

Din sökning på "*" gav 529438 sökträffar

Microarray Quality Control using Artificial Neural Networks

Det finns många komplexa sjukdomar som i dagsläget är mycket svåra att diagnostisera. Det är inte ovanligt att när dessa sjukdomar slutligen diagnostiseras så är det för sent för att kunna göra någonting åt det. Men med en ny teknik kan det bli möjligt att ställa diagnoser i tid. Tekniken grundar sig i att, från ett vanligt blodprov, identifiera vilka proteiner som finns i blodet varpå sedan låta When using antibody microarrays to diagnose diseases, the process of quality control of the microarray data is an important step. Currently, a part of this process is performed manually by visual inspection. In this master project, we aim to automate the quality control in order to make it reproducible, as well as to find out which properties of the data that have the most to do with its quality.

En feministisk utrikespolitik under utveckling?

Feministisk utrikespolitik har sedan 2015, då utrikesminister Margot Wallström deklarerar denna inriktning, varit ett diskussionsämne inom den svenska utrikes-politiken. Uppsatsens analys genomförs med målet att åskådliggöra skillnader i hur regeringarna framställer kvinnor, hur de inkluderas och vilka rättigheter de har i de utrikespolitiska debatterna 2008 och 2015. Syftet med undersökningen är The Swedish feministic foreign politics has been a subject of political discussion since 2015 when the foreign minister, Margot Wallström, declared this new di-rection of the Swedish government. The thesis analysis is carried out with the aim of illustrating differences in how governments portray women, how they are included and what rights they have in the foreign policy debates in 2008 and 2015.

Interesting, funny, weird or just incomprehensible? A study on Swedish Japanese learning students’ comprehension, thoughts and attitudes towards Wasei-eigo

This thesis investigates to what extent Swedish students of Japanese can understand wasei-eigo, as well as their thoughts and attitudes toward it. It further investigates if some word categories are more incomprehensible than others and what aspects can determine their comprehension. The survey consisted of a questionnaire with 30 words, divided into 4 different categories, which the participants

Adaptation and variability of Aedes aegypti in relation to food in the southernmost fringe of its distribution - An interdisciplinary approach

Myggburna virussjukdomar är ett stort problem i många tropiska och tempererade delar av världen. I olika delar av Sydamerika sprider myggarten Aedes aegypti bland annat denguefeber och artens utbredning i området har länge studerats av en särskild arbetsgrupp på Buenos Aires universitet. Idag finns det många metoder för att förhindra spridningen av mygg. Tyvärr innebär de flesta stora problem - Aedes aegypti is the well-spread main vector of dengue and other viral diseases and in means of mosquito control, it is important to understand adaptation and variability within the species. This study has considered eggs of Ae. aegypti from two close regions in the area of Buenos Aires. The aim was to increase understanding in environmental and genetic characteristics in food intake. From a long-

Non-Coherent Radio-Based Positioning

In this thesis, a new Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) technique is used to determine the direction of a target in an outdoor environment using Radio Frequency (RF) signals. This technique estimates the AoA based on the difference between the Received Signal Strength Indicators (RSSI) from two/four directive antennas. This thesis work includes a mathematical model for this new technique, simulations that ma

Det tecknade jaget : gymnasieelvers tolkningar, upplevelser och diskussioner av grafiska självbiografier ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv

Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka hur de två grafiska självbiografierna Festens charmigaste tjej (2018) och Var ska jag lägga mitt huvud? (2015) upplevs och tolkas av gymnasieelever samt vilka normer som upptäcktes och hur de reagerade på dem. Vi samlade in vårt material genom aktionsforskning som innebar tre undervisningspass och tre gruppintervjuer. Materialet analyserades sedan utiThe aim of this study was to investigate how the two autobiographical comics Festens charmigaste tjej (2018) and Var ska jag lägga mitt huvud? (2015) were experienced and interpreted by high school students, as well as which norms they discovered, and how they reacted to them. We gathered data through action research that involved three lessons and three group interviews. The material was analyzed

Förändring - en del av vardagen. En kvalitativ undersökning om socialsekreterarnas förväntningar på Arbetsförmedlingens omorganisation

This study has its basis in the relation between social services and the public employment services. Financial assistance functions as the welfares utmost safety net and is supposed to work as a complement to the general system, which the society provides. To be entitled financial aid the individual who is considered able to work is required to be of disposal to the labor market. Therefore, the in

Självkonstruktion och offerdiskurser - en kvalitativ studie av kvinnor som har utsatts för våld av en manlig partner

The purpose of this study was to get a deeper understanding of women who are exposed to domestic violence by their male partners. We have examined how battered women both draw from and reject victimdiscourses in their processes of self‐construction and how available “victim” discourses affected these women's views on their role and their choice not to seek assistance to get out of their situat

The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in African Countries: Investments from China versus Investments from the Western World

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there is a difference in the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth depending on whether the FDI comes from China or the Western world. This study investigates the effect of FDI on economic growth in 44 African countries from 2003 to 2017, based on panel data. According to growth theory, an increase in investments leads to an in

