

Din sökning på "*" gav 530126 sökträffar

Positive inotropic effects by uridine triphosphate (UTP) and uridine diphosphate (UDP) via P2Y(2) and P2Y(6) receptors on cardiomyocytes and release of UTP in man during myocardial infarction

The aim of this study was to examine a possible role for extracellular pyrimidines as inotropic factors for the heart. First, nucleotide plasma levels were measured to evaluate whether UTP is released in patients with coronary heart disease. Then, inotropic effects of pyrimidines were examined in isolated mouse cardiomyocytes. Finally, expression of pyrimidine-selective receptors ( a subgroup of t

Lack of concealment may lead to selection bias in cluster randomized trials of palliative care

Comprehensive palliative care programs are often implemented on a community level, and to evaluate such interventions, randomization by cluster (community) may be the only feasible method. In trials randomizing individual subjects, the importance of proper concealment has been stressed, In cluster randomized trials, however, concealment of individual patient allocation is often impossible. The fol

Protein folding through kinetic discrimination

Proteins fold on a mu s-ms time scale. However, the number of possible conformations of the polypeptide backbone is so large that random sampling would not allow the protein to fold within the lifetime of the universe, the Levinthal paradox. We show here that a protein chain can fold efficiently with high fidelity if on average native contacts survive longer than non-native ones, that is, if the d

Analysis of prediction-oriented features in dynamic bandwidth reservation schemes

Out of Quality of Service reasons, higher priority shall in cellular networks be assigned to ongoing connections than to new call attempts. This can be accomplished through reserving a portion of the bandwidth assigned to a cell exclusively for high priority connections. A low priority call is only admitted to a cell if the unoccupied bandwidth in the cell following the acceptance of the call exce

The Meeting in East-West Negotiations in Post-Soviet Russia

Intercultural communication poses challenges to East-West negotiations in the post Cold War era. The "meeting" in East-West negotiations is a metaphor for the processes that were set in motion when parties representing Western and Eastern organizations respectively negotiated on cooperation projects. The projects in question were of two types: the profit driven type (joint ventures), and the NGO,

Very high-resolution spectroscopy for extremely large telescopes using pupil slicing and adaptive optics

Under seeing limited conditions very high resolution spectroscopy becomes very difficult for extremely large telescopes (ELTs). Using adaptive optics (AO) the stellar image size decreases proportional with the telescope diameter. This makes the spectrograph optics and hence its resolution independent of the telescope diameter. However AO for use with ELTs at visible wavelengths require deformable

Anti-herpes simplex type 1 activity in IgG subclasses produced systemically and intrathecally in patients with herpes encephalitis

The role of the humoral immune response in herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is largely unknown. The finding that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1) induced IgG Fc receptor binds to all IgG subclasses except IgG 3 prompted an investigation of anti-HSV activity in IgG subclasses from serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in ten patients with proven or highly probable HSE by means of a monoclonal ant

Osseointegrated wrist-joint prostheses: A 15-year follow-up with focus on bony fixation.

Five patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthrosis of the wrist joint were followed up for 15 ( 14 - 17) years after wrist-joint arthroplasty with semiconstrained artificial joint mechanisms that had been anchored to bone using the osseointegration principle. They were fixed by one titanium screw introduced into the radius, and two or more titanium screws introduced distally into the metaca

Transition Quadrupole Moments in the Superdeformed Band of 40Ca

The transition quadrupole moments Q(t) for the superdeformed band in Ca-40 have been determined through thin-target Doppler-shift attenuation analyses. A best-fit value of Q(t)=1.30+/-0.05 e b is obtained when a single value is assumed for the entire band. Fitting separate quadrupole moments for in-band transitions decaying from the high-spin states and the presumably admixed low-spin states resul

On leachate emissions from municipal solid waste

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mängden och kvaliten på avfall förändras när intresset för resurserna i avfallet ökar. Ett omhändertagande av avfall med sortering, återvinning, förbehandling och utnutjande av energi producerar nytt avfall. En del hamnar på deponin. En möjlig följd är att det organiska materialet som deponeras minskar. En annan är att avfallet blir torrare. Framförallt inom EU finns deWhen attention is drawn to the recovery of resources within waste, the amount and types of waste disposed of at landfills change. A waste management system based on separate kerbside collection, sorting, recycling, and pretreatment with material and/or energy recovery produces new residues, which finally end up at landfills. This is the case in, for example, the US and the EU. As a possible result

Site selective dissociation upon core ionization of ozone

Ozone is found to exhibit substantial site-selective fragmentation when its fragment ions are collected in coincidence with energy selected electrons. We find a preferential production of the O-2(+)/O+(O+/O+) ion pair upon ionization of the terminal (central) oxygen Is electron. Depending on the hole localization, Auger rates are different towards the various final states of the dication, which wo

Near-threshold measurement of the He-4(gamma,n) reaction

A near-threshold He-4(gamma, n) cross-section measurement has been performed at MAX-lab. Tagged photons from 23 < Ey < 42 MeV were directed toward a liquid He-4 target, and neutrons were detected by time-of-flight in two liquid-scintillator arrays. Seven-point angular distributions were measured for eight photon energies. The results are compared to experimental data measured at comparable energie

Cytogenetic abnormalities in a hemangiopericytoma of the spleen.

To date, only 16 cytogenetically abnormal hemangiopericytomas (HP) have been reported. Despite this low number, some characteristic karyotypic features have already emerged: most HP are near-diploid and breakpoints in 12q13, 12q24, and 19q13 seem to be common, with t(12;19)(q13;q13) being a recurrent translocation. Here, we report the first case of a probably benign splenic HP with chromosomal abn

Parathyroid gland volume increases with postmaturational aging in the rat

To examine the pathophysiology of the age-related rise in the plasma concentration of parathyroid hormone (PTH), we studied the relationships among plasma immunoreactive PTH (iPTH), parathyroid gland volume, parathyroid cell proliferation rate, renal function, and blood Ca2+ in male Fischer 344 rats aged 6-28 mo. Plasma iPTH increased 2.5-fold between 6 and 28 mo and correlated with parathyroid gl

The HEATOX project

HEATOX is the acronym for a European Union-funded project entitled Heat-Generated Food Toxicants: Identification, Characterization, and Risk Minimization. Acrylamide will be the main experimental focus, but identification of unknown toxicants in heated carbohydrate-rich foods will also be attempted. The project includes research on formation chemistry, food technology, analytical methods, hazard c