify the most important contributors to equilibrium ionization in the post-flame gas. In the past, nitric oxide (NO) has always been assumed to be the main electron donor in the compressed hot post-flame gases. However, correlations observed between the amount of NO in the exhaust gases and the current amplitude may be deceiving d

Att byta ut skadliga kemikalier : substitutionsprincipen - en miljörättslig analys

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar substitutionsprincipen som den är formulerad i utbytesregeln i lagen om kemiska produkter. Denna lagregel tolkas med utgångspunkt i dess kontext i kemikalielagstiftningen. I avhandlingen klarläggs vad utbytesregeln innebär för den som hanterar kemikalier. Myndigheternas förvaltningsrättsliga befogenheter att genomdriva substitutionsprincipen underThe principle of substitution is, in national and international contexts, regarded as an important instrument when striving towards sustainable development and sustainable handling of chemicals.This thesis deals with the principle as it is formulated in the Swedish Act of Chemical Products. The implementation of this rule of substitution is studied from several aspects. The rule of substitution is

Asymptotic Analysis of Spatially Coupled MacKay-Neal and Hsu-Anastasopoulos LDPC Codes

MacKay-Neal (MN) and Hsu-Anastasopoulos (HA) low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are known to achieve the capacity of memoryless binary-input symmetric-output channels under maximum likelihood (ML) decoding with bounded col- umn and row weight in their associated parity-check matrices. Recently, Kasai and Sakaniwa showed that spatially coupled (SC) versions of the MN and HA LDPC codes have belie