

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3531 sökträffar


Child Rights Institute 2023-04-28: Kristian Gustavsson from the Faculty of Law and Davor Vuleta from the Sociology Law Department talked about their research. Davor talked about recent figures regarding children in the Swedish Enforcement Authority's (Kronofogden) register, such as how many children are in the register and how it has looked historically, how many children live in over-indebted fam

https://www.sam.lu.se/en/child-rights-institute/news - 2025-01-11

Guidelines for the manuscript conference

At the dissertation manuscript conference, a more or less final thesis manuscript is discussed. If it is a monograph thesis, all chapters should be included and be sufficiently complete to give a clear idea of what the final product will look like. A compilation thesis should contain all articles (even if they have not yet been accepted for publication) and an introductory essay (”kappa”). The mai

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/internal/research-and-education/doctoral-studies/guidelines-manuscript-conference-0 - 2025-01-11

Guidelines for the manuscript conference

At the dissertation manuscript conference, a more or less final thesis manuscript is discussed. If it is a monograph thesis, all chapters should be included and be sufficiently complete to give a clear idea of what the final product will look like. A compilation thesis should contain all articles (even if they have not yet been accepted for publication) and an introductory essay (”kappa”). The mai

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/internal/research-and-education/doctoral-studies/guidelines-manuscript-conference - 2025-01-11

Statistics help

Struggling to design an experiment or make sense of your data? Can’t decide what analysis is best? Lost in the woods trying to get your model to run or interpret the results? Contact the Biology Statistics Help Service! We are a team of researchers, postdocs, and faculty members available to all at the Department of Biology for research-related statistical consultation. The Statistic service is fr

https://www.biology.lu.se/internal/support-and-tools/statistics-help - 2025-01-11


Video in your teaching with Studio Studio allows you to create and handle video and audio files directly in Canvas. You can also upload, share, or embed video to other platforms, webpages, or blogs. Tip! Are you experiencing problems with videos from Studio not showing in Canvas? Please refresh your browser and the video should work again.Functionality in StudioYou can create video showing you, yo

https://www.education.lu.se/en/digital-tools/studio - 2025-01-11

Welcome to the Master's (Two years) Thesis course in Cultural Criminology

CCRM20 (Sociology), 30 credits, or CCRM21 (Social Anthropology), 30 credits Course period: 20 January – 8 June 2025 Mandatory introductory meetingYou find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for your course code (CCRM20/CCRM21) in the schedule. Find schedule via TimeEdit. How to find the street address in TimeEdit: click on the address in the column for Rooms; click on th

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-spring/welcome-masters-two-years-thesis-course-cultural-criminology - 2025-01-11

Ny student: Checklista vårterminen 2025

Information inför terminstarten till dig som är antagen till kurs eller program på Sociologiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet. Varmt välkommen till oss på Sociologen! Här har vi samlat den viktigaste informationen från oss inför terminstarten.Du hittar vår viktiga checklista, länk till välkomstbrev, registrering, lärplattform, schema, kurslitteratur och mycket mer.Viktigast är att komma ihåg

https://www.soc.lu.se/checklista-ny-student - 2025-01-11

Program 2015 06 12

Microsoft PowerPoint - Abstract 5 volume.pptx Program for the symposium 2015 06 12 1 Start End Speaker Titel 09.00 - 09.10 Raimund Muscheler Opening and welcome Chair: Helena Alexandersson 09.10 - 09.30 George L. Jacobson, Stephen A. Norton and Eric C. Grimm Quaternary climate cycles influence movement of mercury in the environment 09.30 - 09.50 Dorthe Dahl-Jensen Greenland ice cores tell tales on

https://www.geology.lu.se/sites/geology.lu.se/files/program_2015_06_12.pdf - 2025-01-12

20-minute one-to-one session with a The Conversation editor

4 December 2023 10:30 to 12:30 | Other Are you an academic, researcher or PhD candidate who would like to build a media profile and take your research to a global public audience by writing for The Conversation? Are you an academic, researcher or PhD candidate who would like to build a media profile and take your research to a global public audience by writing for The Conversation?The Conversation

https://www.staff.lu.se/calendar/20-minute-one-one-session-conversation-editor - 2025-01-12

