

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3791 sökträffar

Carolin Dudschig (Universität Tübingen) on The N400 and Large Language Models: Prediction- vs. count

Carolin Dudschig (Universität Tübingen) on The N400 and Large Language Models: Prediction- vs. count-based methods Carolin Dudschig (Universität Tübingen) on The N400 and Large Language Models: Prediction- vs. count-based methods Published 23 April 2024 On 23 April, Carolin Dudschig from Universität Tübingen will talk about The N400 and Large Language Models: Prediction- vs. count-based methods Ti

https://www.sol.lu.se/nls/article/carolin-dudschig-universitaet-tuebingen/ - 2025-03-02

Saco-S AGM October 7

Saco-S AGM October 7 | Saco-S föreningen vid Linnéuniversitetet Hoppa till huvudinnehåll About us Contact Salary Laws & agreements Current Newsletter December -24 Newsletter November -24 Saco-S AGM October 2, 2024 Newsletter June -24 Newsletter December -23 Newsletter November -23 Saco-S AGM October 4, 2023 Newsletter June -23 Newsletter March -23 Newsletter December -22 Saco-S AGM October 5, 2022

https://www.saco.se/en/trustee/local-union-work/local-unions/government-sector/saco-s-foreningen-vid-linneuniversitetet/actual/saco-s-agm-october-7/ - 2025-03-04

Design of flexible structures in 3D printing – licentiate presentation

Design of flexible structures in 3D printing – licentiate presentation Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do no

https://www.plog.lth.se/article/design-of-flexible-structures-in-3d-printing-licentiate-presentation/ - 2025-03-04

Array computing in C++ using Eigen, 5 March 2025

Array computing in C++ using Eigen, 5 March 2025 | LUNARC Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any p

https://www.lunarc.lu.se/learning-more/training-courses/array-computing-in-c-using-eigen-5-march-2025/ - 2025-03-04

How to improve your ergonomics at home – five tips

Being a student wears on your body. It can be difficult to find ergonomic workplaces on campus and many sit on their couch or at the kitchen table at home when studying digitally. On this page, you can read about five ways in which you can improve your studying ergonomics without resorting to professional office chairs or expensive technology. Vary your working position The most important part of

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/en/studying-digitally/how-improve-your-ergonomics-home-five-tips - 2025-03-05

For our new students

Hello student! Have you been admitted to one of our courses or programmes? On this page you will find everything you need to know before the start of the semester. Welcome to the Department of Human Geography with the division of Human Ecology. Start by reading the checklist where we have summarised the most important information you need to start studying with us. Secure your place For internatio

https://www.keg.lu.se/en/education/our-new-students - 2025-03-05

Become an international mentor

Are you interested in getting involved in student life and gaining intercultural experience at the same time? Then the International Mentor Programme is perfect for you! As an international mentor, you will meet students from across the globe and help them adjust to their new environment. Together with your fellow mentors, you will be an important social link between the international students in

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/current-students/get-involved-student-life/become-international-mentor - 2025-03-06

Ny student

VIKTIG OCH ANVÄNDBAR INFORMATION FÖR STUDENTER VID EKONOMIHÖGSKOLAN Börja här – 4 viktiga stegHitta informationNy student på Ekonomie kandidatprogrammetDatum och scheman IT (internet, skrivare, digitala verktyg)Ekonomihögskolans campusStöd och hjälp för dig som studentStudentlivRättigheter och skyldigheter Börja här - 4 viktiga steg 1. Aktivera ditt studentkonto Som student vid Lunds universitet t

https://www.ehl.lu.se/studera-vid-ekonomihogskolan/studentwebben/ny-student - 2025-03-06

3d flair 0 7sag

Patient weight [kg] = 75; Nucleus = "H1"; SmartSelect = "no"; clinical modes = "SENSE_HEAD_7TX_32"; Coil 1 = "Sense-Head-7TX"; Channels = (16) "yes", (16) "no"; connection = "ConnA"; Coil 2 = "Sense-Head-7TX"; Channels = (16) "yes", (16) "no"; connection = "ConnB"; Coil 3 = "None"; Uniformity = "CLEAR"; FOV FH (mm) = 230.488358; AP (mm) = 230.488358; RL (mm) = 168; Voxel size FH (mm) = 0.699999988

