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“Det känns som att jag hela tiden måste kämpa för mina rättigheter” : Barndomsdöva personers erfarenheter av kontakt med myndigheter

The aim of this study was to examine and illuminate how people who are born deaf experience their encounters with administrative authorities. The study was based on qualitative interviews. Several themes were identified in the interviews: knowledge, deaf competence, accessibility, communication, interpreter usage, audism and discrimination. The analysis was based on the notions of accessibility, s

Kultur i kommunal samhällsplanering - att skapa en attraktiv stad

Contemporary urban renewal through urban entrepreneurialism in the Swedish city Malmö entails that the municipality uses the concept of culture to create an attractive city, targeting inner city areas of the city known to be residence for lower income people. Projects like Kulturstråket hold a lot of promise to create social sustainability and health, and cultural experiences for all inhabitants a

Erfarenhet av droger bland blivande socionomer - En kvantitativ studie om socionomstudenters erfarenheter av samt åsikter om droger, samt kopplingen däremellan

Objective: The objective of this study was to examine drug-related experiences among social work students in Lund and Helsingborg and to examine if there is any connection between having experiences of this kind and opinions regarding having such experiences while working with people who are using drugs. Method: I used a quantitative method through a survey that was handed out to the students at t

Jag, du och vi i en mentorskapsrelation - En studie om mentorskapsrelationer som pedagogiskt redskap för lärande

Uppsatsen handlar om hur mentorskapsrelationen verkar som pedagogiskt verktyg för lärandet. I dagens samhälle kan mentorskap bland annat betraktas användas utifrån tanken om att främja det livslånga lärandet och som svar på samhällsutmaningar, såsom att bidra till att fler får kvalificerat arbete. Utifrån dessa tankar om mentorskap och utifrån dagens debatt kring utrikes föddas (icke-)möjligheter

Uppväxt i fel område? - En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar människors uppnådda utbildningsnivån i sydöstra Europa

Several studies have been made regarding if there is discrimination towards the Roma on the South Eastern European labour market. The main result in previous studies has shown that the salary difference between the majority population and the Roma is to a great extent explained by difference in attained education. This study looks at what factors effects education attainment with the aim to explai

Cloning, Purification and Characterization of Ribonucleotide Reductases from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Chlamydia trachomatis

Ribonukleotidreduktaser (RNR) är livsviktiga enzymer som är involverade i nästan alla levande organismer. Enzymernas uppgift är att omvandla ribonukleotider (NTPer) till deoxyribonukleotider (dNTPer), byggstenar som är essentiella för såväl DNA-syntes som DNA-reparation. Enzymernas aktivitet baseras på en radikal-mekanism som skiljer sig, vilket gör att RNRerna är uppdelade i tre olika klasser. UtRibonucleotide reductases (RNRs) are important enzymes that convert the building blocks of RNA (NTPs) into building blocks of DNA (dNTPs). dNTPs are used for synthesis of DNA as well as repair of mutated and damaged DNA. These cellular processes are critical to an organism. That is why these processes are found in various organisms. Since these processes are so essential, their allosteric regulati

Participation of urban social movements in city development processes. A case study exploring strategies of an urban social movement in Frankfurt-Bockenheim

Participation in urban development processes is increasingly demanded by citizens. In fighting for the ‘Right to the City’ urban social movements are acting as representatives of citizens and are incorporated within a complex network of power relations between several stakeholders involved. Theses power relations shape the extent of citizen participation in these processes. This thesis aims at con

Automatic fast DC static charging for EVs

With a growing trend of electrification of vehicles there is a need for more flexible and advantageous charging options that reduce EV limitations. To overcome these limitations,dynamic charge through Electric Road Systems (ERS) is in development, and fast charging stations are being deployed all over the world. This thesis focuses on combining the use of both technologies, attempting to use an EL

The returns of Hedge Funds- A comparative study of performance

In this thesis we test the performance of hedge funds against several fund specific variables, mainly fund size. As a measure of the hedge funds performance we employ both excess and risk-adjusted returns. The first part the thesis employs unbalanced panel regressions where hedge funds excess returns are run on several fund specific variables. In the second part several financial performance measu

