

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Brottstycken i tiden - Religionens kraft i rättssystemet

Rättsfallet People of the state of California v. Orenthal James Simpson, U.S. 1995 har beskrivits som århundradets rättegång. Trots övertygande teknisk bevisning friades den tilltalade. Hur kan man förstå utfallet? Detta arbete försöker ge ökad förståelse till den friande domen med en religiös förklaringsmodell. Arbetet prövar relevansen av Durkheims studie av urspungsreligioner och dess trossatseThe case People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson 1995 has been described as the trial of the century. The defendant, a legendary American football icon, was acquitted despite overwhelming technical evidence. How could this be? This paper tries to give a better understanding of the acquittal by way of religion as a model of explanation. The work tries the relevance of Durkheim’s

Det materiella selektivitetstestet i samband med skatteåtgärder

EU-domstolen har i World Duty Free Group [2016] klarlagt att den i sin rättspraxis har utvecklat två analysmetoder för att fastställa huruvida en nationell skatteåtgärd utgör en stödordning eller inte: trestegstestet och Gibraltar-metoden. Trestegstestet är tillämpligt när det ska fastställas huruvida en skatteåtgärd som avviker från ett allmänt system är selektiv. Gibraltar-metoden är däremot tilIn World Duty Free Group [2016], the CJEU clarified that it has developed two methods in its case law for the purpose of assessing selectivity in tax measures: the three-step approach and the Gibraltar method. The three-step approach may be used when the tax measure in question takes the form of a tax advantage that derogates from an ordinary tax system. In turn, the Gibraltar method may be used w

China After Reforms in 1978 and Developmental State: A Case Study of the Chinese Bureaucracy Since 1978

The purpose of this thesis is to critically examine whether China following the Third Plenary Session in December 1978 could be considered a developmental state with a focus on public bureaucracy. The research uses single case study research as its methodological approach, coupled with content analysis on secondary sources, to examine whether reforms after 1978 unfolded in a way that had tailored

En alléodlings inverkan på markfaunan i jordbruksmark

Alléodling – att titta bakåt för att komma framåt Sättet vi odlar på idag är en av de största bidragande orsakerna till de rådande klimatförändringarna. Då ekologiskt jordbruk inte visat sig kunna förhindra denna utveckling tillräckligt och dessutom genererar sämre skördar, är behovet av andra alternativ stort. Många forskare sneglar nu mot metoder som efterliknar traditionellt jordbruk och fördeA transition from conventional to organic agricultural practices has been shown to have positive impacts on soil and ground-living fauna. Organic farming manure is on the other hand harder for the crops to absorb than conventional fertilizers, which results in more pollutants and unsatisfactory yields. This problem is mitigated in alley cropping, an agroforestry practice where rows of trees and bu

The effects of sex-specific selection on the mating behavior of the simultaneous hermaphrodite Macrostomum lignano

Könens uppkomst: vad plattmaskar kan lära oss Skillnader mellan könen är något som präglar väldigt många djurarter. Det kan vara allt från storlek, till färgsprakande skrudar eller olika parningsbeteenden. Sådana skillnader har uppkommit under många år av sexuell selektion, att djur föredrar vissa drag hos sin partner. Även om vi kan se skillnaderna i naturen så vet vi inte alltid hur de uppkommi

The characteristics of plastic nanoparticles and their effect on zooplankton

Everyday items release of nanoplastics A well-known problem of today’s society is the large plastic pollutions on both land and in the oceans. The macroplastics (5mm to 20 μm) and the microplastics (smaller than 5 mm.) are well studied, and it is generally known that these types of particles are harmful for animals if ingested or entangled. Even though it is generally thought that plastics only d

Setting off carbon offsets - Testing New Communication Messages in Voluntary Carbon Offset and its Correlation to Public Transportation on Vacation

Purpose: The main purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of how communication messages can be created more effectively in order to increase the intention to participate in VCO schemes. Furthermore, this study seeks to investigate if and how VCO and public transportation as part of a low carbon footprint vacation could be communicated. Method: A quantitative method with an expe

Arbetsmiljöansvar- ansvarsroller i byggproduktionen

The rules of responsibility regarding the working enviroment during the production in the construction industy makes it hard to demand responsibility when accidents occur even when there are flaws in the working enviroment. Flaws in the working enviroment is a big problem on construction sites and there are alot of accidents but at the same time only a few lead to conviction. The way cnstruction s

Realpolitik och moralpolitik under prostitutionsreformen i Nya Zealand

The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was to examine potential moral politics and real politics in the process of prostitution reform, relating to regulation of the sex industry in New Zealand. The last draft of the prostitution reform bill, the latest updated Prostitution Reform Act 2003 and the bill’s parliamentary readings were analysed through document analysis, inspired by perspective analysi

