

Din sökning på "Svenska kyrkan" gav 924 sökträffar

Ansikte mot ansikte; Ikoner i Svenska kyrkan - varför det?

This essay studies the frequent habit of using Orthodox icons in the Church of Sweden. Over the last 30 years, these icons have become very popular. How come a symbol, traditionally foreign to the Swedish, Lutheran tradition, has become so accepted? Is the use of icons an expression of a shift of religious practice in Sweden today? Interviews were conducted with people employed by the Church, who

En undersökning om barnverksamhet i Svenska kyrkan : om barns rätt att fira gudstjänst som de fullvärdiga, spirituella människor de är.

It is often stated that the Gospel is for all people, regardless of age. This essay addresses the issue of children in worshiping communities in Church of Sweden. I examine how children are worshiping, and how they can build understanding and develop through it. I wanted to see how the communities work for the children and how they give them tools and help to guide them into participation. Accordi

Psaltarpsalmen i Svenska kyrkans gudstjänstliv

During the second half of the 20th century, more possibilities of singing Psalms in the common Sunday service arose in Church of Sweden. The aim of this study is to see in what different ways the Psalms are usually sung and where they appear in the different worship books. I am interested in how this has changed over time, from the 1940s until today. A special focus is also on church musicians and

"Kristi ämbete" : Gunnar Rosendal och diskussionen om biskopsämbetet i Svenska kyrkan

The episcopate has been much debated in the twentieth century, both in the Church of Sweden and ecumenically. The purpose of the thesis is to study how it has been discussed within the Church of Sweden, using the priest and reformer Gunnar Rosendal (1897?1988) as point of departure. Methodologically speaking, a single individual is studied in order to shed light on a broad historical and ideologic

Riket är ditt, Försvarsmakten och härligheten: En idéhistorisk studie av uppkomst och genomförande av avtalet om Militär själavård

At a time when the state and the Church of Sweden in a long process separated and religious freedom was strengthened in the constitution, the Church of Sweden has gained control over the existential support offered to the Swedish armed forces This has been possible by building agreements with the Swedish Armed Forces on the discursive concept of military spiritual care. The concept was established

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Att rapportera resultat ser de flesta i dagens samhälle som en självklar plikt. Många offentligfinansierade verksamheter styrs enligt en marknadslogik som bygger på kontraktsbaserade uppdrag som bland annat innebär en granskning av hur skattemedlen används. Redovisning sker genom mer eller mindre ingående kontroll med syftet att säkra den kvalitet man beställt och att visa att eftersträvade result