

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3377 sökträffar

Supervisor networks

Explore the different networking opportunities for SI-PASS supervisors and how to participate. This page provides information on various opportunities for SI-PASS supervisors to connect with colleagues, share experiences, and learn from each other. Whether you're interested in informal networking or in-depth discussions about specific challenges, there's a space for you to learn, share, and grow a

https://www.si-pass.lu.se/staff-and-supervisor/supervisor-networks - 2025-01-09


TimeEdit är ett schemaläggningsverktyg som används nästan överallt på Lunds universitet. Som student kan du ha stött på verktyget när du har letat efter rätt tid eller sal för olika undervisningsmoment på din utbildning. På en del kurser finns TimeEdit integrerat i kursytan i Canvas och då är det inte ens säkert att du vet att du använder verktyget eftersom du ser schemat direkt i Canvas. Men det

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/digitala-verktyg/timeedit - 2025-01-09

Authorship, activism and creative struggles : Peter Watkins’ The Journey revisited

Based on research in the archive of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society in Stockholm, this article sheds light on the complex production history behind Peter Watkins’ fourteen-and-a-half-hour documentary Resan (The Journey) (1987). Set in a dozen countries around the world, the film presents a complex web of thematic tropes about global peace, consistently highlighting the connection between

“ChatGPT has been released like a huge tsunami wave” - Employees' Experience on Job Performance with ChatGPT

The primary purpose of our study is to get a better understanding of the employees’ experience of their job performance with the emergence of ChatGPT. This includes taking a socio-technical perspective to explore the employees’ perspective with using this technology. The study was carried out using a qualitative research method, employing an interpretative perspective and an abductive research app

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att bedöma vårdnivå enligt tröskelprincipen

Bakgrund: När Ädelreformen infördes, år 1992, tog kommunerna över ansvaret för hemsjukvård. För att bestämma vårdnivå infördes begreppet "tröskelprincipen", men det saknas tydliga riktlinjer för hur denna ska tillämpas. Det medför att distriktssköterskor brottas med att göra en objektiv bedömning för var vården ska utföras. Syfte: Att undersöka distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att be

Äldre patienter i hemsjukvården med alkoholmissbruk - En kvalitativ fokusgruppstudie om distriktssköterskors upplevelse

Bakgrund: Vårdbehovet och den alkoholrelaterade dödligheten ökar för varje år bland personer 65 år och äldre. Kraven kommer bli större i hemsjukvården att tillgodose god vård och omsorg för patientgruppen. Distriktssköterskor upplevde i tidigare studier bristande kunskaper och stöd i att hantera äldre med alkoholmissbruk i hemsjukvården och det efterfrågades mer forskning inom området. Syfte: Sy

Att studera under Covid-19-pandemin - Flytande gränser, kommunikationssätt och känslor av ensamhet under fjärr- och distansundervisning

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine how studying through remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic could be like. This was examined through the experiences of eight school counselors regarding the situation of high school students during the pandemic. All school counselors work within the region of Skåne in Sweden. The collecting of the empirics was carried out by semi structured i

Supporting Regression Test Scoping with Visual Analytics

Test managers have to repeatedly select test cases for test activities during evolution of large software systems. Researchers have widely studied automated test scoping, but have not fully investigated decision support with human interaction. We previously proposed the introduction of visual analytics for this purpose. Aim: In this empirical study we investigate how to design such decision suppor

A novel experimental research on vibration characteristics of the running high-speed motorized spindles

Because of the complicated running condition and many unpredicted factors such as unmodelled dynamics and external disturbances, the fault analysis of the high-speed motorized spindle is proved difficult. In this paper, a novel experimental method is proposed to research the vibration characteristics of the running high-speed motorized spindle. The method consists of four steps. Firstly, the vibra

Teleworking tips

By Peter Arnfalk, IIIEE, Lund University. Telework has been around for several decades, but with the current Corona virus epidemic, a large number of people who are unexperienced with working remotely have now started to do so. With today’s tech tools and digital maturity, working outside the office is really not a big deal. Still, I’d like to share with you a few success factors that I’ve learned

