Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar
Adherence to guidelines on antibiotic treatment for respiratory tract infections in various categories of physicians: a retrospective cross-sectional study of data from electronic patient records.
To study how prescription patterns concerning respiratory tract infections differ between interns, residents, younger general practitioners (GPs), older GPs and locums.
Influence of strut inertia on the vibrations in initially symmetric Gough-Stewart Platforms-an analytical study
Consideration of strut inertia can have significant influence on the modal behavior of a Gough-Stewart Platform (GSP). However, in the literature, the strut inertia has not yet been taken into account in its vibration study with a parametric approach. In this paper, we present a fully parametric approach to formulate the damped vibrations of GSPs taking into account the strut masses and moments of
Hollow-Fibre Liquid-Phase Microextraction for the Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Johannesburg Jukskei River, South Africa
A simple, rapid and environmentally friendly hollow-fibre liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) technique was developed for the quantitative determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in aqueous samples. GC-MS was then used as the method of analysis. The HF-LPME technique involves extraction of PAHs from a 20-mL sample containing 20 % acetonitrile as a modifier. The PAHs were extrac
The nature of the KFR08 stellar stream
The origin of the new kinematically identified metal-poor stellar stream, the KFR08 stream, has not been established to date. We present stellar parameters, stellar ages, and detailed elemental abundances for Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Ni, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, and Eu for 16 KFR08 stream members based on an analysis of high-resolution spectra. Based on the abundance ratios of 14 elements, we
Exploring workplace related health resources from a salutogenic perspective: Results from a focus group study among healthcare workers in Sweden
Objective: The aim of this study was to explore healthcare workers' opinions on workplace related health resources relevant to promotion of their health. Participants: 16 registered nurses and 19 assistant nurses, from a medical emergency ward at a medium sized hospital in the south of Sweden, participated in the study. Methods: Eight focus group interviews were conducted, the material was con
Increasing abundance of soil fungi is a driver for (15)N enrichment in soil profiles along a chronosequence undergoing isostatic rebound in northern Sweden.
Soil organic material (SOM) is usually enriched in (15)N in deeper soil layers. This has been explained by discrimination against the heavier isotope during decomposition or by the accumulation of (15)N-enriched microbial biomass versus plant biomass in older SOM. In particular, ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi have been suggested to accumulate in old SOM since this group is among the most (15)N-enriche
Spatio-temporal patterns in vegetation start of season across the island of Ireland using the MERIS Global Vegetation Index
Spring phenophases such as the beginning of leaf unfolding, measured in the Irish gardens of the International Phenological Garden (IPG) network, indicate an earlier spring occurrence hence a longer growing season. However, these measurements are limited to selected species of trees at a few point locations in the southern half of the country. The aim of this study was to develop a methodology, ba
SOCIAL NORMS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Online norms and the European legal development
This report is the result of study that was performed in January and February 2009. It was presented and reviewed at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association: Law, Power, and Inequality in the 21st Century in May 2009. The study empirically examined, or rather examined the lack of, social norms opposing illegal file sharing. A total of over 1,000 respondents have answered the questio
Radome diagnostics - source reconstruction of phase objects with an equivalent currents approach
Radome diagnostics are acquired in the design process, the delivery control, and in performance verification of repaired and newly developed radomes. A measured near or far field may indicate deviations, e.g., increased side-lobe levels, but the origins of the flaws are not revealed. In this paper, radome diagnostics is performed by visualizing the equivalent surface currents on the 3D-radome body
Chemical evolution of the Galactic bulge as traced by microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars : Detailed abundance analysis of OGLE-2008-BLG-209S
Expansion of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding into Neonatal Intensive Care: Expert Group Recommendations for Three Guiding Principles
The World Health Organization/United Nations Children's Fund Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative: Revised, Updated, and Expanded for Integrated Care (2009) identifies the need for expanding the guidelines originally developed for maternity units to include neonatal intensive care. For this purpose, an expert group from the Nordic countries and Quebec, Canada, prepared a draft proposal, which was dis
Roof top PV retrofitting: A rehabilitation assessment towards nearly zero energy buildings in remote off-grid vernacular settlements in Egypt
Vernacular buildings in Egypt express a variety of passive low-tech approaches in design and construction to achieve human comfort and fulfil inhabitants’ requirements. They have been devised to suit living in regions where local inhabitants had to invent various passive building strategies to live under severe local climatic conditions without depending on fossil fuels. This paper discusses a ret
Periodic minimal surface organizations of the lipid bilayer at the lung surface and in cubic cytomembrane assemblies.
The existence of infinite periodic lipid bilayer structures in biological systems was first demonstrated in cell membrane assemblies. Such periodicity is only possible in symmetric bilayers, and their occurrence is discussed here in relation to the asymmetry of cell membranes in vivo. A periodic membrane conformation in the prolamellar body of plants corresponds to a dormant state without photosyn
A Mean-Variance Based Index for Dynamic Context Data Lookup
A primary functionality of context aware applications is the retrieval of different types of context data from various context sources and adapting their behavior accordingly. In order to facilitate context aware application development, a context aware middleware must provide an effective context data management and lookup strategy. The use of a traditional index for indexing dynamic context data
Review: Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine
Governance and Control of Externalized Water Service Management: Comparing solutions adopted in Italy and Sweden
Abstract in UndeterminedIn this paper teh challenges imposed on corporate governance of water services in Italy and Sweden are analyzed and compared. From the comparative analysis we notice that with externalization of services more stakeholders become involved in the provision of services. These stakeholders have common as well as divergent interests and the challenge thus become to find an align
Serum phthalate levels and time to pregnancy in couples from greenland, poland and ukraine.
Phthalates are ubiquitous industrial chemicals that have been associated with altered reproductive function in rodents. Several human studies have reported an inverse association between male testosterone and phthalate levels. Our aim was to investigate time to pregnancy (TTP) according to serum levels of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and diisononyl phthalate (DiNP) metabolites in both partners. I
Lexikal organisation hos en- och flerspråkiga skolbarn med språkstörning
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund och metod Diagnosen språkstörning ställs när ett barn inte utvecklar sina språkliga förmågor i förväntad takt och där inga andra underliggande svårigheter, såsom ofullständig språklig stimulans, hörselproblem, eller avvikande neurologisk utveckling, kan förklara problemen. Språkstörning är en relativt vanlig funktionsnedsättning som drabbar runt sju procent av Children with language impairment (LI) often exhibit lexical difficulties with negative consequences for school success. Lexical size and lexical organization have both been found to be affected, with problems in lexical organization exceeding those in lexical size. The research on LI has had a long-standing focus on monolingual children, resulting in assessment routines ill-suited for bilingual c
Antimicrobial resistance in colonizing group B Streptococci before the implementation of a Swedish intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis program
The prevalence of antibiotic resistance and their genetic determinants in colonizing group B streptococci (GBS) sampled in a Swedish nationwide survey was examined. In five GBS isolates (1.3%), kanamycin/amikacin resistance and the presence of the aphA-3 gene was identified. Three of these isolates carried the aad-6 gene and were streptomycin-resistant. Screening with kanamycin and streptomycin 1,