https://www.lbic.lu.se/sites/lbic.lu.se/files/3d_flair_0_7sag.txt - 2025-03-06

20220701 - Course schedule-preliminary students

Course Schedule - 2022 MESS62: Climate Change and Society, 15 credits Week Date Time Venue Theme Activity Teacher 35 29 Aug 15-17 Ostrom Intro: Course intro Lec WC+IMH 29 Aug 17-18 Ostrom Q&A + Introduction of individual assignment – final course paper – how, what and why + assign books for book club Lec WC+IMH 31 Aug 16-18 Ostrom Provocation seminar – in groups Sem WC+IMH 36 5 Sep 15-17 Ostrom Cl

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/sites/lucsus.lu.se/files/2022-07/20220701%20-%20Course%20schedule-preliminary_students.docx - 2025-03-06

Actions in teaching at INES in response to Covid spring 2021

Actions in teaching at INES in response to Covid-19 related restrictions, spring 2021 Authors: INES management group, Jonathan Seaquist, Lars Eklundh, Petter Pilesjö & Ulrik Mårtensson Date: 2021-02-25 Validity: until further notice The guidelines and actions below should be followed at INES to ensure staff and student safety with regard to Covid-19 disease spread. It is the responsibility of all

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/sites/nateko.lu.se.sv/files/2021-03/Actions%20in%20teaching%20at%20INES%20in%20response%20to%20Covid%20spring%202021.pdf - 2025-03-06

Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectiv

Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" Published 19 April 2023 A lecture by Prof. Massimiliano Bampi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" will be held at at the Universit

https://www.css.lu.se/article/online-lecture-prof-massimiliano-bampi-on-defining-old-norse-saga-genres-problems-and-perspectives/ - 2025-03-04

How we focus attention in picture viewing, picture description, and during mental imagery

We cannot directly uncover the contents of our mind but we can come closer to cognitive processes via overt manifestations. I am interested in how speakers perceive, conceptualise and spontaneously describe complex pictures on higher levels of discourse and I use eye tracking methodology along with verbal protocols and a multimodal scoring method to study these mental processes. In the studies on

No title

1 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Conference Online Format ................................................................................................ 2 Papers and panels ............................................................................................................ 3 Conference Schedule .........................................................................................................

https://www.ctr.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ctr/alterumma/Clergy_State_Relations_Conference_Booklet_final.pdf - 2025-03-03

Course Evaluations

Here you can find the latest course evaluations for all our courses given in English. The grading used is 1 to 5, where 1 is bad and 5 is very good. Course evaluations for our courses given in Swedish can be found on our Swedish website Animal Behaviour BIOF08 Spring semester 2024 Summary of the course evaluationMost students were very positive, which is also our own impression of the course. Thes

https://www.biologyeducation.lu.se/course-evaluations - 2025-03-05

Gimbal stabilization of superzoom cameras

With today’s advancements in camera technology, image-stabilization is a crucial element for capturing sharp and steady images and video. Nowadays, cameras usually have built-in stabilizers that perform well in this task. In some cases, however, an additional stabilizer may be required to achieve optimal results. In such circumstances, electronically controlled gimbals are a popular choice when it


Följ i historiens fotspår Nedan finner du den enkät som fylls i inför Marias besök i er klass. Skulle det uppstå problem med enkäten kan du nå mig via mail maria.siik@luhm.lu.se eller telefon 046-2224711. Stort tack för ditt deltagande! Vilken årskurs undervisar du i? 1 2 3 4 5 6 I vilken utstäckning använder du följande digitala verktyg? Frågor Dagligen Varje vecka En gång i veckan Varannan vecka

https://www.historiskamuseet.lu.se/formular/enkatundersokning - 2025-03-05


Cardiff är en perfekt stad för ett utbyte! Där är alltid något som händer. Vi besökte lite olika marknader, utelivet i Cardiff är också så himla bra.Utbytesstudent vid Cardiff UniversityNär kan jag studera utomlands?Termin 4-6 - Sommarkursen eller UniwideLängre utbyten är möjliga, men då behöver du göra ett studieuppehåll. Däremot har du möjlighet att skaffa dig en längre utlandserfarenhet genom a

https://www.student.med.lu.se/internationella-mojligheter-0/studera-utomlands/sjukskoterskeprogrammet - 2025-03-05