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/sites/iiiee.lu.se/files/teleworking_tips.pdf - 2025-01-11

Leveransmall kbv inmatningavdata 1.0-beskrivning 1.0

2020-05-25 Information om och instruktioner till Leveransmall_KBV_InmatningAvData_1.0. 1. Utförligare information om hur mallen ska fyllas i finns som kommentarer i varje kolumnrubrik i excelfilen. 2. Ovanför varje kolumnrubrik finns anvisning om huruvida ifyllnad av kolumnen är obligatorisk, obligatorisk ibland, eller valfri. 3. Kolumnrubriker från leveransmallen har blåmarkerats i detta dokument

https://www.naturdatavardskap.lu.se/sites/naturdatavardskap.lu.se/files/leveransmall_kbv_inmatningavdata_1.0-beskrivning_1.0.docx - 2025-01-11

SKOGH 21 maj 2021

SKOGH 21 maj 2021 GENUS- OCH KVINNO- HISTORIA I DAG S K O G H , S V E R I G E S K V I N N O - O C H G E N U S H I S T O R I K E R , B J U D E R I N T I L L : 2 1 m a j k l . 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 6 . 1 5 p å Z o o m . Ö p p e t f ö r a l l a ! A n m ä l a n / r e g i s t r e r i n g g ö r s h ä r Temadagen är ett samarbete mellan SKOGH, genushistoriska seminariet vid Lunds universitet, genushistoriska sem

https://www.cors.lu.se/sites/cors.lu.se/files/2021-05/SKOGH%2021%20maj%202021.pdf - 2025-01-11

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Camilo Rodriguez Ronderos

Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Camilo Rodriguez Ronderos | Centre for Languages and Literature 11 Dec Forskarseminariet i Lingvistik: Camilo Rodriguez Ronderos 11 December 2024 10:15 to 12:00 Seminar Abstract and title TBA Share http://www.sol.lu.se/en/the-department/calendar/seminar-series//forskarseminariet-i-lingvistik-camilo-rodriguez-ronderos About the event: 11 December 2024 10:15 to 12:00

https://www.sol.lu.se/en/the-department/calendar/seminar-series/Allm%C3%A4n%20spr%C3%A5kvetenskap%20-%20forskarseminarium/forskarseminariet-i-lingvistik-camilo-rodriguez-ronderos/ - 2024-12-03

NLS Seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva on Mood modulations of affective word processing: a predictive coding

NLS Seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva on Mood modulations of affective word processing: a predictive coding perspective | Centre for Languages and Literature 3 Dec NLS Seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva on Mood modulations of affective word processing: a predictive coding perspective 3 December 2024 13:15 to 15:00 Seminar On 3 December, Ekaterina Kopaeva, PhD candidate from Lund University will talk about Mood m

https://www.sol.lu.se/en/the-department/calendar/seminar-series/NLS%20seminar%20series/nls-seminar-ekaterina-kopaeva-mood-modulations-affective-word-processing-predictive-coding/ - 2024-12-03

NLS Seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva on Mood modulations of affective word processing: a predictive coding

NLS Seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva on Mood modulations of affective word processing: a predictive coding perspective | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 3 dec NLS Seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva on Mood modulations of affective word processing: a predictive coding perspective 3 december 2024 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium On 3 December, Ekaterina Kopaeva, PhD candidate from Lund University will talk about Mood mod

https://www.sol.lu.se/institutionen/kalendarium/seminarieserier/NLS%20seminar%20series/nls-seminar-ekaterina-kopaeva-mood-modulations-affective-word-processing-predictive-coding/ - 2024-12-03

NLS Seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva on Mood modulations of affective word processing: a predictive coding

NLS Seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva on Mood modulations of affective word processing: a predictive coding perspective | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 3 dec NLS Seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva on Mood modulations of affective word processing: a predictive coding perspective 3 december 2024 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium On 3 December, Ekaterina Kopaeva, PhD candidate from Lund University will talk about Mood mod

https://www.sol.lu.se/institutionen/kalendarium/seminarieserier/nls-seminar-ekaterina-kopaeva-mood-modulations-affective-word-processing-predictive-coding - 2024-12-03