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Your search for "*" yielded 533588 hits
Synthesis of a 13C-labeled tool compound for diagnostic applications
Overconsumption and abuse of alcohol are common causes of disabilities and disease. In some cases, it can even lead to premature death. To detect alcohol abuse and overconsumption of alcohol, medical history, patient symptoms and different biomarkers can be used. In this thesis the alcohol specific phosphatidylethanol (PEth) biomarker has been of interest. PEth is the collective name for a group o
Att ha - En undersökning av Maria Lindbergs verk och dess allegoriska dimension
This thesis highlights how art with minimal forms of expression communicate allegorical by discussing specific aspects in the interpretation of Maria Lindbergs artwork Att Ha. This is done through a semiotic analysis complemented by a theoretical framework consisting of mainly allegorical theories. The purpose of this study is to understand the varying messages that are being produced by stressing
Analysing the Impacts of Using Direct Shipments in the Distribution Network for Spare Parts
Distribution is a part of the supply chain and refers to the steps taken to move and store a product from the supplier stage to the customer stage in the supply chain. Direct shipment is a concept within distribution and refers to shipping direct between a supplier and a retailer or customer. Distribution is considered a key driver for overall profitability of a company since it directly affects b
Annebergsskolan - en undersökning av normkritiska pedagogiska rum
The thesis investigates how a norm-critical perspective on learning can impact the architectural design, and the aim is not to challenge the school as a form but to mediate a more supportive learning environment. The norm-critical, feminist and public pedagogy highlights the necessity of change towards collective learning with the individual in mind that includes introvert and extrovert personalit
Try to Spell Marketing Without AR - Impossible
Mellan bokvagnsronder och läsfrämjande : en kvalitativ studie om sjukhusbibliotekariers arbete med det läsfrämjande konceptet Shared Reading i tider av sociala, kulturella och organisatoriska förändringar
Shared Reading is a reading promotion concept that originated in the United Kingdom and has, over the past three years, begun to engage various actors in Sweden including the Swedish hospital library. In the use of the method, health-promoting effects have also been identified, which is why Shared Reading has interested research in so-called medical humanities in a Swedish as well as an internatio
Heterodyne Detection using Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave LiDAR
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a technique that can change the way automated systems interact with their environments. The most common LiDAR systems used in industry today are based on the concept of Time-of-Flight (ToF) and utilizes pulsed lasers. Coherent LiDAR, such as Frequency-Modulated Continuous- Wave (FMCW) LiDAR, which operates with a chirped continuous-wave laser, offers advantag
Soil organic carbon prediction using Sentinel-2 data and the LUCAS topsoil database
Its carbon sink potential as well as soil fertility benefits make organic carbon a soil variable for which reliable quantification methods are sought. This thesis work aims at investigating the possibility of adapting a large soil spectral library to build models for SOC predictions with remotely sensed, multispectral data. For this purpose, the continental-scale LUCAS topsoil database was spectra
Bättre att fråga tio gånger än att gå vilse en? En tolkande forskningsstudie om att leda lärande inom elithandbollen.
Arbetslivet och idrottslivet har mängder av beröringspunkter där lärdomar kan utvinnas från varandra. Denna uppsats ämnar därför vara gränsöverskridande i sin karaktär och med hjälp av ett kvalitativt tillvägångsätt är forskningsstudiens syfte att tolka, förstå, analysera samt förmedla vilka tänkbara förutsättningar som kan påverka elittränares möjlighet att leda lärande samt hur ett kollektivcent
Klimatsmarta åtgärder för vårdboenden - en översyn av matsvinn och engångsprodukter på vårdboenden i Helsingborgs stad
Vårdboenden som vägvisare mot ett hållbart samhälle Vårdboendena i Helsingborgs stad har stora möjligheter att göra skillnad för klimatet och därmed visa vägen mot ett hållbart samhälle. Stora mängder engångsprodukter används på boendena men det finns åtgärder att vidta för att minska klimatpåverkan från samtliga. Det finns också god potential för att minska matsvinnet, bland annat genom bättre sDue to climate change, emissions of greenhouse gases must be reduced rapidly and natural resources must be used more sustainably. The public sector should lead the way to a more sustainable society and healthcare has been identified as an area that contributes to large emissions. The purpose of this study was to identify measures that can be taken to reduce the climate impact of the retirement ho
Circular economy among Swedish solar PV firms
Solel som tjänst- hur nya affärsmodeller gör solelsbranschen mer cirkulär Den pågående expansionen av solenergi ger upphov till frågor om hur vi ska hantera de framtida problemen med elektroniskt avfall. Innovativa affärsmodeller visar hur solelsbranschen potentiellt kan hantera problemet genom att anamma principer från cirkulär ekonomi. Den här studien presenterar hur 10 svenska solelsföretag seWhile the development of solar power is an important step in replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy, the fast increase in PV system deployment is projected to create large amounts of electronic waste in the next decades. Circular economy has been suggested as a key concept for changing society towards more resource efficient systems where products and materials retain their value along their
Inte helt överens: En studie av känslomässigt arbete hos personer i långvariga, heterosexuella relationer.
