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Studies of ADAMTS13 expression and activity in the kidney

Von Willebrand factor (VWF) is an abundant plasma glycoprotein involved in platelet adhesion and aggregation at sites of vascular injury. ADAMTS13 is the sole physiological VWF-cleaving protease, thus regulating the size of thrombus growth. Dysfunctional ADAMTS13 leads to thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), which is either due to mutations (congenital TTP) or auto-antibodies (acquired TTP).

Redesigning a closed-loop supply chain exposed to risks

Supply chain management includes coordination and motivation of independently operating partners. Therefore, it is important to align logistics structures, processes and incentives, especially when making major changes involving those components. Traditionally, cost, quality, and service have served as prioritized performance indicators for supply chains, but lately risk is also taken into conside

Cosmetic buying behavior: examining the effective factors

This paper reports on the results of a cross-sectional study that focused on the impact of attitudes, subjective norms and consumer innovativeness on intention to purchase cosmetic products. Beginning with the Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), several models have been proposed to conceptualize the complex behavioral and social proce

Photoelectrochemical Communication between Thylakoid Membranes and Gold Electrodes through Different Quinone Derivatives

Photosynthesis is a sustainable process for the conversion of light energy into chemical energy. Thylakoids in energy-transducing photosynthetic membranes are unique in biological membranes because of their distinguished structure and composition. The quantum trapping efficiency of thylakoid membranes is appealing in photobioelectrochemical research. In this study, thylakoid membranes extracted fr

Medical students in general practice: students' learning experiences and perspectives from supervisors and patients

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårdcentralspraktik är viktig för blivande läkare När du som patient besöker din vårdcentral, kan det hända att du erbjuds att få prata med och att få bli undersökt av en läkarkandidat, innan du träffar din läkare. Naturligtvis kan du tacka nej, men nästan alla patienter tycker att det är en positiv upplevelse. De flesta distriktsläkare är entusiastiska och duktiga handDuring the last decades considerably more of medical students’ clinical training has shifted into general practice. The aim of this thesis was to study medical students’ learning experiences in general practice, work-based assessment, and the perspectives of GP supervisors and patients. Results Senior students’ learning in a portfolio pilot was mainly on patient-centred communication, clinical re

Kinetic Modeling of Charge-Transfer Quenching in the CP29 Minor Complex

We performed transient absorption (TA) measurements on CP29 minor light-harvesting complexes that were reconstituted in vitro with either violaxanthin (Vio) or zeaxanthin (Zea) and demonstrate that the Zea-bound CP29 complexes exhibit charge-transfer (CT) quenching that has been correlated with the energy-dependent quenching (qE) in higher plants. Simulations of the difference TA kinetics reveal t

Possible presence and properties of multi-chiral-pair bands in odd-odd nuclei with the same intrinsic configuration

Applying a relatively simple particle-rotor model to odd-odd nuclei, the possible presence of multi-chiral-pair bands is looked for, where chiral-pair bands are defined not only by near degeneracy of the levels of two bands but also by similar expectation values of squared components of three angular momenta that define chirality. In the angular-momentum region where two pairs of chiral-pair bands

Serum neuron specific enolase - impact of storage and measuring method.

Neuron specific enolase (NSE) is a recognized biomarker for assessment of neurological outcome after cardiac arrest, but its reliability has been questioned. Our aim was to investigate what influence storage of samples and choice of measuring methods may have on levels of NSE in peripheral blood.

