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Influence of fissure inclination and confining pressure on the local behaviour of natural clays

In this experimental study the influence of fissuring orientation and confinement pressure on the mechanical behaviour of natural clays is investigated. The tested material, the scaly clay from Santa Croce di Magliano (south of Italy), is characterised by an intense network of pre-existing fissures of single orientation. Several plane strain compression tests have been conducted, under different c

Cool ways of using low grade Heat Sources from Cooling and Surplus Heat for heating of Energy Efficient Buildings with new Low Temperature District Heating (LTDH) Solutions. : Report on solutions for avoiding risk of legionella

Legionellae are bacteria that naturally exist in freshwater environments, but have also been found in seawater and soils. Legionella can cause illnesses such as Legionnaires' disease or Pontiac Fever where the Legionnaires' disease is a severe variant of Pneumonia and Pontiac Fever is a milder influenza like variant. Legionella bacteria can grow in domestic hot water systems (DHW systems) and in oLegionellae are bacteria that naturally exist in freshwater environments, but have also been found in seawater and soils.Legionellacan cause illnesses such as Legionnaires' disease or Pontiac Fever where the Legionnaires' disease is a severe variant of Pneumonia and Pontiac Fever is a milder influenza like variant.Legionellabacteria can grow in domestic hot water systems (DHW systems) and in order

Can Kings Create Towns that Thrive? The long-term implications of new town foundations

We examine the long-term effects of a series of Swedish towns founded by the Crown during the early modern period. Their advantage over rural parishes consisted in having monopoly rights to trade with the local hinterland. Since the optimum sites were occupied by medieval towns, the Crown could only aim for second-rate locations. Using difference-in-difference combined with Propensity Score Matchi

Use of Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors Associates With Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Men With Benign Colorectal Neoplasms

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors have been proposed to have chemopreventative effects on colorectal cancer (CRC), although data are needed from population-based studies. We performed a nationwide cohort study to investigate the association between use of PDE5 inhibitors and risk of CRC in men with benign colorectal neoplasms.METHODS: We identified men who received a dia

PAHs and soot formation in laminar partially premixed co-flow flames fuelled by PRFs at elevated pressures

This study investigated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)and soot formation characteristics in laminar jet flames fuelled by primary reference fuels (PRFs)at elevated pressures. Qualitative PAHs and quantitative soot profiles were acquired by using laser-induced fluorescence and laser-induced incandescence, respectively. The backpressure of flames ranged from 1 bar to 5 bar. Proper flames wi

The Malmö food study : The reproducibility of a novel diet history method and an extensive food frequency questionnaire

Objective: To assess the reproducibility of two diet assessment methods, an extensive quantitative food frequency questionnaire (method A) and a novel shorter quantitative food frequency questionnaire with a 14 day food record (method B). Design: A randomized prospective cohort study. Setting: General community. Subjects: 241 residents of the town of Malmö, aged between 50-69 years, 126 men and 11

Bra vallersättning och kompensationsstöd? : Hur kan olika utformningar påverka jordbruket, miljön, och samhällsekonomin?

Positiva och negativa miljöeffekterVallersättningen och kompensationsstödet leder båda till att arealen vall och antalet nötkreatur ökar kraftigt. Utredningen konstaterar att effekten av vallodling på biologisk mångfald, både när det gäller sällsynta arter och ekosystemtjänster, är otillräckligt känd. Kompensationsstödet gör det företagsekonomiskt lönsamt att hävda betydligt större areal permanent

Can better sex education tackle the rise in female genital cosmetic surgery?

It has been suggested that “comprehensive sex education” is part of the solution for the rise in female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS). This chapter represents the first attempt to outline what such sex education might entail. The strengths and weaknesses of sex education approaches are discussed. The inclusion of more accurate information relating to genital appearance and sexuality diversity an

The centrality of doubting and checking in the network structure of obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions in youth

Objective. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a heterogeneous condition with well-established symptom dimensions across the lifespan. The objective of the present study was to use network analysis to investigate the internal structure and central features of these dimensions in unselected schoolchildren and in youth with OCD.Method. We estimated the network structure of OCD symptom dimensions

A Round Robin of Fire Modelling for Performance Based Design

Nine participants, representing eight different Swedish fire consultancy firms participated in a Round Robin study where two different fire scenarios were simulated with the Fire Dynamics Simulator. The participants were given clear instructions on the building layout and heat release rate for the two scenarios. Still, the results demonstrate a significant variation in time to sprinkler system act

Växtskydd i raps, åkerbönor och ärter : Kunskapsbehov och forskningsinriktningar

Denna rapport är framtagen på initiativ av en fokusgrupp för växtskydd i avbrottsgrödor som bildats inom Plattform växtskydd vid SLU. Rapportens syfte är att identifiera betydande kunskapsluckor som behöver fyllas om ett effektivt och hållbart växtskydd ska kunna uppnås i raps, åkerbönor och ärter, som är de arealmässigt viktigaste avbrottsgrödorna till spannmål i Sverige. I sammanställningen besk

Binding of prothrombin to chyle chylomicrons: effects of temperatuure and calcium ions, and role of surface phospholipids.

The ability of chyle chylomicrons to bind prothrombin has been studied. Rat chyle chylomicrons were incubated with human 125I-prothrombin and binding was examined by separating the chylomicrons from free 125-I-prothrombin by density-gradient ultracentrifugation, and by gel filtration on Sepharose CL-2B. A significant binding of prothrombin to chyle chylomicrons occurred. The complex formation was