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What is GIS LUPOP.pdf What is GIS KARIN LARSSON. LU GIS CENTRE What is a Geographical Information System, GIS • “A computerised information system for management, analysis and visualisation of geographical.” • Key word: Geography – at least some part of data is spatial. Questions we try to answer with GIS: 1.Where is something? 2.What size has something? E.g. a lake. 3.Why is something at a certai

https://www.lupop.lu.se/sites/lupop.lu.se/files/lupop-seminar-karin-larsson.pdf - 2025-03-14

CH styrelse 2024-10-15 protokoll-signed

Postadress Box 882, 251 08 Helsingborg Besöksadress Universitetsplatsen 2 Tel 042-35 65 19, 042-35 65 00 (vx) E-post: carola.fors@ch.lu.se Webbplats: www.ch.lu.se Utveck l ingsenheten Sida 1 av 6 Protokoll Campus Helsingborgs styrelse Närvarande ledamöter Lena Eskilsson ordförande, prorektor LU Charlotta Johnsson rektor, Campus Helsingborg Agnes Andersson dekan, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten An

https://www.ch.lu.se/internt/sites/ch.lu.se.internt/files/2024-11/CH%20styrelse%202024-10-15%20protokoll-signed.pdf - 2025-03-14

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Språk- och litteraturcentrum, höstterminen 2020 Har du aktiverat ditt studentkonto? Aktivera ditt studentkonto på passport.lu.se med hjälp av inloggningsuppgifterna från antagning.se. Klicka på ”visa mer”. Studentkontot behöver du för att till exempel komma åt kursplattformen, tråd- lösa nätverk och studentmejl. Om du redan har ett aktivt konto behöver du inte aktivera det igen. Logga in på studen

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/LUFA07/20202/v_lkomstbrev_LUFA07_HT20_2.pdf - 2025-03-14

Praktikinformation till studenter vt25

Genusvetenskapliga avdelningen Information till studenter GNVB51 Genusvetenskap: Arbetslivspraktik, 30 hp En kurs i arbetslivspraktik Studenter som läser genusvetenskap på Lunds universitet har idag möjlighet att göra arbetslivspraktik under en termin. Arbetslivspraktiken ska ses som en möjlighet att utveckla relevanta färdigheter för såväl vidare studier som arbetsmarknaden, inte minst genom att

https://www.genus.lu.se/sites/genus.lu.se/files/2025-03/Praktikinformation%20till%20studenter_vt25.pdf - 2025-03-14


MATP32HT2020CourseEvaluationReport MATP32 Harmonic Analysis Autumn 2020  Answer Count: 11 I have studied this course as part of     I have studied this course as part of  Number of  Responses Bachelor´s Programme in Mathematics 1 (9.1%) Master's Programme in Mathematics 6 (54.5%) Master´s Programme in Mathematical  Statistics 0 (0.0%) Master´s Programme, other specialization  0 (0.0%) other progra

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/HT2020/MATP32HT2020CourseEvaluationReport.pdf - 2025-03-13

How do dentists use CBCT in dental clinics? A Norwegian nationwide survey

Objectives. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was introduced to Norwegian dental clinics in 2007. The aim of the study was to investigate how dental clinics use this imaging modality, including factors related to workflow and image quality, and to evaluate dentists' opinions on and experiences of using it. Materials and methods. A web-based 59-item questionnaire regarding the clinical use of CB

Supporting Scope Tracking and Visualization for Very Large-Scale Requirements Engineering-Utilizing FSC+, Decision Patterns, and Atomic Decision Visualizations

Deciding the optimal project scope that fulfills the needs of the most important stakeholders is challenging due to a plethora of aspects that may impact decisions. Large companies that operate in rapidly changing environments experience frequently changing customer needs which force decision makers to continuously adjust the scope of their projects. Change intensity is further fueled by fierce ma

Screening Method for the Discovery of Potential Bioactive Cysteine-Containing Peptides Using 3D Mass Mapping.

Animal venoms and toxins are a valuable source of bioactive peptides with pharmacologic relevance as potential drug leads. A large subset of biologically active peptides discovered up till now contain disulfide bridges that enhance stability and activity. To discover new members of this class of peptides, we developed a workflow screening specifically for those peptides that contain inter- and int

Observing stellar streams made in a supercomputer

Massan i vår galax Vintergatan, består av en idag stor del okänd massa som kallas mörk materia. Den mörka materian motsvarar ungefär 80\% av den totala massan i vår galax. Att ta reda på naturen till denna mörka materia är idag ett hett forskningsområde i både astrofysik och partikelfysik. Trots årtionden av experiment med mål att hitta dessa partiklar som denna massa består av har vi än idag gått

Invisible Border: Investigating the Two Sides of Zanzibar City

Architecture is always intrinsically tied to place. Regardless of how architects choose to interact with and study it, the context our buildings are meant to inhabit is an important piece of the puzzle. As the world is getting more interconnected and geographical constraints are getting less important to the architectural profession, I am interested in how the creative process changes when assumpt

“Jag var sjuk för att jag hade stannat på en dysfunktionell arbetsplats” Sjukskrivningar och dess bakomliggande orsaker – en undersökning med fokus på handläggare inom socialtjänsten - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Authors: Paula Andersson and Evelyn Palenryd Title: “I was sick because I had stayed in a dysfunctional workplace”. Sick leave and it´s underlaying causes. A study focusing on case workers in social services. A qualitative interview study. [Translated title] Supervisor: Lotta Jägervi Assessor: Maria Bergendal Arvidsson The main purpose with our study was to get a deeper understanding regarding ca

The impact of individual intrapreneurship on the role of the subsidiary - A single case study exploring the impact of individual intrapreneurship within a subsidiary on the role of this subsidiary in a multinational corporation context

In the context of multinational corporations, subsidiaries became increasingly important for the organization as a whole over the last decades. Taking into account gaps found in the literature in the field of subsidiaries, the authors of this thesis aim to understand “how does individual intrapreneurship within a subsidiary impact the role of this subsidiary in an MNC context?”. In order to under

Skydda vem, från vad? - Socionomers syn på socialtjänstens legitima förutsättningar att arbeta med unga som begått brott

The aim of this study is to analyze the attitudes of social workers in Sweden in regard to the Social Services prerequisites and resources to work with youths who are at risk of falling into or who are already living a criminal lifestyle. We conducted this study from a qualitative research approach, with the collection of empirical data consisting of 8 semi-structured interviews, 6 of them in phys