

Din sökning på "Svenska kyrkan" gav 926 sökträffar

Utbrändhet bland präster i Svenska kyrkan

This paper focuses on the connection between priests in the Church of Sweden and the psychological condition of burnout. There is evidence that shows that as a society goes through major changes there is an increase of burnout-related issues and problems. Personal factors for this state include stress induced by work – or family situations as well as genetics and personality. In Sweden, women are

Teologisering i predikan : Vad det är och hur det skedde i Svenska kyrkan år 2020

Every Sunday, sermons are delivered in over a thousand churches within the Church of Sweden. In each of them, theology is not just applied but also ”done”, or formulated. Using the concept of “theologizing” and building on theories from two professors in homiletics, David Schnasa Jacobsen and Leonora Tubbs Tisdale, this thesis empirically investigates in what ways preachers in the Lutheran Church

Ionainspirerad mässa i Svenska kyrkan - med undersökning av veckomässor i Lunds stift

The essay "Iona Inspired Services in the Church of Sweden - A Study of the Weekly Mass within the Diocese of Lund", written by Anna Nilsson, at Lund University Center for Theology and Religious Studies, and examined 2009-11-12. Initially, what gave ground to this essay is a personal interest in liturgy and worship, from which I have developed a deeper interest in the liturgy of Iona Abb

Kärlekens måltid : en studie av mässliturgier i Svenska kyrkan perioden 1986 - 2004

In this dissertation, I discuss issues concerning the liturgy and the theology of the Eucharist in new mass liturgies. The main task is focused on an analysis of 65 new mass liturgies that have been used in the Church of Sweden and which are here compared to the liturgy provided in the current Church of Sweden Service Book. Subjects closely related to the main task of this thesis include the renew

Samisk kyrka? : en studie av försoningsprocessen mellan Svenska kyrkan och samerna, med jämförande utblickar mot Norge

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss issues related to the ongoing reconciliation process between the Church of Sweden and the Sami people, with a comparative outlook towards Norway. The question I raise is under what conditions the Church is willing to seek reconciliation. Reports and other pertinent documents published by the Church have been analysed mainly through critical reading, seeking

Alla mäns prästadöme : Homosocialitet, maskulinitet och religion hos Kyrkobröderna, Svenska kyrkans lekmannaförbund 1918-1978

The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of how gender constructions have been shaped and renegotiated in the modern history of the Church of Sweden. This is achieved through the dissertation’s two general approaches, which are to account for the establishment and development of the Swedish lay movement called the Brethren of the Church (Kyrkobröderna) up until women were allowe

Papperslösa i Svenska kyrkan – en enkätstudie om sätt att hjälpa och konflikten mellan normer och regler

The Swedish migration agency (Migrationsverket) believes that newly sharpened rules for asylum will increase the number of undocumented immigrants choosing to stay after getting a rejected asylum application. Since it is illegal to hire undocumented immigrants many are being "payed under the table" or receive welfare or aid from NGO:s. This essay investigates what one NGO, the Church of

Julkrubban i Svenska kyrkan : Julkrubbans reception i Stockholm, Göteborgs och Lunds stifts gudstjänstrum fram till 1900-talets slut

The basis for this thesis is mainly gathered from Lund University’s Archives of Ecclesiastical History, LUKA. Questionnaires called ”kyrklig sed” are frequently emitted to all Swedish parishes to document different customs within the church. Since 1962 they also contain questions about cribs in the churches. Beside these questionnaires, there are also special questionnaires of different extent. LU

Religion eller tradition? – en undersökning av gränsdragningen mellan tradition och religion vid anordnandet av skolavslutningar i Svenska kyrkans lokaler

I vårt mångkulturella samhälle tilldelas religionsfriheten stor betydelse. En fråga som förefaller aktuell inom detta område är huruvida skolavslutningar får anordnas i kyrkan eller inte. Ett flertal intressen kan bli aktuella när frågan behandlas och en avvägning mellan dessa måste ske. Tänkvärda aspekter att se till är förhållandet mellan religion och tradition samt intresseavvägningen mellan deFreedom of religion is a democratic value of great importance in our multicultural society. A question that is perceived to be important within this subject is whether or not graduation ceremonies are allowed to be held in churches. A number of interests may be of importance when this question is discussed and a levelling between the different interests is not uncommon. Important factors to look a

Variationer av predikouppfattningar i Svenska kyrkan. En fenomenografisk undersökning om predikanter och åhörare.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur uppfattar predikanter sitt predikouppdrag och hur uppfattar åhörare predikan? Hur förhåller sig dessa uppfattningar till olika predikoteoretiska perspektiv? Vilka konsekvenser får kunskapen om predikanters och åhörares uppfattningar för predikan? I undersökningen kartläggs hur de som är engagerade i predikosituationen tänker om predikan. Två grupper är då särskilt This study describes, systematizes and analyses the variations of preachers' conceptions of their mission to preach and their listeners' conceptions of the sermon. It does so in a phenomenographic and theological perspective. The conceptions of preachers and their listeners of the mission to preach and the sermon respectively are investigated by way of interviews. The basic issues are what differe