Konsultens upplevelse av sin yrkesform - En kvalitativ arbetslivspedagogisk studie

Konsultbranschen växer och hur detta påverkar individer, organisationer och samhället diskuteras frekvent i media. I denna studie vänds blicken mot konsulternas perspektiv och syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera konsulters upplevelse av sin yrkesform. Metoden för studien är kvalitativ och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer ligger till grund för den empiri som presenteras. Studien har gjorts utifrå

Elektroniska underskrifter - En studie om den svenska regleringen med särskilt fokus på köp av fast egendom

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad regleringen av elektroniska underskrifter är och om formkraven vid fastighetsköp kan anses vara uppfyllda vid användande av elektroniska underskrifter. Slutsatsen är att eIDAS-förordningen och lag (2016:561) med kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s förordning om elektronisk identifiering reglerar elektroniska underskrifter. Elektroniska underskrifter The purpose of this study is to investigate what the current regulation of electronic signatures in Sweden is and whether the formal requirements for property purchases can be considered met when using electronic signatures. The conclusion is that the eIDAS-regulation and supplementary law (2016:561) with provisions to the EU-regulation on electronic identification regulate electronic signatures

"... alltså jag har ingenting emot diagnoser men..." - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares syn på ADHD-diagnoser i relation till sin egen yrkesroll

The aim of this study has been to examine the way social workers view ADHD and the scope given neuropshycological disorders such as ADHD within the professional delimitation of the social services child and family unit. The study has taken a qualitative approach with six semistructured interviews being held with social workers currently working in the child and family unit. These social workers we

Mind the Gap: Foreign Fighters and their Prospects on the OECD Labour Market

The rise of the world’s most gruesome terror organization ISIS has agitated fear across the globe. Simultaneously, it has attracted more than 30 000 recruits from at least 86 different countries, many of whom originate from OECD member states. This dissertation investigates the underlying mechanisms driving people from OECD countries into joining the Islamic State. By cross-country analysis on 34

"Left, right or something else, it doesn't matter to me": a study of master strategies, impression management, argumentative fallacies and substantiations in alt-right and alt-left discussions online

This study treats argumentative behaviours, argumentative fallacies, impression management efforts, argument substantiations and master strategies in comments in the Facebook group Det fria ordet. The objective is to create a deeper understanding of how the discussions on the alt-left and -right in an online setting are carried out. This could facilitate meeting individuals’ argumentative behaviou

HR-personalens möjligheter till kompetensutveckling- en kvalitativ studie

Medarbetarnas kompetens är en viktig del av organisationens utveckling. Att åtgärda medarbetarnas kompetensluckor och hålla den professionella standarden uppdaterad krävs för att organisationer ska kunna möta arbetsmarknadens krav. HR- avdelningen får en viktig roll i det här, vilket även ställer krav på att HR-personal ständigt utvecklas. Den här kvalitativa studien har syftet att kartlägga och a

Yttrandefrihet i Turkiet utifrån två rättsfall - En argumentationsanalys av två rättsfall om yttrandefrihet i Turkiet och hur de förhåller sig till de samhällsfunktionella teorierna sannings-, demokrati- och toleransargumenten

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att få en djupare förståelse för hur Turkiet har hanterat yttrandefriheten. Denna undersökning analyserar två rättsfall där Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna fastställde att Turkiet misslyckats i sin skyldighet att skydda yttrandefriheten för två av sina medborgare, Hrant Dink och Selahattin Demirtaş. Undersökningen inleds med att analysera rätThe purpose of this bachelor thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how Turkey has dealt with freedom of expression. This study analyzes two court cases in which the European Court of Human Rights determined that Turkey failed in its obligation to protect the freedom of expression of two of its citizens, Hrant Dink and Selahattin Demirtaş. The study begins by analyzing the merits of the cases

Automatic Procedure for Determining Control Parameters for Ship-to-Shore Cranes

The objective of this thesis has been to create a tuning functionality that can determine the control parameters for a crane that loads and unloads containers from ships. To accomplish this a model of the crane has been developed in MapleSIM and exported into MATLAB’s Simulink. In MATLAB cost functions have been developed and evaluated to later be used in optimisation algorithms to find the optima

Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Industrial Symbiosis

Many regions around the world suffer from occasional or permanent droughts. Recent years have shown that although Sweden is not a water scarce country, it is vulnerable to dry peri- ods. As drinking water is applied in not only households, but within agriculture and indus- tries, this thesis explores the opportunities to achieve an improved management of water re- sources, by investigating the pos

Mr. Zenawi's "green legacy" - promoting inclusive growth?

The current state of our environment is alarming. Increasing natural disasters worldwide and rising pollution levels made a conventional economic growth model illogical to abide by. Alternative growth models are of actuality, with the Green Economy being the most popular. Defined by UNEP (2011) as a “low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive” economy (p.9), it raises interest among the