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High-spin states in 212Po above the α-decaying (18+) isomer

The nucleus 212Po has been produced through the fragmentation of a 238U primary beam at 1 GeV/nucleon at GSI, separated with the FRagment Separator, FRS, and studied via isomer γ-decay spectroscopy with the RISING setup. Two delayed previously unknown γ rays have been observed. One has been attributed to the E3 decay of a 21− isomeric state feeding the α-emitting 45-s (18+) high-spin isomer. The o

Methods and Software for Digital Spatial Proteomic Profiling data

Utveckling av metoder och interaktiva webbapplikationer för analys av spatiell cancerdata. Immunterapi är en nyare behandlingsform som bygger på att kroppens egna immunförsvar tar sig an cancercellerna. Den är effektiv och leder i regel till färre biverkningar än klassiska behandlingar, såsom kemoterapi eller strålning. Tyvärr svarar inte alla cancertyper på Immunterapi. Äggstockscancer är ett exTechnical development often precedes scientific breakthrough but can also pose new challenges to the scientific community. This is the case for Digital Spatial Profiling (DSP), where recent breakthroughs allow for collecting multi-plex spatial proteomic/transcriptomic data from tissue and it is prophesied a promising future in cancer research. A challenge, however, is handling its output data with

Breton nationalism in literature, The construction of nationalism and a collective identity in the Barzaz Breiz, Le pain des rêves and Le cheval d’orgeuil

The present thesis focuses on the relationship between Breton nationalism and literature. The analysis is based on the questions how a historical narrative and a collective identity are created in three Breton literary works. The works analysed are the Barzaz Breiz, Le pain des rêves and Le cheval d’orgeuil. The method used in the analysis is a historical and literary narrative analysis, analysing

Long 3’UTR of Nurr1 mRNAs is targeted by miRNAs in mesencephalic dopamine neurons

The development of mesencephalic dopamine neurons and their survival later in life requires the continuous presence of the transcription factor Nurr1 (NR4A2). Nurr1 belongs to the nuclear receptors superfamily. However, it is an orphan member that does not require a ligand to regulate the transcription of its target genes. Therefore, controlling the expression of Nurr1 is an important manner to co

Influence of denaturants on amyloid β42 aggregation kinetics

Amyloid formation is linked to devastating neurodegenerative diseases, motivating detailed studies of the mechanisms of amyloid formation. For Aβ, the peptide associated with Alzheimer’s disease, the mechanism and rate of aggregation have been established for a range of variants and conditions in vitro and in bodily fluids. A key outstanding question is how the relative stabilities of monomers, fi

COVID-19-related impact on mental health and career uncertainty in student-athletes—Data from a cohort of 7,025 athletes in an elite sport high school system in Sweden

Objectives: Mental health consequences and behavior change has been described in elite athletes following the vast impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world of sports. However, most study samples have been of limited size, and few studies have assessed student-athletes. This study aimed to analyze perceived mental health impact, measured as clinical degree of depression and anxiety, worry about

Nature v/s Culture

In this volume, we present a selection of articles that aim to reconsider and hence redefine our constructed attitudes toward nature and culture. More specifically, the articles reveal the vital and mutual significance of nature and culture. It is obvious that themes of nature, ecology, Anthropocene are subject matters that are receiving more and more attention each day both because young people a

Unraveling compensation between electron transfer and strain in Ni-Ag-MoS2 photocatalyst

Despite the boom in catalytic response via constructing interfaces, understanding interfaces’ interaction in heterostructures is still a paradox. In this work, the interaction of Ni with MoS2 in Ni-Ag-MoS2 heterostructure are unveiled through synchrotron X-PEEM and what's more, the missing interaction mechanism at the Ag-MoS2 interface is probed via Raman mapping. The observed competition between

Mental health outcomes in parents of children with a cancer diagnosis in Sweden : A nationwide cohort study

Background: The diagnosis of paediatric cancer is a crisis for the parents who are the primary caregivers of the affected child. A comprehensive assessment of the longitudinal impact of childhood cancer on parental mental health and the potential sex differences between the parents is lacking. Thus, we aimed to explore the subsequent short- and long-term mental health outcomes among the parents of

Nurses’ work-related stress during the Covid-19 pandemic

Nurses’ work-related stress during the Covid-19 pandemicNagel C. Nilsson K. BackgroundDuring the Coronavirus pandemic, healthcare workers and primarily the nurses, were on the frontline. Many nurses have had to face exposure and facing higher risks to their own health. It is known that stress is a factor that can contribute to mental health issues and an increased turnover intention. Objective Thi

Nurses’ Work-Related Mental Health in 2017 and 2020 : A Comparative Follow-Up Study before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic put a lot of strain on healthcare organizations. Nurses account for over 50% of healthcare staff, and how nurses perform in their work is influenced by a number of human and work environmental factors. However, to our knowledge, there has not been a previous study with the intention to look at all areas that affect a sustainable working life and how these impact nurses’ menta

Psychiatric manifestations of inborn errors of metabolism : A systematic review

Inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) are characterized by deficits in metabolic enzymes as a result of an inherited disease, leading to the accumulation or decreased excretion of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Although IEMs are often diagnosed during childhood, adolescent and adult onset variants may be accompanied by less somatic and more psychiatric manifestations, which often hampers recogni

Edge Case searching for Autonomous Vehicles

In this thesis, a method that generates critical situations for autonomous vehicles with fewer resources was investigated. To produce these key examples, the strategy in this thesis explores optimization and reinforcement learning. These key examples are defined as Edge cases; these cases are situations on the border between safe and unsafe. To be able to search for them, in this paper, they are d

Thich Nhat Hanh and the Literature of Interbeing: Origins, Development, and Continuation

This thesis takes a look at the origin, development and continuation of Thich Nhat Hanh’s literature (TNH). To do so, I first establish necessary Buddhist concepts and situate them in relation to Western ideas. I take special interest in the role of mindfulness and the Insight of Interbeing. I then explore the role of literature in traditional Buddhism, taking particular interest in the kōan. The

Distribution Analysis of Impatiens glandulifera in Kronoberg County and a Pest Risk Map for Alvesta Municipality

Spridning och etablering av invasiva främmande arter har en negativ inverkan på biologisk mångfald, människors hälsa och ekonomin. Jättebalsamin (Impatiens glandulifera) är en invasiv främmande växt som finns med på EU:s lista över invasiva främmande arter och ska bekämpas i Sverige. Flera studier har gjorts angående växtens egenskaper, spridning och påverkan på invaderade områden. Syftet med denThe spread of invasive alien species poses great risks for biodiversity, human health and economies. Impatiens glandulifera, an invasive alien plant which has been listed in The European list of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern, is widely spread in Sweden. Multiple studies have been made regarding the plant’s characteristics, spread and impacts on invaded areas. The purpose of this study i

Analysing methods for visualizing time-series datasets in open-source web mapping

Geography is the study of knowledge in a given location, and history is the study of knowledge over time. The combination of changes over time has always been challenging to visualize in maps. The main aim of this thesis was to analyze differences between various methods used to visualize spatio-temporal data with open-source web mapping technology. The methodology of this thesis has been split in


During the 21st century, public diplomacy and branding received a new angle and application closely related with the meaning of securitization. Even though the importance of this meaning, researchers nowadays notice a research gap considering the three above-mentioned fields. NATO, as a popular security brand, represents an under-researched sui generis organization that gets involved with securiti