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GAD65 vaccination: 5 years of follow-up in a randomised dose-escalating study in adult-onset autoimmune diabetes.

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The aim of this study was to ascertain whether treatment of GAD65 autoantibody (GADA)-positive diabetic patients with alum-formulated recombinant GAD65 (GAD-alum) is safe and does not compromise beta cell function. METHODS: This Phase 2, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation clinical trial, which was randomized through a central office, was performed in 47 GADA-positive type 2 diabe

Impact of different topical negative pressure levels on myocardial microvascular blood flow.

BACKGROUND: We have previously shown that a myocardial topical negative pressure (TNP) of -50 mmHg significantly increases microvascular blood flow in the underlying myocardium in normal, ischemic, and reperfused porcine myocardium. The present study was designed to elucidate the effect of different TNP levels between -50 and -150 mmHg on microvascular flow in normal and ischemic myocardium. MATER

A consensus statement on clinical trials of bypassing agent prophylaxis in inhibitor patients.

Summary. The haemophilia literature increasingly contains reports describing the use of bypassing agent prophylaxis (BAP) in patients with severe haemophilia A and inhibitors. However, it is difficult to interpret and compare the results and draw conclusions about treatment efficacy because of small patient numbers and a lack of standardization among BAP studies. This article presents consensus re

Circulating Tumor Cell Number and Prognosis in Progressive Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

PURPOSE: The development of tumor-specific markers to select targeted therapies and to assess clinical outcome remains a significant area of unmet need. We evaluated the association of baseline circulating tumor cell (CTC) number with clinical characteristics and survival in patients with castrate metastatic disease considered for different hormonal and cytotoxic therapies. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: CT

Revisiting the role of business in welfare state politics: Neocorporatist versus firm-level organization and their divergent influence on employer support for social policies

The literature identifies two forms of business organization, Neocorporatist and firm-level, and the strength of each respective type has changed over time; whereas Neocorporatism has remained steady or declined, firm-level organization has become stronger in all countries. The literature underscores the differential effects of these two forms of business organization on employer support for activ

Wireless pH Recording Immediately Above the Squamocolumnar Junction Improves the Diagnostic Performance of Esophageal pH Studies.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The optimal position for pH electrode placement in the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the discriminatory power of targeted pH recording immediately above the squamocolumnar junction (SCJ) and to compare the results with those obtained by simultaneous recording at the conventional level for pH monitoring. SU

Low ambulatory blood pressure is associated with lower cognitive function in healthy elderly men.

INTRODUCTION: Low blood pressure (BP) has been found to be associated with cerebrovascular damage in the elderly. Studies of the relation of ambulatory BP to cognitive function in elderly persons aged 80 years or above is lacking, however. METHODS: Ninety-seven 81-year-old men from the population study 'Men born in 1914' underwent ambulatory BP monitoring and were given a cognitive test battery, 7

Early-term Birth (37-38 Weeks) and Mortality in Young Adulthood.

BACKGROUND:: Early-term birth (gestational age, 37-38 weeks) has been associated with increased infant mortality relative to later-term birth, but mortality beyond infancy has not been studied. We examined the association between early-term birth and mortality through young adulthood. METHODS:: We conducted a national cohort study of 679,981 singleton births in Sweden in 1973-1979, followed up for

Optimized adeno-associated viral vector-mediated striatal DOPA delivery restores sensorimotor function and prevents dyskinesias in a model of advanced Parkinson's disease.

Viral vector-mediated gene transfer utilizing adeno-associated viral vectors has recently entered clinical testing as a novel tool for delivery of therapeutic agents to the brain. Clinical trials in Parkinson's disease using adeno-associated viral vector-based gene therapy have shown the safety of the approach. Further efforts in this area will show if gene-based approaches can rival the therapeut

Effects of Peptide Secondary Structure on the Interaction with Oppositely Charged Microgels.