Väck inte den björn som sover - En kvalitativ studie med fokus på kommunikation om hållbar konsumtion och avfallsminimering, ur svenska kommuners perspektiv

Kommuner har en viktig roll inom kommunikation om hållbar konsumtion och avfallsminimering, de ska på lokal nivå ta fram åtgärder för att uppnå globala och nationella miljömål. Forskning inom strategisk kommunikation har en tendens att fokusera på privata företag, vilket gör att de förutsättningar som är specifika för offentlig sektor förbises. Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie undersöker hur de sp

A Novel Method for Predicting Ribosomal RNA Genes in Prokaryotic Genomes

With the increased efficiency of sequencing methods, large quantities of genomic information are quickly becoming available. To make use of this, methods are needed that can discern useful information from these vast data quantities. Such information could be the presence and position of specified genes with known properties. Due to their highly conserved sequences and their prevalence across all

Which vs. that: a corpus study

Based on corpora and earlier studies, this paper mainly attempts to answer the question how constructions of restrictive which and that have developed in comparison to one another in American and British English news until today. Corpus queries are designed to match patterns of particular object and subject gap constructions, such as I like the ball that/which is green with subject gap and It is t

Enterprise content management systems: En studie om misslyckade förarbeten

Enterprise content management systems (ECMS) är större verksamheters verktyg för att hantera content, integrera olika system och främja samarbete, allt på en och samma plattform. Undersökningar visar dock på stort missnöje kring verksamheters ECMS och att många projekt misslyckas redan i förarbetet till systemet. Anledningarna bakom misslyckandena är något som inte har blivit lika undersökt, därav

Business-to-Business Brand Pathos - Exploring Brand Fellowship in B2B Communication

Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis was to explore, define and characterise the phenomenon of Brand Fellowship within business-to-business (B2B) communication by using the rhetorical appeals of ethos, logos and pathos. Brand Fellowship was observed to be the emotional relationship between man and machine that influences how heavy-duty machine companies construct their brand. This contradict

”Alla vet, men ingen säger något”: en studie om en lag om anonyma vittnen kan öka vittnesbenägenheten

The aim of this study is to shed light on today's witness situation. People are not willing to testify in court because of the fear of threat and pressure from criminal gangs. Because of this, we have examine how anonymous witness can increase the witness tendency among individuals with former criminal background. Anonymous witness is a suggestion from political parties in Sweden to become a l

Sex i paradiset : Konformitet i samband med sexuell aktivitet

Many university students feel that their sexual activity is either not sufficient or that it is too high. This leads to dishonesty and discomfort concerning the subject when it is discussed. This can be seen as a sign of conformity. The goal of this quantitative study was to explore a possible correlation between conformity and sexual activity in two university programs at Lund University, Sweden.

Kunskapsammanställning av dagvattenanläggningar i Södertälje kommun - En utvärdering av åtta anläggningar samt förslag på tillsynsstrategi

Bristande underhåll på dagvattenanläggningar, och vikten av tillsyn Dagvatten är regn- och smältvatten som rinner av från hårdgjorda ytor såsom tak, vägar och parkeringsplatser. Dagvatten är ett miljöproblem eftersom det för med sig föroreningar från bland annat trafik och industri ut i våra sjöar och vattendrag. Väl där kan föroreningarna försvåra för växter och djur att överleva. Ett annat probAs a result of urbanization, more impervious areas such as roofs, roads and parking lots, replace green areas. This prevents rain and snowmelt from infiltrating into the ground. As a consequence of this and the increase of precipitation due to climate change, larger amounts of contaminated storm water can pass directly to the nearest recipient. The increase of water to lakes and streams can cause

Assessing the Recruiter Demand for Graduates With Non-Business Bachelor Degrees and a Master in Management (MiM)

The current study addresses the proposal that students with a non-business bachelor’s degree and a masters in management (MiM) possess a profile that is T-shaped; as a result of, gaining general managerial knowledge in a MiM program (top of the T) and in-depth knowledge as a result of an undergraduate degree from a specific degree field (vertical part of the T). The key concepts that we focus on a

Sanning och objektivitet i nationalismens tjänst: en kritisk diskursanalys av föreställningar om sanning och objektivitet i Migrationsverkets rättsliga ställningstaganden.

During the last two years there have been extensive changes in the Swedish migration policy within the current regulatory system. A necessity within the current system is to assess the credibility of the asylum seekers claims. This invites questions about truth and objectivity. The aim of this thesis is to examine the knowledge and belief system regarding objectivity and truth of the Swedish Migra