

Din sökning på "Johan Bergström" gav 452 sökträffar

"I want to treat the patient, not the alarm": User image mismatch in Anesthesia alarm design.

Although the development of physiologic monitors has improved the safety of patients undergoing anesthesia, a growing body of literature suggests that alarms function sub-optimally in supporting the human operator. A principle of cognitive systems engineering is that there is an image of the user “built in” to the design of any machine used in a joint cognitive (man-machine) system. This study exp

Störningar i Stockholms järnvägstrafik på grund av obehöriga vid spår

Järnvägen utgör grunden för pendeltrafiken inom region Stockholm och störningar i järnvägstrafiken påverkar många resenärer. En vanlig orsak till störningar i järnvägstrafiken är att obehöriga personer vistas vid spåren. Mellan 2010-01-01 och 2015-05-18 har närmare 1100 händelser med obehöriga vid spår rapporterats i region Stockholm, varav drygt 80 fall resulterat i personpåkörningar med dödligt The railway constitutes the foundation of commuting in the region of Stockholm and disruptions in the railway traffic hence affects a lot of citizens. A common cause of disruptions is railroad trespassing and between 2010-01-01 and 2015-05-18 more than 1100 cases were reported in the region of Stockholm. The aim of this report is to map the grounds for railroad trespassing and to find measures to


Detta är uppdragsutbildningUppdragsutbildning är kurser och program från universitet eller högskolor, som mot ersättning ges till yrkesverksamma inom företag, myndigheter och organisationer. Den vilar på vetenskaplig grund och är anpassad efter deltagarnas behov och förutsättningar.Uppdragsutbildning ger stora möjligheterGenom att engagera dig i uppdragsutbildning för du ut forskning från universi

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/forska-och-utbilda/uppdragsutbildning - 2025-01-18

Anaesthesia monitor alarms: a theory-driven approach

The development of physiologic monitors has contributed to the decline in morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing anaesthesia. Diverse factors (physiologic, technical, historical and medico-legal) create challenges for monitor alarm designers. Indeed, a growing body of literature suggests that alarms function sub-optimally in supporting the human operator. Despite existing technology that c

20 years after To Err Is Human : A bibliometric analysis of ‘the IOM report's’ impact on research on patient safety

Modern safety science owes much of its current theories and practical approaches to the critical analysis of socio-technological disasters in the nuclear, chemical, maritime, and aviation industries at the end of the 1970 s and in the 1980 s. The medical field by contrast, was not challenged by a single high profile event, but by the release of a single report by the Institute of Medicine in 1999:

What counts as a reasonable extent? - a systems approach for understanding fire safety in Sweden

Swedish legislation requires that any owner or user of a building maintain a reasonable level of fire protection measures to ensure the safety of all people located in the building. If a building, in the wake of a fire, in court is determined not to have had a reasonable fire protection, the blame will likewise be assigned to the building owner or user. Using the perspective of risk governance, th

How to assess team performance in terms of control: A protocol based on cognitive systems engineering

This article presents a protocol for assessing team performance in terms of control based on cognitive systems engineering theory. The protocol changes the focus of team performance assessment from good and bad behaviours towards team activity. By using Hollnagel’s contextual control model (COCOM), a protocol is developed so that team activity can be described as four control modes. Data is collec

Skäligt brandskydd på hotell- en problemidentifiering

Hotel fires in Sweden are a precarious issue since hotel guests are sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings and that the new legislation in 2004 clarified the owners’ responsibility for the safety of their guests. In 2004, two people were killed in a hotel fire and the owner was subsequently sentenced for unwillingly manslaughter. With an entirely qualitative approach, this analysis investigates how l

Why do people live in high-risks areas? - A field study in Samar, Philippines.

