

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3545 sökträffar

Geob23 kursanalys vt20

1 Kursanalys GEOB23 VT20 Vi vill inledningsvis påpeka att till följd av coronapandemin är årets kurs ett specialfall, då den inte fick lov att genomföras på campus och i fält utan endast som distanskurs. Det är därför svårt att jämföra denna kursanalys med den från föregående år. Studenternas synpunkter Delkurs 1 Svarsfrekvensen på kursvärderingen var 83% (n=10) på delkurs 1. Det som uppskattas me

https://www.geologi.lu.se/sites/geologi.lu.se/files/geob23_kursanalys_vt20.pdf - 2025-01-30

André Johansson – Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lund

27 februari 2025 13:00 | Halvtidskontroll Title: Improving the detection of relevant adverse outcomes through AI-based triage in the emergency departmentMain supervisor: Anna EkwallReviewers: Torgny Wessman & Daniel WilhelmsAbstractBackgroundEmergency Departments worldwide use triage to identify time-critical patients. While many studies have assessed triage system validity, their results vary wid

https://www.intramed.lu.se/evenemang/andre-johansson-institutionen-kliniska-vetenskaper-lund - 2025-01-30

Eva sejmyr liub olika satt att arbeta med anvandarundersokningar

Microsoft PowerPoint - Olika sätt att arbeta med användarundersökningar EBSCO SNUG EBSCO SNUG användardagar 2020 Eva Sejmyr Linköpings universitetsbibliotek Olika sätt att jobba med användarundersökningar Vem är jag: För några år sedan bestämdes det att biblioteket behövde en samordnare av den allt större systemtekniska infrastrukturen. – och det blev jag. Övergripande ansvar för i stort sett a

https://www.ub.lu.se/sites/ub.lu.se/files/eva_sejmyr_liub_olika_satt_att_arbeta_med_anvandarundersokningar.pdf - 2025-01-30


Dnr STYR 2021/2607 PROTOKOLL 4:2021 LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen för psykologi Ledningsgruppen för Psykoterapeutprogrammet Sammanträdesdatum 2021-11-23 Närvarande ledamöter Jens Knutsson Martin Svensson Anna Pardo Marie Ranshede Catherine Höij Bonnie Liu Isabelle Hansson Njördur Viborg Övriga Eva-Lena Hansson Meddelat förhinder Pelle Olsson Ordförande, studierektor, Psykodynamisk inriktning Kog

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/2021-12/ProtollSAPST20211123.pdf - 2025-01-30

Microsoft Word - LIVA26 schema med lasanvisningar

Microsoft Word - LIVA26 schema med lasanvisningar Lunds universitet Sommar 2024 Språk- och litteraturcentrum Litteraturvetenskap LIVA26 Perspektiv på erotisk litteratur och pornografi Lärare: Anna Hultman (anna.hultman@litt.lu.se) Schema med läsanvisningar Modul 1: Kursintroduktion, v. 24 10–23/6 Inlägg: En sexuell skildring som gjort starkt intryck (Canvas) 11/6 10.15 Kursintroduktion: Presentati

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/LIVA26/20241/L_sanvisningar_LIVA26.pdf - 2025-01-14

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | september 2022 Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | september 2022 Publicerad den 15 september 2022 Här kommer höstens första nyhetsbrev. Vi informerar om våra laborationer för studenter, månadens e-resurs, sommarens nyförvärv, och om vår nya språkpedagog. Innehållsförteckning Språkpedagog Sommarlånetid Öppettider under hösten Öppna laborationer för uppsatsskrivande

https://www.htbibl.lu.se/article/meddelanden-fraan-ht-biblioteken-september-2022/ - 2025-01-29


(Sur)Face: Notes from forensic identification on race and sameness Amade M’charek, professor at Amsterdam University will hold a keynote speech related to her ERC project Race Matter: On the Absent Presence of Race in Forensic Identification.In my lecture I explore the production of sameness and its relation to race by attending to the bioligization of the phenotype in forensic identification.It h

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sts-2016/programme-19-20-may/keynote - 2025-01-29

Thinking Big: Maria Mälksoo on Ritual Deterrence

18 March 2025 13:15 to 15:00 | Seminar The discipline of International Relations (IR) has been showing increasing interest in the constitutive and facilitating role of ritual at various levels of world politics. But the general parameters of ritual action in international politics remain yet to be pronounced. What amounts to ritual conduct in contemporary world politics? What drives ritual action

https://www.law.lu.se/calendar/thinking-big-maria-malksoo-ritual-deterrence - 2025-01-29