Perfect sleep

At the time for the starting point of this master thesis, the Electrolux Healthy Home department where at a high extent looking into how a system of products that could communicate with one another could give the user a better experience in the home. Products that where looked into for coupling where for example an air purifier with a robotic vacuum-cleaner, maybe also coupled with any other

What to own when it all crashes

This paper examines which asset classes that has given the highest risk-adjusted returns during the period of 1914-2013, with a focus on financial crises. The portfolios have been produced by calculation and optimization of the Sharpe ratio as a measure of risk-adjusted returns. The analysis included Sweden, the U.S and Japan and consisted of 9 different asset classes: global stocks, domestic stoc

Is the archetype obsolete? A study of the present based on the past.

This project was based on a thesis about how product semiotics and aesthetics has defined a design standard for many products. Hence the development for those products may have stagnated. The proj- ect began by researching different products and domains to see how designers throughout the years had “thought outside the box”, to then try to see how much I could push towards that direction. The fi

Journey to the 'Alternative Hungary’: Viktor Orbán’s conception of Hungarian Identity in the Commemorative Speeches of the Last 16 Years – a Narrative Study

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s conception of Hungarian identity was set out to be revealed by observing twenty-five commemorative speeches delivered by him in the last sixteen years. The speeches were assessed through thematic narrative analysis. Research questions concerning (1) the use of historical narratives to strengthen national identity and prove the nation’s right to existence and

CapSenze Smart Software integrering med ASIC-biosensor

Den bioanalytiska plattformen är en produkt skapad av CapSenze för att detektera, identifiera och kvantifiera antigen i olika typer av vätskor såsom virus i blod, eller narkotika i avloppsvatten. Den bioanalytiska plattformen består av en biosensor som används för att analysera vätska, ett flödessystem som transporterar vätskan och en webbapplikation som används för att styra biosensorn och för at

Lobbying under revideringen av EU:s Tobaksproduktdirektiv - En analys ur ett demokratiskt perspektiv

This study examines the level of democracy with lobbying. We use Robert A. Dahl’s criteria’s for a democratic process as a measurement tool and the Tobacco Products Directive as an analysis unit. We compare the lobbying activities of two major lobby organisations during the revision of the Tobacco Products Directive. The two lobby organisations are in-house lobbyist groups and NGO-lobbyists, which

What Choice of Equality for Workers with Family Responsibilities?

Gone are the days when women were exclusively confined to care work in the private sphere and men dominated in the public sphere. Still, the increase in the number of women in gainful employment has not engendered a more equitable division of family responsibilities inside the family unit. In fact, the birth of a child often entails in itself a ‘re-traditionalisation’ of working and family pattern

Skevdelning vid äktenskapets upplösning - Behöver reglerna ändras? - En komparativ studie av skevdelningsreglerna i Sverige, Norge och Danmark

Denna framställning syftar till att analysera de möjligheter till jämkning av bodelningsresultat som återfinns i den norska danska och svenska rättsordningen. Utgångspunkten i arbetet är Anna Christensens teori om de normativa grundmönstren. Huvudprincipen i samtliga länder är att makarnas giftorättsgods, sedan avdrag för skulder genomförts, delas lika. Med samhällets förändring har undantag till The aim of this thesis is to discuss the possibilities of adjusting unreasonable results when dividing marital property. A comparative study of the relevant legislation in the Swedish Danish and Norwegian legal systems have been conducted. The premise of the discussion is Anna Christensen’s Theory of Normative Patterns. The main principle in all of the compared countries is that the spouses combin

The Meaning of the Logical Framework Approach for NGO-officials in Colombia - A phenomenological study of results-based management in development cooperation

The quest for effectiveness and results has become a top political priority in the international development sector during the last decade. One of the prevailing tools for effectiveness and goal fulfilment for development projects is the Logical Framework Approach (LFA). Implementing organisations, such as NGOs, are often obliged to use the LFA for planning, implementation and evaluation in order