Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar
Cellulose accessibility determines the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-pretreated spruce.
Spruce chips steam-pretreated at various conditions, according to a central composite design, were used for investigating the influence of pretreatment conditions on enzymatic hydrolysis, accounting for the individual effects of pretreatment temperature (194-220°C), time (3-11min) and sulfur dioxide uptake (0.7-2.5%). The materials were analyzed for several surface characteristics, including IR ab
Room-Temperature Near-Infrared Photodetectors Based on Single Heterojunction Nanowires
Nanoscale near-infrared photodetectors are attractive for their potential applications in integrated optoelectronic devices. Here we report the synthesis of GaSb/GaInSb p-n heterojunction semiconductor nanowires for the first time through a controllable chemical vapor deposition (CVD) route. Based on these nanowires, room-temperature, high-performance, near-infrared photodetectors were constructed
Efficient high-order harmonic generation boosted by below-threshold harmonics.
High-order harmonic generation (HHG) in gases has been established as an important technique for the generation of coherent extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses at ultrashort time scales. Its main drawback, however, is the low conversion efficiency, setting limits for many applications, such as ultrafast coherent imaging, nonlinear processes in the XUV range, or seeded free electron lasers. Here we in
High maternal body mass index increases the risk of neonatal early onset group B streptococcal disease
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse the occurrence of neonatal early onset group B streptococcal (EOGBS) disease relative to maternal body mass index (BMI). Method: A cohort of Swedish parturients with an early pregnancy BMI registered was investigated. Data were retrieved from population-based registers during 1997-2001, (n = 344 127, elective caesarean section excluded). Medical reco
Surgical stress response after colorectal resection.
Abstract The human body's response to surgery is correlated with the extent of tissue damage. The aim of the present study was to, over time, map out parameters concerning inflammation, metabolism, nutrition, breathing function, muscle strength, and well-being in elective colorectal surgery. Eighteen patients were prospectively included: colon resection (n = 9) and rectum resection/amputation (n =
The existential experiences of receiving soft tissue massage in palliative home care-an intervention
Background Soft tissue massage is currently used in palliative care for the relief of anxiety and pain. Only few studies have focused on patients' deeper experience of receiving the massage. Aim The purpose of this study was to explore how patients with cancer in palliative home care experienced soft tissue massage. Materials and methods Twenty-two patients received soft tissue massage (hand or fo
Våldet och kärleken : Våldsutsatta kvinnors begripliggörande av sina erfarenheter
The purpose of the thesis is to study, through the narratives of women subjected to violence, how men’s violence against women in intimate relationships is accounted for, and how such accounts vary with the type of social relation and context she is in. The specific context in focus here is the legal system, with the police as the first link in the legal chain. The empirical material consists of
Integration pågår
Medan unga malmöbor ofta möts över kulturgränser, träffar knappt varannan sjuttioåring någon från en annan kultur. Även om utrymmet för mångfald tycks ha sina gränser och attityderna är polariserade, får ytterligheterna allt svagare stöd.
Polymorphic drugs examined with neutron spectroscopy: Is making more stable forms really that simple?
Understanding polymorphism in pharmaceutical ingredients is a long-standing challenge in formulation science. A well-known example is paracetamol, C8H9NO2. The marketed stable form I crystallizes with corrugated molecular layers. In contrast, form II, which is thermodynamically favorable at high pressures, has relatively planar layers that can slip over each other without difficulty, but is metast
Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy Alters the Frequency, as well as the FcR and CLR Expression Profiles of Human Dendritic Cell Subsets.
Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) induces tolerance and shifts the Th2 response towards a regulatory T-cell profile. The underlying mechanisms are not fully understood, but dendritic cells (DC) play a vital role as key regulators of T-cell responses. DCs interact with allergens via Fc receptors (FcRs) and via certain C-type lectin receptors (CLRs), including CD209/DC-SIGN, CD206/MR and Dectin-
"Bäste biskop!" : korrespondensen mellan drottning Victoria och biskop Gottfrid Billing 1900–1924
This is a critical edition of the correspondence between Queen Victoria of Sweden (1862-1930) and the Bishop and High Preacher to the Court, Gottfrid Billing (1841-1925), together with a commentary situating this surprisingly straightforward correspondence in its political and theological context. Since the queen lived both in the public and the private sphere, she had a ‘mixed’ relation to her sp
Search for W ' -> t(b)over-bar in the lepton plus jets final state in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for new charged massive gauge bosons, called W', is performed with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 8 TeV, using a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb(-1). This analysis searches for W' bosons in the W' -> t (b) over tilde decay channel in final states with electrons or muons, using a multivariate me
Beurling-Landau densities of weighted Fekete sets and correlation kernel estimates
Let Q be a suitable real function on C. An n-Fekete set corresponding to Q is a subset {z(n vertical bar) , . . . , z(nn)} of C which maximizes the expression Pi(n)(i infinity. In this note we prove that Fekete sets are, in a sense, maximally spread out with respect to the equilibrium measure. In general, our results apply only to a part of the Fekete set, which is at a certain distance away from
The philosophy of interdisciplinarity: sustainability science and problem-feeding
Traditionally, interdisciplinarity has been taken to require conceptual or theoretical integration. However, in the emerging field of sustainability science this kind of integration is often lacking. Indeed sometimes it is regarded as an obstacle to interdisciplinarity. Drawing on examples from sustainability science, we show that problem-feeding, i.e. the transfer of problems, is a common and fru
Optimizing the Level of Confidence for Multiple Jobs
Correct operation of real-time systems (RTS) is defined as producing correct results within given time constraints (deadlines). As RTS are becoming more susceptible to soft errors, employing fault-tolerant techniques is crucial. Rollback Recovery with Checkpointing (RRC) is an efficient fault-tolerant technique. However, RRC introduces a time overhead which depends on the number of checkpoints. Th
Models of Scholarly Communication and Citation Analysis
Informetric/bibliometric analyses have to a large extent been relying on an assumption that research is essentially cumulative in its nature, which is not the least visible in the rational for using citation analyses to assess quality of research. However, when reviewing both the theoretical literature on how research is organized and studies analyzing the structures of research fields through inf
Tomographic ventilation-perfusion lung scintigraphy in cardiopulmonary disease
Popular Abstract in Swedish En välfungerande andning med utbyte av syrgas och koldioxid mellan kroppen och omgivningen är en förutsättning för liv. För att detta gasutbyte ska fungera krävs bl. a. att ventilationen, dvs. in- och utflödet av luft i lungorna, står i balans med blodflödet genom lungorna. I lungorna tar blodet emot syrgas som behövs för att cellerna i kroppen ska fungera och samtidigtRespiration relies, among other things, on the balance between regional ventilation and perfusion in the lungs. There are many cardiopulmonary diseases, such as pulmonary embolism (PE), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and left heart failure (LHF), which can affect respiration negatively. The diagnosis of PE, COPD and LHF follows separate diagnostic pathways. However, the symptoms that
Complement in the brain
The brain is considered to be an immune privileged site, because the blood-brain barrier limits entry of blood borne cells and proteins into the central nervous system (CNS). As a result, the detection and clearance of invading microorganisms and senescent cells as well as surplus neurotransmitters, aged and glycated proteins, in order to maintain a healthy environment for neuronal and glial cells
An antimicrobial helix A-derived peptide of heparin cofactor II blocks endotoxin responses in vivo.
Host defense peptides are key components of the innate immune system, providing multi-facetted responses to invading pathogens. Here, we describe that the peptide GKS26 (GKSRIQRLNILNAKFAFNLYRVLKDQ), corresponding to the A domain of heparin cofactor II (HCII), ameliorates experimental septic shock. The peptide displays antimicrobial effects through direct membrane disruption, also at physiological