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IS protokoll 2021-9 211207

LUNDS UNIVERSITET lnstitutionen for Psykologi Institutions sty rel sen lnstitutionsstyrelsens protokoll Narvarande Ordforande Sekreterare Ledamdter Narvaro- och yttranderatt Anmalt for hinder § 1. Justeringsperson § 2. Dagordning § 3. Foregaende protokoll § 4. Uppfoljning beslut och arenden a) Arbetsgrupper for Campus Paradis PROTO KOLL 2021 :9 2021-12-07 Sofia Bunke Anita Lennerstedt Fredrik Bjor

https://www.psy.lu.se/sites/psy.lu.se/files/2021-12/IS%20protokoll%202021-9%20211207.pdf - 2024-12-31

No title

Matematikcentrum Matematik NF Sammanställning för Diskret matematik MATB13, vt 2020 Kursansvarig: Anna Torstensson Övriga lärare: Henrik Ekström hade en seminariegrupp. Victor Ufnarovski vikarierade för Anna Tor- stnesson på de flesta föreläsningarna och alla seminarierna de första tre veckorna. Antal studenter: 29 registrerade (på NF, kursen samläses med FMAA25 på LTH.) Betyg vid ordinarie tentam

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/Matematik_NF/Kursutvaerderingar/VT2020/MATB13VT20KA.pdf - 2024-12-30

The Implications for Consumer Protection Law in the European Union of Behaviourally Informed Commercial Practices

What level of influence should market actors be allowed to exert over consumers’ transactional decisions? While persuasive marketing is inherent to free markets and therefore uncontroversial, relatively recent research in the field of behavioural economics about systemic errors in human decision-making has shown just how susceptible consumers are to the will of market actors. Within a rapidly evol

Exploring the Perception of Mental Well-being among Myanmar Migrants with refugee status during their Resettlement Process in Sweden A Qualitative Content Analysis

Background and Aim: Sweden is one of the European countries which receive refugees worldwide, including those from Myanmar. As Myanmar refugees begin to resettle in Swedish society, they might experience challenges that may affect their mental health and well-being. Although mental health problems of immigrants in Sweden have increased over the past years, few studies have addressed the mental wel

Det är nog snart over skall ni se! : En inblick i museers hantering av Covid-19 pandemin

In this master thesis the writer has studied museums and their organization under the Covid-19 pandemic breakout of 2020. The 11 museums that been contacted are all located in southern Sweden. They are all varied in ownership, from municipality and state owned to those driven by private organizations. The museums in the study have all struggled with the pandemic. But the degree of financial loss a

An automated work-flow for pinniped surveys : A new tool for monitoring population dynamics

Detecting changes in population trends depends on the accuracy of estimated mean population growth rates and thus the quality of input data. However, monitoring wildlife populations poses economic and logistic challenges especially in complex and remote habitats. Declines in wildlife populations can remain undetected for years unless effective monitoring techniques are developed, guiding appropria

Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectiv

Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" Online lecture: Prof. Massimiliano Bampi on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" Published 19 April 2023 A lecture by Prof. Massimiliano Bampi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) on "Defining Old Norse Saga Genres: problems and perspectives" will be held at at the Universit

https://www.css.lu.se/article/online-lecture-prof-massimiliano-bampi-on-defining-old-norse-saga-genres-problems-and-perspectives/ - 2024-12-31

MNXG03 2023 course analysis

Course analysis MNXG03 -!fl'2023 Overview: Of those students responding to the post-course survey, the majority were happy with the course and satisfied as to their learning outcomes. The course received high ratings, with all respondents saying it met or exceeded their expectations and that they had clear and welcomed learning outcomes, as did those teachers involved with teaching it. At the end

https://www.geologi.lu.se/sites/geologi.lu.se/files/2023-09/MNXG03%202023%20course%20analysis.pdf - 2024-12-31

CH styrelse 2024-10-15 protokoll-signed

Postadress Box 882, 251 08 Helsingborg Besöksadress Universitetsplatsen 2 Tel 042-35 65 19, 042-35 65 00 (vx) E-post: carola.fors@ch.lu.se Webbplats: www.ch.lu.se Utveck l ingsenheten Sida 1 av 6 Protokoll Campus Helsingborgs styrelse Närvarande ledamöter Lena Eskilsson ordförande, prorektor LU Charlotta Johnsson rektor, Campus Helsingborg Agnes Andersson dekan, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten An

https://www.ch.lu.se/internt/sites/ch.lu.se.internt/files/2024-11/CH%20styrelse%202024-10-15%20protokoll-signed.pdf - 2024-12-31