I denna studie har vi undersökt hur individer i långvariga, heterosexuella relationer upplever fördelningen av känslomässigt arbete i sina relationer och eventuella könsskillnader i denna fördelning. Vi har även undersökt om det finns ett samband mellan den upplevda fördelningen och självskattat välmående, samt huruvida individer känner till begreppet känslomässigt arbete. För att besvara frågestäIn this study we have explored how individuals in long-term, heterosexual relationships experience the distribution of emotional labour in their relationship, as well as eventual gender differences of this distribution. We also examined a possible correlation between this experienced distribution and self-evaluated well-being, as well as how familiar individuals are with the concept of emotional l
“I think this is very unique. Apart from my family they are the most important.” A case study on informal relations in a youth project
This thesis is based on a case study conducted during eight weeks in a youth project in Colombia. The project aims to support vulnerable youth from communities outside Cartagena into entering higher education and enhance their engagement in social work in their communities. The purpose of the thesis was to investigate how the relationships established in the project interplayed with the project’s
In Plain Sight
Covert surveillance officers lack special equipment to carry their essential tools during their surveillance jobs. Officers were interviewed about scenarios, needs and the current equipment as well as solutions. It was apparent that it could be problematic to carry essential tools in an organized and concealed way. A generic bag that anyone could carry without looking out of place was developed th
Hoten i Arktis med Sverige i fokus
In recent years, the Arctic has attracted focus, news media and authorities have made it clear that tensions in security policies have increased. To gain a further understanding of how Sweden (as a state) relates to the Arctic region, this study examines official sources using narrative analysis through the lens of securitization theory. This study examines how Swedish official threat narratives a
Sjukvårdsmaterielkrisen 2019
From the first of October 2019 there was a new supplier of medical equipment in five regions in Sweden. From the second of October we had a medical equipment crisis on our hands. This thesis aims to uncover why one out of five regions was practically unharmed by the supply shortage and if this was due to active measurements taken by the region authorities or something else. The study uses Lundquis
Improving High-Risk Consumer Credit Scoring with Financial Transaction Data
Credit scoring, the process of evaluating loan applicants with the help of numerical methods, is widely used in the financial sector. When used correctly, it can aid the decision process and lower default rates on loans. New EU regulation has allowed third-party actors to access personal banking information, following the applicant's consent. The increase in available information that financia
Omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska oro och stress hos barn med autism i samband med röntgenundersökningar
En röntgenundersökning sker i en högteknologisk miljö, som kan vara påfrestande för barn med autism, därför är det av vikt att en röntgensjuksköterska kan tillämpa olika metoder för att minska barnets oro och stress. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska oro och stress hos barn med autism i samband med röntgenundersökningar. Integrerad analys av nio artiklar
Krishantering och maktpolitik
In the beginning of 2020 the world experienced the most severe pandemic since the last globalization wave. In Scandinavia the COVID-19 outbreak was countered with similar aims but with different measures. When Denmark imposed extensive restrictions Sweden took a completely different path. This study investigates the reason why seemingly equal countries opted such different crisis management strate