The importance of peptide secondary structure on the interaction between antimicrobial peptides and oppositely charged poly(acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) microgels of various charge density was investigated for EFKRIVQRIKDFLRNLV (EFK17). Through d-enantiomer (EFK17-d/a; E(dF)KR(dI)VQR(dI)KD(dF)LRNLV) or tryptophan (EFK17-W/a; EWKRWVQRWKDFLRNLV) substitutions, both conformation-dependent and -indepen

Effect of autoimmune diseases on risk and survival in female cancers.

OBJECTIVES: Patients with autoimmune (AI) diseases are diagnosed with increased frequencies of some cancers, which may depend on the underlying dysregulation of the immune system or treatment. Data on female cancers are limited. METHODS: We analyzed systematically risk and survival of female cancers of the breast, uterus, ovary and other genital organs in close to 200,000 patients diagnosed wi

Joint outcomes in patients with haemophilia: the importance of adherence to preventive regimens.

In patients with severe haemophilia, spontaneous bleeding into joints initiates a sequence of events culminating in disabling arthropathy. Early evidence from Sweden suggested that clotting factor prophylaxis improved patient outcomes. Recent randomized, controlled trials comparing prophylaxis with on-demand treatment have definitively shown that prophylaxis reduces bleeding and improves joint out

Plasma concentrations of growth arrest specific protein 6 and the soluble form of its tyrosine kinase receptor Axl as markers of large abdominal aortic aneurysms.

OBJECTIVE: The tyrosine kinase receptor Axl is expressed in the vasculature and Gas6 is the ligand. The extracellular part of Axl (sAxl) can be found in circulation. The aim of this study was to determine plasma concentrations of Gas6 and sAxl in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) and to evaluate if Gas6 and sAxl can be used as biomarkers. DESIGN AND METHODS: Immunoassays for sAxl and

Autoimmune kidney diseases.

The second most common cause of chronic renal failure is glomerulonephritis, which is a collective term used for numerous diseases with the common denominator of histological renal inflammation emanating from the glomerular tuft. Whether all forms of glomerulonephritis should be considered as autoimmune disease is debatable, but immune mechanisms are important in all of them. This review focuses o

Telomere length and LINE1 methylation is associated with chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood.

The frequency of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood predicts a probable cancer risk. The individual telomere length and methylation of repetitive elements may be susceptibility factors for chromosomal aberrations. A cohort of healthy Norwegian men (N = 364) recruited during 1980-1999 were analyzed for chromosomal aberrations in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes from peripheral blo

Cerebrospinal fluid total tau as a marker of Alzheimer's disease intensity.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this longitudinal study was to test the hypothesis that CSF biomarkers in AD patients also may be forward-looking measures that are associated not only with the degree and profile of cognitive impairment but also with changes in cognition over time. METHODS: Here, we assessed the association of CSF Abeta42, T-tau and P-tau with neuropsychological scores of disease severity,

Distribution of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1-positive stem cells in benign mammary tissue from women with and without breast cancer.

Isfoss B L, Holmqvist B, Alm P & Olsson H (2012) Histopathology Distribution of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1-positive stem cells in benign mammary tissue from women with and without breast cancer Aims: Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) in female breast tissue has been linked to stem cells, but little is known about the benign cellular organization in situ. We investigated the distribution of ALDH1-

Increased plasma levels of heparin-binding protein in patients with shock: a prospective, cohort study.

OBJECTIVE: Heparin-binding protein (HBP) is a potent inducer of increased vascular permeability. The purpose of this study was to examine plasma levels of HBP in patients with shock. DESIGN: Fifty-three consecutive patients with septic and non-septic shock at a mixed-bed intensive care unit were included, as well as 20 age-matched controls. Patients with local infections but without signs of shock

TLR3 in Human Eosinophils: Functional Effects and Decreased Expression during Allergic Rhinitis.

Background/Aim: Viral respiratory infections are increasingly implicated in allergic exacerbations. Virus-induced activation of eosinophils through Toll-like receptors (TLRs) could be involved. The present study was designed to examine TLR3 expression in eosinophils from bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) during symptomatic allergic rhinitis, and to evaluate the functional responsiveness o