

Din sökning på "Svenska kyrkan" gav 925 sökträffar

Hur utformas en välfungerande kyrklig söndagsverksamhet för barn inom Svenska kyrkan?

How many times have you heard that if children are in church they should be quiet and still? It was common to hear when I was young that children should go out as soon as they started making any noise. It was and is always a pleasure for everyone to hear the cute children singing a pretty song in church but afterwards there should be silence again! What I want is for the congregation to accept the

Liknelser och läsningar. Reception av liknelseberättelser ur Lukasevangeliet, kapitel 10–15, i predikoutkast för Svenska kyrkan 1985–2013

This thesis looks at present-day ecclesial use of the Bible by investigating the reception of narrative parables from the Gospel of Luke, chapters 10–15, in sermon guidelines published 1985–2013 in two periodicals aimed mainly at Church of Sweden clergy. The main problems can be expressed by the words “what”, “how” and “why”: What is received – and what is not received? How is that which is receiv

Judisk "ras" som äktenskapshinder i Sverige : Effekten av Nürnberglagarna i Svenska kyrkans statliga funktion som lysningsförrättare 1935-1945

The Effect of the Nuremberg Laws on impediments of marriage in the Church of Sweden, 1935–1945 From 1935 to the end of the Second World War, the Nuremberg Laws were considered by the clergy of the Church of Sweden in its state function of considering impediments of marriage for German citizens. As a civil authority, the Church of Sweden was responsible for all such decisions until 1991. In the 193

Kyrka och kön – om könskonstruktioner i Svenska kyrkan 1945-1985

The aim of this thesis is to analyse how sex and gender have been constructed within the context of the Swedish Lutheran Church 1954-1985. The studied texts mainly consist of Christian pastoral work primarily dealing with sexuality and marriage. But the material also includes investigations within this field published by the Swedish state (SOU), and newspaper articles where marriage and sexuality

Integrationsarbete inom Svenska kyrkan i Lund - En kvalitativ studie av språkcaféverksamheten

The purpose of this study is to do a qualitative investigation of a language café in the setting of the Swedish church in Lund. The aim is to find out how the process of integration is perceived by the migrants and the volunteers and if there is a qualitative difference between opinions on goals, determinant factors, result, and context. The selection was from the chosen study object and its popul

Svenska kyrkan och samverkan - en kvalitativ studie om diakoners och socialarbetares syn på samverkan mellan församlingar och socialkontor

The Church of Sweden has a long history of social work, and until year 2000 the Church of Sweden was a part of the government. Officially, the divorce between the two has not implied other changes than that each one is now in charge of its own economy. This study was done with a qualitative method in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with three deacons and three social workers. The a

Diakon- och prästämbetena i Svenska kyrkan: En studie av likheter och skillnader vad gäller arbetsuppgifter, legitimitet och resurser

The Church of Sweden is marginalized in society and the membership of the Church is decreasing, which means that the church's economy is on the decline, but the demands on the Church by its members have not decreased. This is a comparative study that deals with the roles of deacons and priests and their contribution to the Church. The aim is to get an overview of similarities and differences i

Beslutsfattande i församlingar inom Svenska kyrkan

This thesis takes on the distribution of influence at the local level of the Church of Sweden from a legitimacy theory perspective. It is argued that the high levels of member resignation could be viewed as a manifested lack of confidence due to the failing legitimacy of the Church of Sweden. In order to continue the academic discussion on the democratic relation between the Church and its members

Anden, Luther och feminism. En studie i pneumatologi utifrån Svenska kyrkans bekännelse och en feministisk kritik.

This thesis aims to contribute to the theological discussion of how a critical and constructive pneumatology could be seen in the context of the Church of Sweden today. To achieve this purpose, I analyze a Lutheran view of the Holy Spirit in the confession of the Church of Sweden and a feminist criticism. The questions asked are: How does a Lutheran view of the Holy Spirit look according to the co