En wp airyscan-detector

Technology Note Confocal Airyscan The Airyscan Detector from ZEISS Confocal Imaging with Improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Superresolution Technology Note 2 The Airyscan Detector from ZEISS Confocal Imaging with Improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Superresolution Author: Joseph Huff, Wolfgang Bathe, Dr. Ralf Netz Dr. Tiemo Anhut, Dr. Klaus Weisshart Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Germany Date: July 2

https://www.ludc.lu.se/sites/ludc.lu.se/files/en_wp_airyscan-detector.pdf - 2024-12-31

How to improve your ergonomics at home – five tips

Being a student wears on your body. It can be difficult to find ergonomic workplaces on campus and many sit on their couch or at the kitchen table at home when studying digitally. On this page, you can read about five ways in which you can improve your studying ergonomics without resorting to professional office chairs or expensive technology. Vary your working position The most important part of

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/en/studying-digitally/how-improve-your-ergonomics-home-five-tips - 2024-12-31

Actions in teaching at INES in response to Covid spring 2021

Actions in teaching at INES in response to Covid-19 related restrictions, spring 2021 Authors: INES management group, Jonathan Seaquist, Lars Eklundh, Petter Pilesjö & Ulrik Mårtensson Date: 2021-02-25 Validity: until further notice The guidelines and actions below should be followed at INES to ensure staff and student safety with regard to Covid-19 disease spread. It is the responsibility of all

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/sites/nateko.lu.se.sv/files/2021-03/Actions%20in%20teaching%20at%20INES%20in%20response%20to%20Covid%20spring%202021.pdf - 2024-12-31

For our new students

Hello student! Have you been admitted to one of our courses or programmes? On this page you will find everything you need to know before the start of the semester. Welcome to the Department of Human Geography with the division of Human Ecology. Start by reading the checklist where we have summarised the most important information you need to start studying with us. Secure your place For internatio

https://www.keg.lu.se/en/education/our-new-students - 2024-12-31

3d flair 0 7sag

Patient weight [kg] = 75; Nucleus = "H1"; SmartSelect = "no"; clinical modes = "SENSE_HEAD_7TX_32"; Coil 1 = "Sense-Head-7TX"; Channels = (16) "yes", (16) "no"; connection = "ConnA"; Coil 2 = "Sense-Head-7TX"; Channels = (16) "yes", (16) "no"; connection = "ConnB"; Coil 3 = "None"; Uniformity = "CLEAR"; FOV FH (mm) = 230.488358; AP (mm) = 230.488358; RL (mm) = 168; Voxel size FH (mm) = 0.699999988

https://www.lbic.lu.se/sites/lbic.lu.se/files/3d_flair_0_7sag.txt - 2024-12-31

A2030 monthly update 240312

Agenda 2030 Graduate School monthly newsletter #3 2023-03-12 Ylva van Meeningen Hi! As spring comes closer and closer, everything seem to be in a rush. Plants have a rush to burst through the ground. Birds start to sing and more and more intensively and people in general seem to have stuff that need to be don right here and right now. Do not forget to take time once in a while to appreciate smalle

https://www.agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/sites/agenda2030graduateschool.lu.se/files/2024-06/A2030_monthly%20update_240312.pdf - 2024-12-31

20220701 - Course schedule-preliminary students

Course Schedule - 2022 MESS62: Climate Change and Society, 15 credits Week Date Time Venue Theme Activity Teacher 35 29 Aug 15-17 Ostrom Intro: Course intro Lec WC+IMH 29 Aug 17-18 Ostrom Q&A + Introduction of individual assignment – final course paper – how, what and why + assign books for book club Lec WC+IMH 31 Aug 16-18 Ostrom Provocation seminar – in groups Sem WC+IMH 36 5 Sep 15-17 Ostrom Cl

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/sites/lucsus.lu.se/files/2022-07/20220701%20-%20Course%20schedule-preliminary_students.docx - 2024-12-31

Chaotic Properties of the Discretised Φ^4-potential

Partiklar i universum, också här på jorden, rör sig på grund av krafter som uppkommer ur egenskaper hos materien runt om oss. Föremål som fotbollar, löv och cyklister faller till marken på grund av gravitation, egenskapen att materia attraherar genom att ha en massa. Stålfjädrar kan dra ihop och trycka isär föremål på grund av krafter i materialet. Dessa krafter kommer ur potentialer som dikterar Research has been conducted on integrable, Newtonian systems by B. Söderberg amongst others. Scientists uses the Hamiltonian energy landscape to simulate such systems by discretising the continuum. Non-integrable systems, however, show chaotic properties, when the Hamiltonian is not conserved along phase space trajectories. Therefore, simulations may diverge over time. This thesis explores one par