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Perfection of liens - is a reform from pledge to filing preferable?

De nuvarande svenska reglerna avseende sakrätt i panträtt är utspridda i olika författningar, vilka tidigare endast har reformerats vid extrem nödvändighet. USA hade tidigare ett regelverk för säkerhetsrätter som i många avseenden var väldigt likvärdigt det regelverk som idag finns i Sverige. Som ett svar på det faktum att de amerikanska reglerna hade uppnått en nivå av otolererbar komplexitet genThe current Swedish rules regarding perfection of liens is fragmented. The system has only undergone partial reform and even then only because of extreme necessity. The U.S. had a security interest system that in many parts were very similar to the system that today is present in Sweden. A reform took place as a response to the fact that the system finally reached the level of intolerable complexi

Catching up or falling behind? National Innovation Performance in Latvia and Estonia

Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to compare national innovation patterns in two Baltic States, Latvia and Estonia, and also to seek evidence of different innovation performance in these countries, over the period of 2001-2008. Besides general changes in innovation functioning, my interest lies in understanding the possible reasons of Estonia outperforming its neighbor country, while for

Vet du hur det känns? - en narrativ studie om sex flyktingars upplevelser och hantering av stigmatisering

The purpose of this paper was to examine how six refugees feel about their situation in Sweden. The method used was a narrative interview technique. The respondents all claimed that they are stigmatised because they are different to Swedes in cultural, religious and behavioural ways. We also examined how they use strategies to avoid stigmatisation. The study showed that all the respondents try to

Penningtvätt - Bankernas ansvar

Penningtvätt är ett aktuellt ämne. Detta bl.a. på grund av att den organiserade brottsligheten ofta blir sammankopplad med denna möjlighet att omvandla svarta pengar till vita legitima penningmedel. Penningtvätt syftar till att dölja ursprunget av de illegala tillgångarna. De finansiella systemen utnyttjas för att göra penningtvätten möjlig där bankerna särskilt har en utsatt position. Bankerna tiMoney laundering is a topical subject. Money laundering is often linked to organized crime because of the ability to convert black money into white legitimate funds. The notion of money laundering is to disguise the origin of the illegal assets. The consequence is that the crime remains hidden and that the funds are accessible, the money is laundered. The financial systems are sed to make money l

Vi kan och vi vill! En studie av Malmö stads mångfaldsarbete

Malmö stad har i olika punktinsatser bedrivit mångfaldsarbete sedan slutet av 1990-talet. Syftet med fallstudien är att utforska mångfaldsarbetet och frågan ställs om och hur måldokumentationen används för att nå ut till medarbetaren och medborgaren. Arbetet har genomförts med kvalitativ metod i form av en fallstudie genom dokumentanalys, observationer och kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet visar

Potential of Hyperion imagery for simulation of MODIS NDVI and AVHRR-consistent NDVI time series in a semi-arid region

Long time series of satellite remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as an indicator of vegetation greenness can be used in a broad range of research topics such as climate change, vegetation dynamics and desertification monitoring. The first phase of this study tests a practical method using Hyperion imagery onboard on Earth Observing-1 (EO1) spacecraft for simulation of MO

A petrographic and geochemical study of the Early Proterozoic, Bangenhuk granitoid rocks of Ny Friesland, Svalbard

Old Red Sandstones and younger strata overlie a variety of deformed and metamorphosed Early Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks on Svalbard, referred to as the Hecla Hoek Complex. At least three different terranes are recognized, occurring in eastern, northwestern and southwestern areas. The Eastern Terrane is exposed in the northeastern parts of the Svalbard archipelago in Nordaustlandet and Ny Fries

Trace fossils and Palaeoenvironments in the Middle Cambrian at Äleklinta, Öland, Sweden

The Middle Cambrian at Äleklinta, Öland, consists predominantly of a heterolitic sequence with interbedded shale and siltstone. The sediments were deposited in a westfacing marine bay by northeastern, sometimes reversing currents. Long periods of slow mud settling alternated with short periods of silt influx. Water depth was below wave base and stream-ripples, micro-ripples and occasional wave-rip

