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Reversed phase continuous full filling CEC-ESI-MS

Nanoparticles were used as a pseudostationary phase in capillary electrochromatography (CEC) electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) for separation of both neutral analytes by a reversed phase mechanism, as well as for cationic analytes by a cation exchange mechanism. Nanoparticles suspended in electrolyte, were injected as a plug prior to the sample using a partial filling technique (P

High-spin States in the Tz = -1/2 Nucleus 55Ni

High-spin states of the isospin T-z = -1/2 nucleus Ni-55 have been identified for the first time by means of the reaction Si-28(Ar-36,2 alpha n) at 143 MeV beam energy. The GAMMASPHERE array together with ancillary detectors was used to detect gamma rays in coincidence with evaporated light particles. The level scheme of Ni-55 comprising four transitions is compared to its mirror partner Co-55 and

Cryogelation of Chitosan Using Noble-Metal Ions: In Situ Formation of Nanoparticles.

One of the purposes of the project was to develop the method of preparation of 3D macroporous hydrogel with a structure of interconnected pores by the use of noncovalent interactions. The combination of chitosan and noble-metal complexes was investigated as cross-linking agents for the preparation of ionic cryogels (ICs). Furthermore, the treatment of the ICs containing gold complex by glutaraldeh

Population-specific Frequencies for LRRK2 Susceptibility Variants in the Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease (GEO-PD) Consortium

BackgroundVariants within the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 gene are recognized as the most frequent genetic cause of Parkinson's disease. Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 variation related to disease susceptibility displays many features that reflect the nature of complex, late-onset sporadic disorders like Parkinson's disease. MethodsThe Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease Consortium recently

Inner relative humidity and degree of saturation in high-performance concrete stored in water of salt solution for 2 years

The inner relative humidity (RH) and degree of saturation (S) of high-performance concrete cured for 2 years in water or 3% NaCl solution were measured at three different levels from the concrete surface (outer layer 0 to 16 mm, middle layer 16 to 32 mm, and inner layer 32 to 50 mm). The effects of many factors, such as water-to-cement (w/c) ratio, content of silica fume, and air content, were inv

Corrosion of steel in concrete

The research work that is presented in this thesis aims at mapping out the various mechanisms which control the process of steel corrosion in concrete. The process of corrosion is illustrated with a schematic model where the service life is divided into a period of initiation and a period of propagation. The time up to the initiation of the corrosion process is determined by the flow of penetratin

SHBG gene promoter polymorphisms in men are associated with serum sex hormone-binding globulin, androgen and androgen metabolite levels, and hip bone mineral density

Context: SHBG regulates free sex steroid levels, which in turn regulate skeletal homeostasis. Twin studies have demonstrated that genetic factors largely account for interindividual variation in SHBG levels. Glucuronidated androgen metabolites have been proposed as markers of androgenic activity. Objective: Our objective was to investigate whether polymorphisms in the SHBG gene promoter [(TAAAA)(n

Uncertainty propagation for SPECT/CT-based renal dosimetry in (177)Lu peptide receptor radionuclide therapy.

A computer model of a patient-specific clinical (177)Lu-DOTATATE therapy dosimetry system is constructed and used for investigating the variability of renal absorbed dose and biologically effective dose (BED) estimates. As patient models, three anthropomorphic computer phantoms coupled to a pharmacokinetic model of (177)Lu-DOTATATE are used. Aspects included in the dosimetry-process model are the

Near Field Effects and Estimation of Poisson's Ratio in Impact-Echo Thickness Testing

Based on the polarization and shape of the first symmetric Lamb mode at the zero-group velocity point (S1-ZGV), a novel approach for Impact-Echo thickness testing is proposed. In this new approach all three plate parameters (thickness, velocity and Poisson's ratio) are estimated from the same wave mode (S1-ZGV). A traditional approach based on a measurement of the longitudinal-and Rayleigh wave ve

Chachawarmi: Silence and Rival Voices on Decolonization and Gender

This article addresses the ‘ coloniality of gender’ in relation to rearticulated indigenous Aymara gender notions in contemporary Bolivia. While female indigenous activists tend to relate the subordination of women to colonialism and to see an emancipatory potential in the current process of decolonisation, there are middle-class advocates for gender equality and feminist activists who seem to fea

Spherical and Deformed High-spin states in 38Ar

Excited states in Ar-38 have been investigated by means of the heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reaction Si-28 +O-16. The level scheme reveals a subtle interplay between spherical, deformed, and superdeformed shapes. Large-scale shell-model calculations in the sd-fp space are invoked to study the microscopic aspects of deformation and shape changes.

Variation in BRCA1 cancer risks by mutation position

Previous studies have reported variation in BRCA1 breast and ovarian cancer risks with mutation position, suggesting that mutations toward the 3' end of the gene are associated with lower ovarian cancer risks. We evaluated the evidence for genotype-phenotype correlations in 356 families with protein-truncating BRCA1 mutations. In contrast to previous reports, the ovarian:breast cancer ratio associ

Clinicians' management strategies for patients with dyspepsia: a qualitative approach

Background: Symptoms from the upper gastrointestinal tract are frequently encountered in clinical practice and may be of either organic or functional origin. For some of these conditions, according to the literature, certain management strategies can be recommended. For other conditions, the evidence is more ambiguous. The hypothesis that guided our study design was twofold: Management strategies