Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 12106 sökträffar
Behandling av artros. Etiologi och patofysiologi vid artros - terapeutiska konsekvenser
Artros (i engelskt språkbruk ”osteoarthritis”, ibland ”osteoarthrosis”) är en sjukdom med sakta förlopp och ibland gradvis försämring. Sjukdomen kan leda till total förstöring av leden och behov av operation med ersättning av leden med konstgjort material. För de flesta patienter med artros blir kirurgisk behandling dock aldrig nödvändig, besvären kan behandlas bra på annat sätt.Artros är inte en
”Retsinafilm” – om grekisk film från ”den gyllene eran”: Vad svenskar tolkar in i musikscener ur grekisk film
Title:”Retsina film” – Greek film from ”the golden era” The aim of this essay is to examine how Swedes interpret musical scenes in Greek films of ”the golden era”. Greek film had its prime during ”the golden era”, approximately 1950-1970. The films were mainly dedicated to the lighter show business genre, containing musical features, and celebrated Greece as an unproblematic modern country, which
Sts2016 program
Swedish Science and Technology Studies (STS) Conference Lund university | campus heLsingborg | 19-20 may 2016 Welcome to the Swedish STS conference 2016! We are hoping you will enjoy the conference and the city of Helsingborg. christer eldh, host Kerstin sandell, coordinator boel berner elin bommenel anders hylmö victoria höög maria moskovko 19 may: 09:00 – 09:30 and 11:00 – 12:30 registration 09:
https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/sts2016_program.pdf - 2025-03-14
Microsoft Word - Kombinerad CV Publ 2013 IB ongoing
Microsoft Word - Kombinerad CV Publ 2013 IB ongoing CURRICULUM VITAE OF INGAR BRINCK (last updated approx. 2015) Division of Theoretical Philosophy Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science Lund University Lund, Sweden fax: 0046 (0)46 222 44 24 ingar.brinck@fil.lu.se Associate member of Institut Jean Nicod, Paris (elected 2006) Institut Jean Nicod belongs to the CNRS), The Institut Jean Nicod
https://www.fil.lu.se/media/documents/persons/IngarBrinck/CV_Brinck_2015.pdf - 2025-03-13
Mail and Delivery
https://www.medicine.lu.se/mail-and-delivery - 2025-03-13
Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir
Hans Knutsson
Senior lecturer Contact details Email: hans [dot] knutsson [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se Mobile: +46 73 399 41 72Organisation Strategy Room number: Alfa 5,6 rum B418 Service point: 10 WebpageHans Knutssons profile in Lund University research portal Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConference paperDissertationJournal articleLicentia
https://www.lusem.lu.se/hans-knutsson - 2025-03-14
Kristoffer Ekberg
Associate senior lecturer Contact details Email: kristoffer [dot] ekberg [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +462228421Organisation Human Ecology Service point: 16 WebpageKristoffer Ekbergs profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Associate senior lecturer Department of Human GeographyMain research and teaching areas: Climate change denialHistory of environmental politics/thought
https://www.keg.lu.se/en/kristoffer-ekberg - 2025-03-14
Book an Astronomy party
Book a Robot party
Book a Science Party
2021 VT_LP2 FMSN55 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH
2021 VT_LP2 FMSN55 CEQ Course evaluation ver 9.0 (2021-01-23) LTH Course evaluation report - CEQ, FMSN55 Basic facts Course name Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values Course code FMSN55 ECTS credits 7.5 hp Year 202021 Study period the course was finishedVT_LP2 Programme all Registrated students 29 Number answers and response rate 14 / 48 % Number answers from males 6 Number answers from females
Hans-Heinrich Vogel
Professor emeritus Contact details Email: hans-heinrich [dot] vogel [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 94Organisation Department of Law Room number: 320 Service point: 56 WebpageHans-Heinrich Vogels profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Public Law Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterCo
https://www.law.lu.se/hans-heinrich-vogel - 2025-03-14
Ekumeniska Följeslagarprogrammet i Israel och Palestina
This essay investigates the Swedish Ecumenical Programme in Israel-Palestine (SEAPPI) with the purpose of examining how an NGO, such as SEAPPI, can remain neutral or impartial in an asymmetrical conflict. This will be done with the support of Slim’s (1997) perspective on neutrality and impartiality. The primary material are the two books based on the accompaniers’ reports on the situation and thei
Intelligent, socially oriented technology
Intelligent, socially oriented technology Intelligent, socially oriented technology Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering Editors Christian Balkenius Agneta Gulz Magnus Haake Birger Johansson Balkenius, C., Gulz, A., Haake, M. and Johansson, B. (Eds.) Intelligent, socially oriented technology: Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science
https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-154.pdf - 2025-03-13
10. Legislation
The general rules for work at Kemicentrum are regulated by several different laws and legislations. A selection of different legislation is presented below. The official language is Swedish. Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations (in Swedish: AFS)On January 1, 2025, these regulations will be replaced by new regulations in a revised structure although the rules will largely remain the sam
https://www.kc.lu.se/en/employee/general-safety-regulations/10-legislation - 2025-03-13
Curriculum vitae: Alf Hornborg CURRICULUM VITAE: ALF HORNBORG Education: Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala University, May 21, 1986 Current position: Professor and Head of Division, Human Ecology Division, Lund University, October 1993 Previous employment: - Assistant Professor at Dept. of Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala University, 1986-1990 - Lecturer in Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala Unive
https://www.keg.lu.se/sites/keg.lu.se/files/alf-cv2014.pdf - 2025-03-14
En musikinspelning - En studie om musikproducenters syn på sitt samarbete med artister under musikinspelningar
I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur musikproducenter ser på sitt samarbete med musiker/artister under en musikproduktion. Metoden för undersökningen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där tre etablerade svenska musikproducenter intervjuas. Resultaten visar att musikproducenterna lägger stor vikt vid sitt samarbete med artister. Några utav slutsatserna är att musikproducentyrket idag i Sverige handlar
Older dissertations 1960-1995
Catarina KinnvallCultural Diffusion and Political Learning - The Democratization of ChinaLund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1995Anders UhlinDemocracy and Diffusion. Transnational Lesson-Drawing among Indonesian Pro-Democracy Actors.Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1995Hans Bengtsson Förskolereformen. En studie i implementering av svensk välfärdspolitik 1985-1991.Lund: Statsvetenskaplig
https://www.svet.lu.se/en/research/publications/dissertations/older-dissertations-1960-1995 - 2025-03-14