About LU Accommodation

LU Accommodation is part of Lund University and offers accommodation for international guest researchers connected to the University amongst others. LU Accommodation is part of Lund University and offers housing for international students and guest researchers. To be able to rent a room from LU Accommodation you have to belong to either of these groups.A person holding a position at Lund Universit

https://www.luaccommodation.lu.se/researcher-accommodation/about-lu-accommodation - 2025-01-29

Precarious encampments in hostile border zones

Methods of inhabitation Wednesday December 6, 2023 14.00-15.00 CET (Stockholm, Berlin, Rome) Maria Hagan (University of Amsterdam) gives a presentation, followed by a discussion with Jennifer Mack (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), and questions from participants. William Kutz will be moderating the seminar. The webinar is free of charge, but you have to register to attend.Register at the bottom

https://www.cors.lu.se/en/precarious-encampments-hostile-border-zones - 2025-01-29

Alvaro Segovia Otero

Visiting research fellow Contact details Email: alvaro [dot] segovia_otero [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Astrophysics Room number: A408 Service point: 14 WebpageAlvaro Segovia Oteros profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Doctoral student Astrophysics Project manager Astrophysics Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type Al

https://www.astro.lu.se/alvaro-segovia-otero - 2025-01-30

Alla Shylova

Programme coordinator/academic advisor Programme Coordinator and Academic Advisor for the following programmes/courses: • Master’s Programme in Human Ecology: Culture, Power, and Sustainability (CPS) • Free standing courses in Human EcologyContact details Email: alla [dot] shylova [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 84 17Organisation Department of Human Geography Service point: 16 As prog

https://www.keg.lu.se/en/alla-shylova - 2025-01-30

The first university-wide forum for managers

10 October 2024 09:00 to 11:00 | Other Welcome to the first university-wide forum for managers! On 10 October, the university's first university-wide digital Manager´s Forum will take place. The theme of this first forum is Collegial and academic leadership – in harmony? The forum is digital and in Swedish.About the LU Manager's ForumThe LU Managers' Forum will be held twice a year and is aimed at

https://www.staff.lu.se/calendar/first-university-wide-forum-managers - 2025-01-30

Template workshop 0

Proposal for a BECC workshop – Title The document name should be the same as the workshop title. The proposal should be max 2 A4 and be sent to lina.nikoleris@cec.lu.se (if the main applicant is at LU) or hakan.pleijel@bioenv.gu.se (if the main applicant is at UGOT) in good time before planned activities. Decisions on workshops are taken by the BECC board. Proposals for workshops can be submitted

https://www.becc.lu.se/sites/becc.lu.se/files/template_workshop_0.docx - 2025-01-30

Women Entrepreneurs in Sweden 210914

Women Entrepreneurs in Sweden 210914.pdf Women Entrepreneurs in Sweden: Experiences, Trends and Future Outlooks Centre for Business Law at Lund University (ACLU) and The Institute for Innovation Management at Lund University School of Economics and Management invite you to the seminar In 2019, only 14 % of the national patent applications in Sweden had one or more female inventors, according to st

https://www.aclu.lu.se/sites/aclu.lu.se/files/2023-04/Women%20Entrepreneurs%20in%20Sweden%20210914.pdf - 2025-01-30


Invitation.pdf The European Court of Human Rights – What impact on intellectual property? The Centre for Business Law at Lund University (ACLU) invite you to the seminar In the discussions on intellectual property (IP) law in Europe, it is more common to think of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and not of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). Indeed, quite a substantial amo

https://www.aclu.lu.se/sites/aclu.lu.se/files/2023-05/Invitation.pdf - 2025-01-30

7T upgrade new possibilities

Header 1 1 7T DUST upgrade (also called dSYNC) - Installation period start 29 July 2024 Hardware (no changes in main magnet, gradient system or B0 shim system) • Digital RF chain o better definitions of gradient and RF waveforms (parallel transmit, multiband) o no switching of host between 2ch and 8ch transmit o double RF power (8 kW) for Classic system o quadrupled RF power (to 8 kW) for X-nuclei

https://www.lbic.lu.se/sites/lbic.lu.se/files/2024-03/7T_upgrade_new_possibilities.pdf - 2025-01-30