

Din sökning på "zoom" gav 3620 sökträffar

The impact of individual intrapreneurship on the role of the subsidiary - A single case study exploring the impact of individual intrapreneurship within a subsidiary on the role of this subsidiary in a multinational corporation context

In the context of multinational corporations, subsidiaries became increasingly important for the organization as a whole over the last decades. Taking into account gaps found in the literature in the field of subsidiaries, the authors of this thesis aim to understand “how does individual intrapreneurship within a subsidiary impact the role of this subsidiary in an MNC context?”. In order to under

Skydda vem, från vad? - Socionomers syn på socialtjänstens legitima förutsättningar att arbeta med unga som begått brott

The aim of this study is to analyze the attitudes of social workers in Sweden in regard to the Social Services prerequisites and resources to work with youths who are at risk of falling into or who are already living a criminal lifestyle. We conducted this study from a qualitative research approach, with the collection of empirical data consisting of 8 semi-structured interviews, 6 of them in phys

CogSem Seminar: "Integrating ideas from cognitive semiotics and integral linguistics in the study of

CogSem Seminar: "Integrating ideas from cognitive semiotics and integral linguistics in the study of metaphor" (Elena Faur, Cluj-Napica & Jordan Zlatev, Lund) | Centre for Languages and Literature 13 Feb CogSem Seminar: "Integrating ideas from cognitive semiotics and integral linguistics in the study of metaphor" (Elena Faur, Cluj-Napica & Jordan Zlatev, Lund) 13 February 2025 16:15 to 17:00 Semin

https://www.sol.lu.se/en/the-department/calendar/event/cogsem-seminar-integrating-ideas-cognitive-semiotics-and-integral-linguistics-study-metaphor-elena/ - 2025-02-14

CogSem Seminar: "Integrating ideas from cognitive semiotics and integral linguistics in the study of

CogSem Seminar: "Integrating ideas from cognitive semiotics and integral linguistics in the study of metaphor" (Elena Faur, Cluj-Napica & Jordan Zlatev, Lund) | Språk- och litteraturcentrum 13 feb CogSem Seminar: "Integrating ideas from cognitive semiotics and integral linguistics in the study of metaphor" (Elena Faur, Cluj-Napica & Jordan Zlatev, Lund) 13 februari 2025 16:15 till 17:00 Seminarium

https://www.sol.lu.se/institutionen/kalendarium/evenemang/cogsem-seminar-integrating-ideas-cognitive-semiotics-and-integral-linguistics-study-metaphor-elena/ - 2025-02-14

Work report 2022 for the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies

OverviewThe pandemic continued to affect the Centre when it came to travel restrictions to China and Japan, which has affected both students and staff. The aim after the initial first months of the year was to return to working from the office and teaching in person in accordance with the Lund University policy. In September, the researchers at the Centre had a writing retreat that also provided t

https://www.ace.lu.se/work-report-2022-centre-east-and-south-east-asian-studies - 2025-03-13

Occupational Health Service

You can turn to the section Occupational Health Service for work-related medical, psychological and ergonomic advice. Address your questions on work environment, occupational health and illness, work adaption and and rehabilitation to us. The Occupational Health Service promotes healthy, well-functioning and enjoyable workplaces and is at the disposal of employees and doctoral students. We encoura

https://www.staff.lu.se/employment/work-environment-and-health/occupational-health-service - 2025-03-13

IAC Art Files

SND:s flaggskeppsprojekt på LU 2025–26 Projektet IAC Art Files syftar till att skapa en plattform och en portal som möjliggör både enskild, tematisk och tvärdisciplinärt sammansatt forskningsoutput, samt delningsfunktioner för konstnärlig forskningsdata inom fältet. Detta kan öka kontakten och utbytet både mellan konstnärliga forskare och mellan vetenskapliga och konstnärliga forskare. IAC Art Fil

https://www.iac.lu.se/iac-art-files-se - 2025-03-13

Feminist activism workshop 0

Registration and Schedule_111521 Join us for the digital workshop Feminist Activism in Post-2010 China: Identifying Issues, Sharing Knowledge, and Building Movements 2-3 December 2021 Time zone: Stockholm: 12:00noon-3:30PM; Beijing: 7:00-10:30PM; New York: 6:00-9:30AM Co-organized by Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen, Associate Professor, Centre for Gender Studies, University of Stavanger, Norway; and Ji

https://www.ace.lu.se/sites/ace.lu.se/files/2021-11/feminist%20activism%20workshop_0.pdf - 2025-03-14