Schema Introduktionskurs AUDA17

Brevmall SCHEMA: AUDA17 INTRODUKTIONSKURS 4,5 hp Kursansvar v 35-37: Tobias Kastberg För information om kursplan och litteraturlista: www.student.med.lu.se/stod-redskap/terminstider-kursplaner/audionomprogrammet OBS! Preliminärt schema Lunds universitet följer Regeringens och Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer för att minska smittspridningen av coronaviruset. Schemat inkluderat innehåll, tider

https://www.student.med.lu.se/sites/student.med.lu.se/files/2021-06/Schema%20Introduktionskurs%20%20AUDA17.pdf - 2025-01-12

Surviving Technological Change

Surviving Technological Change.pdf Surviving Technological Change: Towards More Coherent Regulation of Digital Creativity Through EU Copyright and Design Law The Centre for Business Law at Lund University (ACLU) invite you to the seminar A wave of disruptive technologies, in the form of technologies such as 3D printing technologies, 3D modeling and scanning technologies, and AI technology, are cha

https://www.aclu.lu.se/sites/aclu.lu.se/files/2023-04/Surviving%20Technological%20Change.pdf - 2025-01-12


Dnr V 2022/231 2022-02-17 1 (23) Redovisning av miljöledningsarbetet 2021 Lunds universitet Enligt förordning (2009:907) om miljöledning i statliga myndigheter Del 1 Miljöledningssystemet Basfakta Antal årsarbetskrafter: 7 380 Antal kvadratmeter lokalyta: 425 828 1. Är myndigheten miljöcertifierad? Nej. 2. Hur lyder myndighetens miljöpolicy? Lunds universitets policy för hållbar utveckling, senast

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/sites/medarbetarwebben.lu.se/files/2022-02/Lunds-universitets-miljoredovisning-2021.pdf - 2025-01-12

Schema MV HT22 MVET10-3 220630

Preliminärt schema höstterminen 2022 Kurs: Miljöskydd MVET10 Kursansvarig: Andrea Hjärne (AH), tel 0725-671218 Lärare: BN=Birgitta Nordquist, KD=Katrin Dierschke, LEH=Lars-Erik Harderup, JL=Jonathan Loive; AM=Anna Mattsson MD=Mats Dahlblom, JS=Johanna Svensson, LS=Lars Siljebratt, FN=Fredrik Nilsson, TH=Torbjörn Håkansson SEF=Sara Edlund Fredholm, NH=Nils Hydén, EC=Evelina Chatters, TF= Thomas Fer

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/sites/cec.lu.se.sv/files/2022-07/Schema%20MV%20HT22%20MVET10-3%20220630.pdf - 2025-01-12

A Graphical Approach for Documentation and Implementation of Control Systems

A graphics-based information system for process control applications is presented. All pieces of information, such as plant documentation, controller structures, control algorithms and run-time data, are positioned on virtual screens. The user selects the information to be presented on his monitor by “moving” in front of these screens using joysticks. Hierarchically structured information is handl

Riktlinjer för manuskonferens

Vid avhandlingsmanuskriptkonferensen diskuteras ett mer eller mindre slutligt avhandlingsmanuskript. Om det är en monografiavhandling bör alla kapitel finnas med och vara tillräckligt kompletta för att ge en tydlig bild av hur slutprodukten kommer att se ut. En sammanläggningsavhandling ska innehålla samtliga artiklar (även om de ännu inte accepterats för publicering) och en kappa. Manuskonferense

https://www.svet.lu.se/internt/forska-utbilda-och-samverka/forskarutbildning/riktlinjer-manuskonferens - 2025-01-11

Välkommen till kandidatprogrammet i Socialantropologi

Programkod: SGSAN Programperiod: 2024- 2027 Terminsperiod HT24: 2/9 2024 - 19/1 2025 Välkommen till Kandidatprogrammet i Socialantropologi.Programmet inleds med kursen Socialantropologi: Grundkurs (SANA14).Obligatoriskt introduktionsmöteDu finner också tid och plats för introduktionsmötet och kommande föreläsningar genom att söka på kurskoden (SANA14) i schemat. Hitta ditt schema via TimeEdit.Du f

https://www.soc.lu.se/valkomstbrev-hosttermin/valkommen-till-kandidatprogrammet-i-socialantropologi - 2025-01-11