

Din sökning på "Svenska kyrkan" gav 948 sökträffar

Under gravstenarna – Begravningsplatsens roll i Svenska kyrkan och statens förändrade relation

This text aims to study the processes that took place between the Church of Sweden and the state between the years 1995-2000, when the Church of Sweden’s parishes continued to be responsible for maintaining cemeteries. Through an empirical research method a committee directive, an official report by the government, a government bill, a report from the constitutional committee and the motions that

”Mycket större än vad ord kan rymma” Dopföräldrars val av doppsalmer i Svenska kyrkan i korsningen mellan liminalitet och mimesis

The purpose of this master thesis in practical theology is to investigate the reasons for choices of hymns made by parents baptising their children in the Church of Sweden. From earlier data on baptisms and hymns we do know which hymns are most commonly chosen, but no one to date has interviewed parents on their choices. The method used is semi structured interviews of eleven parents whose childre

Lagen och Liturgin: Kulturmiljölagstiftningen och Svenska kyrkan

Initially, the subject of this paper was to investigate how the Swedish cultural heritage law (Kulturmiljölagen 1988:950) affects the church buildings of the Church of Sweden. When the parishes of the Church of Sweden wish to change their churches interiors to fit contemporary liturgical ideals they must first seek permission from the County Administrative Boards who ensures the preservation of th

Riket är ditt, Försvarsmakten och härligheten: En idéhistorisk studie av uppkomst och genomförande av avtalet om Militär själavård

At a time when the state and the Church of Sweden in a long process separated and religious freedom was strengthened in the constitution, the Church of Sweden has gained control over the existential support offered to the Swedish armed forces This has been possible by building agreements with the Swedish Armed Forces on the discursive concept of military spiritual care. The concept was established

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Att rapportera resultat ser de flesta i dagens samhälle som en självklar plikt. Många offentligfinansierade verksamheter styrs enligt en marknadslogik som bygger på kontraktsbaserade uppdrag som bland annat innebär en granskning av hur skattemedlen används. Redovisning sker genom mer eller mindre ingående kontroll med syftet att säkra den kvalitet man beställt och att visa att eftersträvade result