Människor väljer att trotsa naturens faror Det har alltid funnits naturkatastrofer och det har alltid funnits människor som tvingas bo i områden där dessa ofta inträffar. Med mer kunskap om varför de bor där går det långsiktigt att ge dessa människor en säkrare vardag. I takt med att världen förändras utsätts allt fler för naturkatastrofer runt om i vår värld. Figur 1 visar på förödelsen från tyThe Philippines are constantly challenged by the forces of nature. Typhoons make landfall on a yearly basis, making the island of Samar a disaster-prone area. This qualitative field study examines the risk perception of inhabitants and why they do live in this high-risk area. The thesis also strives to find out if education on DRR among children and youth affects the societal knowledge on disaster

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Nynäshamns sjukhus

The following report contains a fire safety evaluation of the Nynäshamn hospital in Nynäshamn, Sweden. The report is a part of the course Fire Safety Evaluation, a course in the Fire Protection Engineering Program at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Lund, Sweden. The purpose with the report was to evaluate the personal safety in the building, specifically in regards to egress, in case of

Escalation: Explorative studies of high-risk situations from the theoretical perspectives of complexity and joint cognitive systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish I högrisksystem såsom sjukvården är det frestande att härleda såväl framgång som motgång till enskilda individer. Vi prisar hjälten Dr. House för framgångssagor och vi drar syndabocken SOS-sköterskan inför domstol för att inte ha uppfattat allvaret i en specifik situation. Den enskildes professionalitet, erfarenhet och klokskap används som förklaringsmodeller för framgåThe main aim of the research is to explore different aspects of organisational resilience in escalating situations, with an investigation of both theoretical and practical implications. From the platform of an explorative approach, this study makes use of naturalistic research in the domain of health care and experimental simulation studies, in order to establish a broad theoretical framework vis-


Hem | Trafikflyghögskolan Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Den här webbplatsen använder cookies för att förbättra användarupplevelsen. Genom att fortsätta använda webbplatsen samtycker du till att cookies används enligt vår cookie-policy (på LTH:s webbplats) . Absolut nödvändiga cookies Dessa cookies är nödvändiga för att webbplatsen ska fungera och kan inte stängas av i våra system. Dessa cookies lagrar

https://www.tfhs.lu.se/ - 2025-01-17

T f kort om kris telefonboken mars 2020

LTH, 6 mars 2020 Om något allvarligt händer Det är viktigt att du som prefekt informerar LTH:s rektor och kommunikationschef, liksom LU:s säkerhetschef, om alla allvarliga händelser – detta utan fördröjning! Aktuella telefonnummer hittar du nedan. LTH-nummer som ska finnas lättillgängliga/i mobilen (ej för spridning på grund av en del privata mobilnummer) Lunds universitets larmtelefon Om du behöv

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/t_f_kort_om_kris_telefonboken_mars_2020.docx - 2025-01-17

Patterns of mortality risk among patients with substance use disorder: an opportunity for proactive patient safety?

BackgroundPatients with substance use disorder (SUD) suffer from excess mortality compared to the overall population. This study aims to identify patterns in death rates among patients with SUD visiting a SUD emergency ward and to explore whether this knowledge can be used as input to identify patients at risk and increase patient safety.MethodsHospital visit data to a SUD emergency ward were coll

From Crew Resource Management to Operational Resilience

This paper questions the correspondance between resilience engineering theory and the theoretical fundaments of traditional CRM training, with its related behavior assessments. Reviewing the theoretical roots of CRM it is concluded that such concepts are rather founded in the information processing paradigm hiding the complexities of adaption to rapidly changing situations. An alternative approach

”Gemensam lägesbild” – Ur flera perspektiv

This report is a study on the notion of 'shared situation awareness' (SSA) and other similar concepts in a crisis managment environment. Its purpose is to contribute to a broader, more comprehensive understanding of various points of view on the subject. This is achieved through interviews with different kinds of users as well as a study of relevant literature and Swedish legislation. It i

Team Coordination in Escalating Situations: An Empirical Study Using Mid-Fidelity Simulation

The performance of teams, with different levels of domain and crisis management experience, managing unexpected and escalating situations was observed using a mid-fidelity ship-bridge simulation and analysed by applying the central concepts of joint activity coordination as well as Woods’s theory building on data overload. The coordination strategies used by the teams were evaluated by applying coo