Saco-S AGM October 6, 2021

Saco-S AGM October 6, 2021 | Saco-S föreningen vid Linnéuniversitetet Hoppa till huvudinnehåll About us Contact Salary Laws & agreements Current Newsletter December -24 Newsletter November -24 Saco-S AGM October 2, 2024 Newsletter June -24 Newsletter December -23 Newsletter November -23 Saco-S AGM October 4, 2023 Newsletter June -23 Newsletter March -23 Newsletter December -22 Saco-S AGM October 5

https://www.saco.se/en/trustee/local-union-work/local-unions/government-sector/saco-s-foreningen-vid-linneuniversitetet/actual/saco-s-agm-october-6-2021/ - 2025-03-14

Design of flexible structures in 3D printing – licentiate presentation

Design of flexible structures in 3D printing – licentiate presentation Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do no

https://www.innovation.lth.se/article/design-of-flexible-structures-in-3d-printing-licentiate-presentation/ - 2025-03-14


What is GIS LUPOP.pdf What is GIS KARIN LARSSON. LU GIS CENTRE What is a Geographical Information System, GIS • “A computerised information system for management, analysis and visualisation of geographical.” • Key word: Geography – at least some part of data is spatial. Questions we try to answer with GIS: 1.Where is something? 2.What size has something? E.g. a lake. 3.Why is something at a certai

https://www.lupop.lu.se/sites/lupop.lu.se/files/lupop-seminar-karin-larsson.pdf - 2025-03-15

Digital Twin, development of a monitoring and analytical tool

Tillverkning av batterier är en mycket komplex process och det är en process som Saft AB är väl förtrogen med. För att kunna producera det antal batterier Saft AB gör måste de se till att alla led i produktionen håller en viss standard. Detta projekt hade i mål att utveckla ett användarcentrerat, interaktivt verktyg för Saft AB med förmågan att övervaka och analysera data som samlas in av sensorerThe production of batteries is a substantially complex process, and it is a process with which Saft AB is greatly familiarised. In order to produce the number of batteries Saft AB does, they need to ensure that all stages of production adhere to a certain standard. This project’s purpose aimed to develop a user focused, interactive tool for Saft AB with the capability to monitor and analyse the da

Förbättra din ergonomi hemma

Att vara student tär på kroppen. Det kan vara svårt att hitta ergonomiska arbetsplatser på universitetet och många pluggar helt enkelt hemma i soffan eller vid köksbordet. Här kan du läsa om fem tips för att förbättra din plugg-ergonomi utan proffsiga kontorsstolar eller dyr teknik. Variera din arbetsställning Det viktigaste när det kommer till ergonomi är faktiskt inte hur du sitter utan att du b

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/studieteknik/forbattra-din-ergonomi-hemma - 2025-03-13

Studera utomlands

Här hittar du information om vilka möjligheter du har att studera utomlands under din utbildning. InspirationLåt dig inspireras av andra studenters utbyten genom att läsa deras bloggar och reseberättelser.Läs våra studenters reseberättelser på Lunds universitets centrala webbplatsFölj Lundastudenter utomlands på InstagramProgramspecifika möjligheterDitt utbildningsprogram har utbytesavtal med utlä

https://www.student.med.lu.se/internationella-mojligheter-0/studera-utomlands - 2025-03-13

Välkommen till Kriminologiprogrammet!

Programkod: SGKRI Utbildningen inleds med kursen Sociologi: Kriminologi, 30 hp Kurskod: SOCA74 Kursperiod: 2 september 2024 – 19 januari 2025 Obligatorisk introduktion 2 septemberKurs- och programstarten som är obligatorisk inleds med ett introduktionsmöte.Tid och plats:2 september kl. 08:00–10:00, G:a köket (Socialhögskolan) sal 128, adress Allhelgona kyrkogata 8. Karta för att hitta till G:a kök

https://www.soc.lu.se/valkomstbrev-hosttermin/valkommen-till-kriminologiprogrammet - 2025-03-13