Din sökning på "Svenska kyrkan" gav 926 sökträffar
Ensam är inte stark : tankar, strategier och motstånd hos unga feminister i Svenska kyrkan
This bachelor thesis is based on interviews with six young feminists within the Church of Sweden, and aims to discuss how a combination of feminism and Christian faith is made possible. I am investigating if these women experience personal inner conflicts between feminist values and a Christian faith and then how these women think of and manage these conflicts, and also if they have experiences ba
Mässa för enhetens skull : Kommentarer och förslag till en reviderad mässordning för Svenska kyrkan
Laurentiistiftelsen i Svenska kyrkan under 50 år
Medarbetare : En historia om organisation och lekfolksuppdrag i Svenska kyrkan
Kyrkans alternativa roller som välfärdsaktör
Makten och härligheten
Vilken konfatyp är du? : den postmoderna kyrkan i ett individualiserat samhälle
Mission i Svenska kyrkan - Förståelsen av mission som begrepp i den samtida debatten i Kyrkans Tidning
This essay examines the contemporary concept of mission in the Church of Sweden, by analyzing material from the years 2012 and 2013 published in the magazine Kyrkans Tidning. The concept of mission differs, both among the world’s Christian population and among members of the academic world. For such a diversity to be fruitful and for the communication among those who use the mission concept to be
En studie i möjliga förklaringar till medlemsminskningen i Svenska kyrkan. En kvalitativ kandidatuppsats som är skriven ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv.
Gudstjänstgemenskap i folkkyrkan. Ett studium av gudstjänstgemenskapens identitet och ställning i Svenska kyrkan
The dissertation examines the theoretical identity and formal status of a worship community within the Church of Sweden. Two theoretical perspectives form the basis of the investigation. The first is that the identity of the church cannot be reduced to an abstract idea of its essential nature, but what is said about the church must refer to the actual people who belong to it, especially those who
Prästers rätt till samvetsfrihet i Svenska kyrkan- När anställningen bygger på en religiös uppfattning
The Church of Sweden has gone through several changes over the years and it is always important to develop and adapt, in one way or another, to the society in which it functions. Demands are set by the state regarding, among other things, the possession of the right to conduct weddings. At the same time ”Kyrkomötet" establishes new internal guidelines to follow. In the past The Church of Swed
Missionen visar kyrkans väsen : Recension av Jonas Johnsson: Missionärerna: En biografisk berättelse om Svenska kyrkans mission 1874-1974
Kyrkomöte, läroämbete, demokrati. Kyrkomötets sammansättning i Evangelisk-lutherska kyrkan i Finland och i Svenska kyrkan
Beredd till förlåtelse : en studie av nio inledningsord i 2012 års förslag till kyrkohandbok för Svenska kyrkan
Bäst att va präst? - Svenska kyrkans rättsliga särställning ur ett historiskt perspektiv
Sverige rankas idag allt som oftast som ett av världens mest sekulariserade länder. Vägen hit har dock inneburit en av de mest omfattande reformerna i modern tid. Genom religionsfrihetslagen år 1951 tillförsäkrades var och en rätten att fritt utöva sin religion och med anledning av detta påbörjades ett närmare 50 år långt utredningsarbete i syfte att klarlägga framtiden för samarbetet mellan stateSweden is consistently seen as being one of the most secularized countries in the world. Achieving this status, however, has required one of the most extensive reforms in modern time. With the enactment of the 1951 law for religious freedom every person was granted the right to freely express their religious beliefs, and due to this a nearly 50 year long investigation begun with the intent of clar
Undersökning av den otillfredställda psykosociala arbetsmiljön i en del av en församling inom Svenska kyrkan
This paper examined the psychosocial work environment in a part of a parish within the Swedish Church. The study was qualitative and data were collected through six individual semi- structured interviews involving the following six themes; purposes, structure, relationships, rewards, leadership and helpful mechanisms. The study revealed several areas in the psychosocial work environment that can b
Dopundervisning i Svenska kyrkan: Från katekesundervisning till dagens undervisning. Vad säger församlingsinstruktioner och doppastoraler om dagens dopundervisning?
The subject of this essay is the pre- and post-baptismal education in the Church of Sweden. My method of investigation is a comparative content analysis. The documents analyzed are catechisms, different documents approved by the Church of Sweden, 27 pastoral instructions about baptism, 3 pastoral instructions about confirmation and 60 so-called parish instructions (the Church Ordinance of 1999 req
Matbistånd från Svenska kyrkan
This is the first time the Church of Sweden's food aid has been mapped statistically and nationally. Food aid is the most common material aid to people in economic vulnerability and a full 86% of the parishes and pastorates in the Church of Sweden work with it. This chapter describes the extent, frequency, composition of the recipient's household, main group affiliation and whether food aid is con
Tiger en svensk? Tystnader om tysk nationalsocialism i svensk press och i Svenska kyrkan 1933–1939
This inaugural lecture in the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities discusses the silence in Swedish press and in the Church of Sweden on National socialism, 1933-1939. This silence was neither common nor general, it was often concentrated to certain levels or matters. Silence could be compact, while the silent persons could speak on other levels, in other words, often in a the