Depositional and petrographic response of climatic changes in the Triassic of Höllviken-II, southern Sweden

A 180 meter long core sequence of the Höllviken-II deep drilling project was investigated and divided into seven subfacies from a sedimentological point of view. Special attention were paid to criteria used for interpretation of the palaeoclimate. The lowest and the topmost parts of the investigated sequence were interpreted as beeing deposited during hot, desert-like conditions. Intervening parts

Att styra och bli styrd. - En studie om styrning och kontroll inom äldreomsorgen

Elderly care in Sweden is facing many challenges. In recent years it has been observed to be insufficient as many elderly rights have been encroached upon. One factor which has been determined to be important to meet all of the new demands is an effective and successful leadership. The intention of this study was to examine how middle managers in Swedish elderly care reflect and describe their mis

Palaeospinacid selachians from the Late Cretaceous of the Kristianstad Basin, Skåne, Sweden

A rich palaeospinacid selachian fauna, comprising 1141 isolated teeth, has recently been collected from the latest Early Campanian strata ofthe Kristianstad Basin. Four palaeospinacid species have been found: Synechodus perssoni nov.sp., Synechodus lerichei Herman 1977, Paraorthacodus andersoni (Case 1978) and Paraorthacodus conicus (Davis 1890). The recovered material suggests that only ontogenet

Operation and Maintenance of offshore wind farms

Objective The main objective is to investigate in what way O&M of offshore wind farms can be modelled in Systecon’s simulation tool, SIMLOX. The interim objective is to understand how maintenance of offshore wind farms is carried out and how this is related to costs and revenues. Theory Theory mainly covers the areas of O&M, offshore wind power, life cycle profit and maintenance strategies

Realizing strategic intentions through projects – linking internal change initiatives to the corporate strategy

Background When projects and programmes are becoming ever more present in many of today’s organizations, these are also playing an increasingly important role in implementing the corporate strategy. This thesis is focusing on internal change initiatives, named BT initiatives, which aims at implementing substantial changes to the current organization. Due to the size of the initiatives and their im

Housing-first eller behandling först- En studie i hur socialsekreterare argumenterar kring modellen Housing-first

Abstract Title: Housing-First or Treatment first-a study of social workers´discussions of the Housing-first model. Author: Janna Svensson The aim of this study is to examine the way in which social workers dealing with issues of homelessness in Swedish local councils consider the new approach to housing of homeless persons called the Housing First model, with particular focus on the arguments us

Granskning av Aleksinac kommuns övergångsställen

Through its new road safety program the Aleksinac municipality wants to achieve a higher degree of safety in the city than today. These include a safer environment for vulnerable road users. For many years the municipality has neglected pedestrians, consciously or unconsciously, by not investing enough resources and money to improve their situation in traffic. The municipality now wants to correct

Collisions beetween Jupiter-like planets

Med hjälp av tredimensionella datorsimulationer har vi studerat utfallen från kollisioner mellan planeter. Målet med projektet var att utreda beroendet av kollisionsparametrar som till exempel avståndet vid närmaste passage, hastighet och planeternas massor. Vi kom fram till att planeterna kan bli gravitationellt bundna efter kollisionerna på grund av energiförluster som gör att de eventuellt kollUsing three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations, we have studied the outcomes from collisions between Jupiter-like planets. Planet models have been generated from polytropic profiles using a polytropic index of n=1 and each planet is represented by 15,000 particles. The dependency on a range of parameters specifying the point of closest approach, velocity at infinity and

Causes of Child Trafficking: A case study of Ghana

Despite the growing efforts by international and national actors to combat trafficking in human beings, the slavery of our time is flourishing. Among the victims of trafficking, children are especially vulnerable, as they completely dependent on adults for livelihood and rights. In the contemporary debate few studies treat trafficking as a problem in its own right. This study aims to correct this