A randomised RSA study of Peri-apatite((TM)) HA coating of a knee prosthesis

Fifty knees scheduled for a total knee prosthesis were randomized in two groups. Both groups had a noncemented fixation of the porous-coated implants but one group received a prosthesis with ceramic coating on the porous surface of the implant. The knees were evaluated with RSA technique regarding micromotion the first two years. There were less micromotion in the coated group. The results indicat

EEG depression and germinal layer haemorrhage in the newborn

Amplitude integrated EEG (aEEG) recordings from 32 mechanically ventilated infants, gestational age 32 weeks or less, were analysed. All recordings were started within 24 h of birth and continued for at least 50 h. Germinal layer haemorrhage (GLH) was diagnosed by repeated ultrasonography. In six infants neither GLH nor hypocalcaemia were diagnosed; aEEG in these infants rapidly became more active

The use of single walled carbon nanotubes dispersed in a chitosan matrix for preparation of a galactose biosensor

Chitosan was chosen as a natural polymer for dispersion of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) based on its ability to efficiently solubilize SWNTs to form a stable dispersion. Moreover, chitosan films deposited on a surface of a glassy carbon (GC) electrode are mechanically stable. Further stabilisation of the chitosan film containing SWNT (CHIT-SWNT) was done by chemical crosslinking with glut

Adaptive immune responses in atherosclerosis - or how to prolong the use of your yellow socks

Popular Abstract in Swedish Drygt en tiondel av Sveriges befolkning lider av hjärt-kärlsjukdom som också är den vanligaste dödsorsaken. Många av de akuta sjukdomstillstånden orsakas av att en bit inflammerad blodkärlsvävnad bryts loss från sitt fäste i något av de stora blodkärlen, färdas med blodet och täpper till blodflödet i mindre blodkärl. Detta leder till syrebrist och celldöd nedströms om dAbstract Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease, but an unbalanced immune system plays a critical role in the disease development. A common theory states that a continuous stress to the vascular vessel wall initiates a repair process that however is insufficient to completely heal the tissue. This imbalance is associated with accumulation of cholesterol, which is an essential component of ce

CYP3A induction and inhibition by different antiretroviral regimens reflected by changes in plasma 4 beta-hydroxycholesterol levels

Objective and methods A member of the major human cytochrome P450 superfamily of hemoproteins, CYP3A4/5, converts cholesterol into 4 beta-hydroxycholesterol. We studied plasma 4 beta-hydroxycholesterol levels prior to and 4 weeks after initiating antiretroviral therapy that included efavirenz, ritonavir-boosted atazanavir or ritonavir-boosted lopinavir with the aim of exploring the usefulness of p

Adjuvant therapy in primary GIST: state-of-the-art

The management of primary gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) has evolved with the introduction of adjuvant therapy. Recently reported results of the SSG XVIII/AIO trial by the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group (SSG) and the German Working Group on Medical Oncology (AIO) represent a significant change in the evidence for adjuvant therapy duration. The objectives of this European Expert Panel meeting

Konstnärer är inte mer kreativa än andra

Vi väntar oss att konstnärer ska vara kreativa, men erfarna konstnärer är framför allt hantverksskickliga. I allmänhet är konstnärer inte mer kreativa än andra människor. De kompletterar en tradition eller etablerad teoribildning, precis som forskare. Men till skillnad mot forskare som har ett väldefinierat problem med en given om än okänd lösning via en föreskriven metod, arbetar konstnären med ö

Antisocial personality disorder as a predictor of criminal behaviour in a longitudinal study of a cohort of abusers of several classes of drugs: Relation to type of substance and type of crime.

Mixed findings have been made with regard to the long-term predictive validity of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) on criminal behaviour in samples of substance abusers. A longitudinal record-linkage study of a cohort of 1052 drug abusers admitted 1977-1995 was undertaken. Subjects were recruited from a detoxification and short-term rehabilitation unit in Lund, Sweden, and followed through c

Metal ion accessibility of histidine-modified superfolder green fluorescent protein expressed in Escherichia coli

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is frequently utilized for metal ion detection and quantification. To improve the metal binding potential of GFP, three residues (N146, F165, and L201) were substituted to histidines. Each variant responded differently upon interaction with metal ions. More than 80% of N146H, having the most accessible surface area, could bind to immobilized metal ions. However, onl