

Din sökning på "Svenska kyrkan" gav 926 sökträffar

Ekonomisk hjälp från Svenska kyrkan - den instrumentella paradoxen och den fattiges utmattning

Despite changes in the Swedish welfare system with a devaluation of income from the Social Services and a request from government to civil society to carry out welfare tasks, little research has been conducted on service users’ experience of support from civil society. This article investigates service users’ reasons for seeking economic support from the Church of Sweden and what they think charac

Nattvardsdryckens beskaffenhet - En debatt inom Svenska kyrkan

The Church of Sweden has during the 1980s and in 2010 discussed the contents of the communion drink. The debate has been taken up in Church of Sweden’s supreme body, the General Synod, where members have presented several suggestions for changes the opinion of the communion drink. Initially, members wanted to increase information to parishes about using alcohol-free alternatives instead of wines w

Den heliga leken. Om lekkyrkan som en väg till gudstjänstfirande för barn i Svenska kyrkan idag

In 1915 Maria Montessori and Anna Maccheroni built the first Children’s Chapel in Barcelona. Everything in the chapel was in the right size and height for a child. In this chapel the children learnt liturgy and prepeard themselves for the life in the Church through doing. In 2003 the first Swedish play church was built at Kastlösa Stiftsgård on the initiative of Karin Uddling. She had studied Mon

Prästers absoluta tystnadsplikt och anmälningsskyldighet vid kännedom om eller misstanke att barn far illa – hur Svenska kyrkan och andra trossamfund förhåller sig till anmälningsskyldighet enligt 14 kap. 1 § socialtjänstlagen

Confession and absolution hold significant importance within several Christian denominations. To break the seal of confession is a violation of trust and only to be done when deemed necessary. This essay explores how the seal of confession within the Church of Sweden has been regulated by Swedish law, starting from the implementation of the current constitution of Sweden. Additionally, this essay

Man måste förstå : Talar ungdomar och Svenska kyrkan samma språk?

Is the language and terminology used in the Church of Sweden understandable to young people? Many scientists have investigated the religiosity of youth and the liturgical language, but there is no completed study on the relationship between the language that young people use in discussions about existential issues and the language of the representatives of the Church of Sweden. This study examine

"Oss kristna till att äta och dricka" - Teologiska och pastorala perspektiv på nattvardselementens beskaffenhet i Svenska kyrkan

The Eucharist is one of the central rites according to the beliefs of the Christian Church and one of two sacraments in the Lutheran tradition. The purpose of this essay is to inquire into the possibility of creating a eucharistic table within the Church of Sweden where no one is excluded becauce of personal restrictions such as allergy to the communion elements. Through this essay I have done a c

Svenska kyrkans studentprästverksamhet

The Church of Sweden is the largest church in Sweden and has according to its Church Ordinance a diaconal responsibility for everyone who stays in the parish, including students and employees at the universities. It is hard to see that this responsibility is fulfilled. This thesis deals with concerns about the student chaplains in Sweden. I attempt to answer the questions "how do the student

Allt mellan himmel och jord - En intersektionell studie om medveten inkluderande hållbarhet i Svenska kyrkan

Medvetande och inkluderande hållbarhetsarbete – Vem deltar och engageras? En människas uppfattning av världen påverkar hur den personen agerar och blir bemött. Detta antagande kanske inte är världsomvälvande men ofta är det faktiskt inte något som alla tänker på när man exempelvis fattar stora och små beslut. Vilken väg ska jag gå hemåt? Vilken väg ska vi gå för att samhället ska bli hållbart? NärClimate and sustainability work in the Church of Sweden are investigated through an intersectional ecofeminist framework, focusing on the Bishops’ letter about the climate, and in the diocese of Lund and a parish in Malmö, southern Sweden. The structure of the study is taking the form of a qualitative case study applying the evaluation step of policy analysis. The study finds that even if the aim

”En allians av något slag” : Förändrade relationer mellan Svenska kyrkan och Church of England. 1909–1954

With a certain definition of ”networks”, “trust” and “change” this thesis makes new inroads into the historiography of bilateral church relations. Applied to the ambitions of establishing a deeper connection between the Church of Sweden and the Church of England, it’s aim is to show how a social network of leaders – mostly bishops and priests – from both churches came to be the formative centre of

Svenska kyrkans anpassning till ett "sekulariserat" samhälle i kris - ett förändrat klimat?

This essay analyses the three climate documents published by the Swedish Council of the Bishops between 1989 and 2019. The documents are analysed from a sociological perspective on religion that focuses on the Church of Sweden's role from a crisis perspective in a secularised society. My interest in this subject is based on the common perception that Sweden is the most secular country in the w